It should not take 10+ people to kill 1 frecking lib

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegioX, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. LegioX

    Seriously? In order to kill these frecking things before they run home to mommie and auto-repair you have to have a crazy amount of firepower hitting it very quickly. This is beyond pathetic how 1 unit can soak up so much ammo and run away giving the finger laughing, while everyone on the ground gets annoyed.
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  2. Goden

    You should have been here for the Great ESF SuperBuff back during the Amerish release. They buffed ESF's so much that rocketpods could kill a MBT in one pass, even to front-armor. That was fun! It sat like that until they finally nerfed them but only because the game lost so many players that it lead to the need of a server merge.

    And now we've come full-circle again. Not as badly, I don't think, but still showing that SOE has serious issues with handling aircraft balance. It's pretty clear they are not satisfied until aircraft are as close to BFR's as possible.
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  3. Shinrah

    You mean like you do for MBT´s / Lightnings / Sunderers / Harrassers and Galaxies? All VHC´s except the Flash can retreat and repair if only 1-2 people bother attacking them.
    The fact remains that one single Skyguard can keep at the very least one Liberator from doing any DMG. Yes, you might not be able to kill it before it runs, but the Lib wont be able to kill you either or anyone else for that matter.
    That means your 1man vehicle can successfully deter a 3man aircraft which requires significantly more certs on top to be useful.

    Also, this isn´t a 1vs1 game. It´s a massive multiplayer shooter, that means in large battles you will hardly be the only one doing AA, and once a certain amount of people is using AA weaponry it becomes ny impossible for aircraft to enter the battle without having to either retreat before causing dmg or simply gettin blown to bits.

    Also, depending on the terrain you choose to setup up an AA camp or your skyguard you will be able to keep firing on Aircraft for immense ranges. A good position on Amerish will allow you to attack a Liberator up to 1000m. So if there a few other people or aircraft also attacking that Lib it´s chance of escape is slim at best. And like I said, a Liberator is a 3man vhc, if you pop 3 skyguards or 1 skyguard 2 HA´s with Launchers you can easily take care of one Liberator.

    And if you cba to spend resources, well theres plenty of AA turrets around which are very good at scaring away aircraft or killing them if they overestimate their own durability.
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  4. Odders

    If it takes 10+ and you all fail, then it is not the game that is at fault.
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  5. RandomPostGuy

    What bothers me is that it takes 3 tanks to hold off a Composite Armor Liberator...
  6. Riddlley

    Well, it actually contains 3 people. 3 ESFs can take one down no problem. Could also try burster maxes, a sunderer with walkers or rangers.... Or a skyguard.... There are lots of ways to do it. If ten lockons are after me, I'd be leaving and NOT coming back, if I survive that many rockets.

    This hasn't changed with the patch. You are just seeing more than usual because of the patch.
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  7. BillBoBaggins

    You people not heard of lock weapons? Use them.
    If the libs are annoying you then they are doing what they are suppose to do,it is a GUNSHIP.
    Get a squad together to take them down AA Maxes,lock ons, you have the tools to do so.Stop whining like a big baby.
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  8. Akeita

    :eek: Much pods, wish I was there :eek:
    ( No wonder there's so much peasant reacting to air so much in the past )
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  9. Odin

    I don't fly or gun libs often but anything in the air getting a buff is good imho.
    Maybe a tank in this game will actually have a anti air secondary, I have like 6k kills in a esf and have never seen a tank with a aa secondary.
    I think it was a problem that tanks thought they were immune to having to pull aa duty at all even though it was available to them.
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  10. ZeroErrorz

    vehicle of any kind is a force multiplyier, so if your regular infantry joe worth is 1 since they are FREE , a liberator should worth more than that since it COST RESOURCE, the proper question should be how many esf or force multiplier you need such as esf,burster,sky guard, etc.
    (im not hoping infantryside to understand why a vehicle being more effective at killing Peasants, since the way the looked at my chariot of god is just like another peasant passing by)
  11. Koldorn

    Step 1: Find Liberator.
    Step 2: Die / Redeploy.
    Step 3: Return to Warpgate.
    Step 4: Release the SkyWhale
    Step 5: Glorious SkyWhale majestically soars back to occupied base of Step 2.
    Step 6: SkyWhale feasts.

    Depending on your level of Certs / Skill / Luck, repeat Step 6 indefinitely.
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  12. TheBlindFreak

    What what? Last time I checked, the liberator's dalton can wipe out a lightning before losing half its health.

    Not to mention a spray of tank buster on a pass before letting the gunner lose on it with the dalton.
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  13. Hosp

    True Story.
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  14. Jogido

    have you tried 10 G2A launchers?
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  15. Phukkitt

    A 3-man vehicle that costs resources needs to be able to withstand at least some damage and not be taken out by a single infantry using rockets that doen't cost resources.
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  16. Cinnamon

    Anti air secondary on tanks has always been useless to defend against liberators and without an AV secondary you are helpless against tanks. AA secondary is only really good to give some sort of deterrent to ESF when solo tanking.
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  17. Tommyp2006

    While I think that AA has it's own issues, a large part of the problem, at least on Waterson TR, is that people just don't pull AA often enough, though I imagine a large part of that is due to very little reward and the fact that you can't change weapons on vehicles.

    Then again, Waterson TR seems to have issues concerning pulling the right things at the right times no matter what the situation.
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  18. Kriegson

    Libs are fine. AA destroys them if they don't run, lockons as well. ESF's can tear them up.
    The actual counters to aircraft work quite well against them, and yes they are sturdy. They aren't planes so much as they are attack helicopters in terms of armament and function.
  19. Trudriban

    As Mattherson NC I feel your pain brutha, the problem isn't that G2A isn't powerful enough the problem is no one pulls it when they need to

    Pro Tip to the new guys reading this: the AA rocket launcher is just 250 certs. Might seem steep if you're just starting out but it's the most useful thing to grab if you plan on playing HA
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  20. Aydara

    Exaggerated but true in a sense. It's frustration more so then statistics, but very valid because nobody enjoys this aspect of the game. No vehicle should be able to outperform infantry on such a massive scale, resources or not. We hate farming machines.

    Skyguards are trash. They made the cone of fire on them so widely unpredictable that anything beyond a few hundred meters is impossible to hit with anymore then a handful of shells. I just won't pull mine anymore, decked out or not.

    Lock-on missiles are a huge running gag. By the time any lock is acquired the user has been one shot. If the wielder does get a shot off, the vehicle only has to point down and the missile will hit the ground right in front of the launcher (or in a magrider just hop and the missile goes straight up to the moon). If the missile does hit, it's a tickle, just an indictor to go repair and one shot the heavy trying for a second lock. I use the empire specific lock on and it still does poor damage when it hits. What a waste of time.

    Burster MAX is the only reliable AA, but far too weak to take on anything alone. They're good at killing inept pilots (those who think they can kill the flak5 MAX in one pass while being shot with extended clips). Luckily there are a lot of inept players.

    Most of you don't grasp what a dedicated MMO player does. We all have multiple accounts, and more then one computer. You do not really need to aim the canon, you only need to aim the craft. A lot of these Liberators are one guy who is flying with their alt, while their main racks up kills with the gun. We all are very adept at playing more then one character at a time, and this is one of the few places it works in PS2. This patch just made this way of farming certs easier, when single piloted gunships should be sitting ducks instead.

    This is why when you score a Liberator kill, you see one high BR death and one low BR death. The gunner, their main, and the pilot, their alt.
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