Some Weird Language In New Update's Code

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nulgath, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Nulgath

    I usually paste the code to see whats new because SOE doesn't reveal everything they nerf to you...But I came upon this line well hid but I can't figure out the language, what is this and what this means can someone help me here?

    Establishment/"ext"/Factions_AI/Content-Update-notice-for-summer-2015-(TAAXA)-code_C++-Dist-sar 2015 kruziik lahvu wil alok nol dilon ahrk fen rahgol grah nawah hin lahvu
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  2. doombro


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  3. z1967

    I am at least 90% sure that is dragon tongue from Skyrim. I have absolutely no idea what it means though.
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  4. Wobulator

    It's a secret message in Orcish
  5. Yuukikun

    ''know too much'' ... ''sending agents'' ... ''exterminate''
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  6. Nulgath

    If you say its dragon, then how to decode it?
  7. Hatesphere

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  8. Typhoeus

    Dragons in ps2 due for 2015!
  9. The Rogue Wolf

    Okay, I ran this through Google Translate, and it came up as some weird language called Tengwar. Something like "one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them".

    C++ is weird.
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  10. Nulgath

  11. Hatesphere

    PVe event confirmed for 2015 :p
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  12. Nulgath

  13. VogonPoetMaster

    So it's official: Planetside is going fantasy. NC will wield longbows, TR recurve bows, and VS crossbows (high-tech!). MAXes will be playable trolls. Aircraft will be mounted dragons / wyverns, etc. Flashes will be horses, lightnings will be armored horses with lances, prowlers will be trebuchets, etc..

    Can't wait to FUS RO DAH a MAX off a tower!
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  14. SinerAthin

    Pfff, just because we're going fantasy doesn't mean we'll have to go medieval as well.

    Look at Warhammer 40K for how sci fi and fantasy mix :D
  15. Nulgath

  16. Nulgath

    Sounds more like Shooting alien ai along with war against the 3 factions...
  17. IamDH

    what the..

    I have heard the word "Rahgol" before. Not sure where tho
  18. Crackulous

    Skyrim throwback right here.
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  19. Galium

    Tengwar is a factional language created by JRR Tolkien for Lord of the Rings.
    However, when this is put in Google translate it thinks it's Javanese and can't actually translate most of it.

    It seems it actually is the Skyrim Dragon Language.
  20. Wafflepancake

    It's strange to be sure. IF the code is indeed in there, I'm wondering how bethesida feels.
    Also interesting to note, the UI elements are from Free Realms :p

    Also perhaps you can paste the path where you found this information?