The problem with TR weapons.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by whitupiggu, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. cruczi

    Jaguar has 0.75 ADS speed and better hipfire accuracy (and slightly faster reload). It's meant for versatility in close quarters, whereas Lynx is all DPS.

    Also agree with the above, I find T5 AMC with its extremely stable firing and 40 round magazine to be quite competitive. Sure, Pulsar C has higher damage per shot, but the lower ROF means it only has a whopping 3.3% higher DPS than T5 AMC. In my opinion, the 33% larger clip more than compensates for that. As for NC, the Mercenary is pretty nice indeed at 167 @ 600RPM, but lacks the superior stability of T5 AMC, as it can't equip a compensator nor adv. grip.
  2. tf2hero

    i think the reason that people are mad is because the TR were supposed to halve the fastest firing weapons witch the do on entirely halve
  3. Duban

    The T5 AMC is sexy, and i'm saying this as a TR LA. Ever since they halved the AMC's first shot penalty about a year ago it's been an amazingly precise and yet user friendly weapon.
  4. NoctD

    Lynx has 0.75 ADS too, and the hip fire difference is so negligible with advanced laser. CQC is all about DPS, without it, you're so dead. The Jaguar seems to be a compromise weapon, more all rounded but fails for what you need up close.

    But yes, the T5 AMC seems to be a decent alternative to the Pulsar C and Mercenary. Do you use the Razor GD23 by any chance? Thinking of getting it on my NC.
  5. cruczi

    No I don't use the Razor. I've looked at it a few times and tried it in VR, but it just doesn't seem to have a unique role that would make it worth buying. Mercenary already works great as an all-rounder and has better DPS, AC-X11 has higher damage per shot AND higher DPS making it better for longer ranges, and any SMG or the GD-7F will outcompete it in shorter ranges.

    The weapon description says it has "controllable recoil, allowing it to outperform other carbines at long distances" but I just don't find this to be true. The horizontal recoil on it jumps all over the place and it can't fit an adv. grip. Slap a compensator and adv grip on AC-X11 and fire bursts, you'll do much better at long distances that way.

    EDIT: If you look at Gauss-S and fit it with the exact same attachments as the Razor, it feels just as controllable at long range, but has much better adaptability (under barrel attachments, 3x burst, 6x scope, SPA - all of which the Razor lacks) and slightly higher ROF, for only 250 certs more.
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  6. Akeita

    Razor have a slightly better attachment compare to the mercenary, and the reload speed is nice, hip fire is meh. You can turn into a headshot wizard someday with the razor, that thing can keep scoring headshot until the 6th shot... Still, I haven't use the Gauss - S yet so Idk how good that thing can be
  7. Latrodectus

    This argument doesn't work, I really wish people would stop using it. Certs and SC cost has nothing to do with how a weapon is balanced, all weapons in the same category should be side-grades, regardless of their cost.
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  8. MorganM

    Even if TR spends 1,000 certs they still end up with an inferior gun.
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  9. huller

    So to take stock that is:
    50-60 less velocity on CQC carbines
    Reload times bordering on those of LMG's
    and a lot more horizontal recoil
    And bigger CoF
    and lower RoF
    and being stuck in the 143 tier on every single carbine
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  10. zombieslore

    Not an inferior gun, 45 less rpm but 10 more bullets per mag + more reserve ammo, TR greatly benefit from ammunition pouch as each gives another full 40 mags instead of the regular 10, the stats between the GD-7F and the LC2 Lynx are not that different, the only difference is the 45 rpm the 7F has over the Lynx, the 50 velocity the 7F has over the Lynx, extra 10 bullets like all the other TR carbines, you will notice the difference when using these guns as they will let you kill 1 more person without reload, 7F having slightly (.26 seconds for short and .94 for long), and the accuracy being slightly better when aiming.
    It is not that game breaking and it is definitely not a inferior gun, their both side grades to each other, just depends whether you like having 10 extra per mag (40 total ammo pool) or 45 rpm (barely noticeable and quite useless due to the guns TTK vs server lag), velocity is still useless due to the fact that you shouldn't be using these at longer ranges because their CQC carbines, if you want a jack of all traits carbine then go for the T5 AMC with ADV. forward grip.
  11. zombieslore

    This is sidegrades, the GD-7F maybe slightly better then some carbines but it is quite balanced in retrospect, 45 rpm is not game breaking or OP due to server lag, TTK, etc and the LC2 Lynx is like a carbon copy except for very few details.
  12. zombieslore

    They do have the "fastest" firing weapon, no where in the lore or balance did it say that TR is suppose to be the fastest firing gun in EVERY category, it simply states that TR have the fastest firing weapons, just not in all the categories, and then people just assume that their suppose to have superior rpm in everything.
  13. DashRendar

    Just get rid of the GD-7F already, that's the only way to fix the problem with TRs weapons. The NC shouldn't be able to have anything that creates cross-factional jealousy. As long as the GD-7F exists, there is no way to diversify the Terrans lackluster Carbine choice. Nope. No way to fix that. Guns gotta go. Then the TR's Carbines would be fine.
  14. JeffBeefjaw

    TR weps have been nerfed into Mehness in general, why the TR pops slumped. The result of very little or no testing in-house compared to the wealth of testing we can all do as paying customers for them. Getting sick of this culture of ridiculous nerf and rehashed weapons, some continuity might be nice. SOE please demonstrate you know what you are doing because as it stands the constant rollercoaster of nerfs and buffs is daft. Here's hoping i'm not foolishly optimistic about the next balance pass...
  15. zombieslore

    Then NC will be at a disadvantage in CQC, or do you want everyone running around in SMGs or shotguns, I like the shotgun idea but it'll make NC useless at range.
  16. zombieslore

    TR have been brought down onto a more level playing field, striker is no long as OP so TR pilots and drivers will not have free farming anymore, the vulcan marauder was put onto a more sidegrade standard instead of being able to farm infantry and vehicles all day long.
    People left the TR because they could not play with their OP toys anymore.
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  17. DashRendar

    You have apparently never heard of the phrase "missing the forest for the trees" as my response was poking fun at that thought.
  18. zombieslore

    never heard at that and trying to convey tone in typing is quite hard, people often miss it unless its really obvious.
  19. Latrodectus

    Glad you think so, so we can just give all TR weapons a 45 RPM boost yeah?
  20. zombieslore

    sure, 45 rpm is barely noticeable but your gonna have to give a 5% boost to some other stat.