This is the worst game I have ever played......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LegioX, Mar 6, 2014.

  1. nallar

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  2. Hosp

    Just adding an example of the poor client side hit detection. Last night, I killed a MAX...2 or 3 seconds later I drop dead and it says the MAX I killed had killed me. (Connery)
  3. Dis

    Worst game? No.

    Worst player base? Perhaps.

    But yes, horrid CSHD is an unfortunate side effect of size matters.
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  4. KnightCole

    Meh, NERF the STRIKER!!!!!!!o_O

    You have never played COD on Xbox live or LOL have you?
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  6. TomaHawk

    I noticed this after the release of the OMFG patches, not before. Same system, same ISP, same ping times. I am ducking behind the spawn shield only to continue getting hit and die. So I am literally 3 feet behind the shield when I drop. I suspect this is due to recent patches, as nothing else about my system or internet connection changed.
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  7. Mekeji

    I get about .5 second lag on hit detection. Basically once my shield is down in a skirmish I get to cover. By then one or two hits will register and I will have needed to duck anyways.

    However other than skirmishes I don't mind taking bullets to the face if I can take a couple down with me and leave room for others to come in behind me. Especially when it is thankful medics who appreciate me breaking the line and giving an opening to storm in.

    Playin' heavy assault like it is meant to be. Woot
  8. Alarox

    The CoD series isn't full of bad games, and the hit registration in them has always been pretty good.
  9. Bankrotas

  10. Planetdoge

    This has to be a troll. 80 ms feels smooth as butter on this game.
  11. Mekeji

    To be fair air is really annoying and hard to kill...until you spend a couple hundred certs to nab the grounder.

    Then it isn't bad because even if they air keeps being annoying I can be annoying right back forcing them to either crash and die or fly away and leave me alone.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    If you think PS2 hit detection is bad, you should see GunZ; The Duel. In that game, you only get hit if your own client thinks it got hit, and there is no latency compensation... so someone can play with 300 ping and be immune to all damage except what would hit 0.3 seconds in front of where they currently are. Everybody would constantly check the scoreboard to read peoples' ping and try to lead that amount - it was madness.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    I have a 50ping to waterson and I die well behind cover to some 300ms guy playing from the EU.
    This has nothing to with your ping, it has to do with the enemies ping..

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  14. AltF4Fun

    Jeah,but most of them are bad games for me.From the first one it just went downhill,the 4th one was okish from there on just garbage.I never claimed the hit detection was bad in COD,who told you that?We were talking bad games...;)
  15. Alarox

    They're not bad games. They're games you don't like, but they're not bad. That was my only point. There's some weird stigma this game seems to have from people who have never even played it, and I like to clarify.
  16. AltF4Fun

    I sadly played most of them long enough till MW2 after that it just got stupid.Even some diehard fans I know jumped the ship after they saw MW3.Im just spreading my opinion here.I never claimed the whole world thinks.We all just spread our personal opinion in this forum,and this one is mine.If you dont like it,thats your thing.I even put "for me" in it....
  17. Alarox

    I am, in no way whatsoever, making a personal attack on you. I'm not even trying to be antagonistic. I was just explaining why I replied to you in the first place.
  18. AltF4Fun

    I didnt take it as personal atack. I just didnt really get your reply. Just my opinion nothing more:)
  19. Sarcasmo

    Please see: Ride to Hell: Retribution.
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  20. Aydara

    In this respect, yes, yes it is.

    They need 'second look' code to retain packets. You people with high speed connections and very fast computers won't like it though. You will all die like our clients show you dying, only it will have to be 'bleeding to death' because it is after the fact.

    "PS. If you are aggressive and move you will ALWAYS have advantage because you will always be ahead of where your data says you will be. Which is why players that stand around on defense will always be dropped first. "

    No, that's just not true. The client with the fastest total processing and upload will win any encounter that happens within the twitch timeframe that is required in a silly game like this one. You just don't grasp UDP yet and the way it deals with packets in the real world. Text is always bullspit guy, while controlled internal testing is always a bold lie. That is why college graduates make poor employees. You need to see it real world with the broad spectrum of machines and connections to understand why it's a horrible code base to work from for this kind of application. Which takes a long time, years of time. (TCP is not better, it's just more fair with slower real world results.)

    You see, most of us with moderately well endowed computers and the best connections we can get in our area are actually always killing you people just as much as you kill us. Our clients show every hit. You guys just don't grasp the nature of the beast, and have no clue I just pumped a full clip directly in to you as your client never tells you so. You win the packet war and therefor you win the fight, or so you think on your end. This is all the proof needed to tell you that this game has one pass code, as it is discarding my packets as 'never happened'. That is very, very unfair.

    I always win against people with clearly worse connections and I always lose against people who obviously have very fast connections (they are not even facing me when they shoot me and are all over the place instead of moving seamlessly on my client.) When I pull my weapon that is... 50/50 I do not bother.

    Also people, stop it with the 'ping' nonsense. Ping means nothing, it's just an echo tool for testing if a connection is live. You guys are so brainwashed. There's a lot more to it, and there is also a limit to it. Truth be told this issue only has work-arounds, there is no real fix. Electrons are just not fast enough, and the internet is built like an after-thought. (Light in a vacuum isn't even fast enough.)

    Now back to dying ten times in a row to people flapping their chicken arms around, while I don't care anymore. If I get a 0.1 K/D I will just call it an achievement.
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