Anyone else hate the T9-CARV?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Admiralty, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Admiralty

    I sure do, that horizontal recoil is one of the worst I've ever seen from any TR gun. I've got a foregrip, IRNV, 1x and one of the 3.4x depending on the situation.

    I've made alts on the VS and NC, have certed out the Gauss SAW which makes it a beast, and the Polaris which I've felt to be very nice even without any attachments to it.

    Has anyone else had experience with the other factions' default LMG and feel like we got the short end of the stick? How/when do you use the CARV?
  2. Vikingo

    I like the T9 quite a bit acctually. It is a very capable close/mid range LMG. Seems to me that you prefer LMGs with longer ranged capabilities and in that case you have the T-16 or TMG-50 which both comes quite cheap if I remember correctly.
    I cant coment on the TMG since I have never used it in combat but the T-16 is a easy to control LMG with long range attachments.

    You cant really say that TR got "the short end of the stick" when it comes to starter LMGs, VS also gets a CQC LMG, NC gets a Long range LMG which sucks in CQC. Which one is best? You will get many answers because it comes down to preference.

    The Carv might not be your cup of tea but it certainly isnt a bad LMG.
  3. GrandpaFlipfox

    You're not wrong. The Orion is nearly just a better Carv and the SAW is in a league of it's own.
  4. Silvermyst

    I've heard it said that "Any noob who's played COD can get a good K/D ratio with the Orion"

    But I've never heard anybody say anything outstandingly positive about the Carv. Usually they send mixed messages. The best comments you get are in the "it's not bad if you use it right" or "i like it but I get how some people don't" category.
  5. Crashsplash

    I wouldn't put a 3.4 sight on it. Personally nothing except a NV or a reflex.

    It's a good weapon, if you think controlling it is hard try the carv-s. However, I will admit I stopped using it fairly soon after launch and invested in the T16-Rhino. Very controllable, not quite so good a close range but I can get kills at surprising distances - but even so I never put any other sight on it than a reflex.
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  6. vulkkan

    The CARV is fantastic. There's no other 100 round 750 RPM LMG in the game, and thus the CARV is godsend when you need to mow down clusters of infantry at close-medium ranges. Beyond medium, it's usually better to use a more range oriented LMG, but the CARV works great for me in 90% of engagements.
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  7. GaBeRock

    on the plus side, 100 round mag is great for ferreting out infiltrators. Just spam an area with shots until you start getting red x's over your crosshairs. Accuracy optional.
  8. Robertooooo

    I tried it today and i loved it. I instantly got a 15-20 killstreak :D
  9. vilehydra

    You can describe the carv-9 as a bi-polar girlfriend. It has a mind of it's own and you can't control or predict it. Probably just stemming from the ****** horizontal recoil that doesn't allow for any real mastery of the weapon.
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  10. Nakar

    Are people insane? The horizontal recoil basically auto-compensates for itself just fine. You can kill people out to 100m easily with appropriate bursting. The CARV is pretty much the best overall LMG in the game, it's good at practically everything.
  11. starlinvf

    I hate the CARV as much as the next NC, but its a far cry from what it used to be. Its no longer suitable for sustained fire, and feels awkward when short bursting.
  12. Commandertango

    I find that the T9-CARV id really good. However, there is a strange thing that happens if I aim down sights to quickly or something. The CARV's cone of fire will not be as if you were aiming down sights. More like hip fire. It is really annoying and I would appreciate a fix for that please!
  13. Bankrotas

    Back in my day of old flinch and non nerfed recoil Carv... That ****** was too damn powerful.

    Carv is fine weapon, I like it more than Orion as an allrounder. Funny, in those day, I wouldn't have imagined that I would play as TR at all. Screw you, Miller TR!
  14. LibertyRevolution

    The carv is great, as long as you want a weapon that fires randomly in all directions within the huge crosshair..
    I hate the carv... give me an Orion or EM6 any day over that junk.
  15. Fortress

    It is the most difficult starter LMG to use and it is the only one that really requires good trigger discipline.
  16. Takoita

    I remember hating the thing with a passion after that GU1 more than a year ago. After I've returned to it much later, I no longer share that opinion for whatever reason. Yes, either MSW-R or TMG-50 (or whatever works for you in TR LMG selection) will do better most of the time, but I find T9 a fairly solid weapon nowadays.

    As for practical advice, I suggest 1x, laser sight and shooting as if you don't have 100 rounds in your drum. Don't reload too often, you will likely not need it unless you have less than 40 shots left. If that doesn't help, then switch to something else - TR's selection in this category might not be too great, but it is certainly workable.
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  17. huller

    My 7k kills with it sprak for themselves tough i wouln't say no to a buff
  18. Odin

    Sure it is, lol
  19. Sotoma

    Go with the MSW-R and never look back, it's straight up better and if you really need 100 rounds to kill 1-2 people you'd be dead anyway.
  20. lilleAllan

    I actually prefer the CARV over the MSW-R.

    That 100 round mag.