SOE "Yes we Understand that the AV MAna Turrets are broken"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AbeFR0MAN, Mar 1, 2014.

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  1. AbeFR0MAN

    Thats all i want to hear. Having something kill me that I have no chance of killing or defending myself against is so bad I can't even continue playing. The render distance and damage is a joke. I am a paying customer, I have a membership as well as paying for many other different items. Please tell me this is at least on the radar of SOE.... WILL NOT PLAY ANOTHER SECOND UNTIL THIS IS DEALT WITH. <<< ARMOR SPECIFIC PLAYER
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  2. AbeFR0MAN

    Thanks for the bump
  3. KnightCole

    Turrets just need max ranges, ammo limits and deploy limits

    Like one ACE tool is one turret..if you want another resupply.
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  4. hawken is better

    Meh. AV turrets seem to be a nice, solid hardcounter to vehicle srubs camping out looking for easy kills.

    AI MANA turrets are just as annoying.
  5. MarkAntony

    That would be too much. Max range 400m+ guaranteed rendering up to 400m would be enough.
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  6. Goden

    SOE's silence on issues like this is almost worse than the issues themselves.
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  7. KnightCole

    No, it really wouldnt.

    Its ******** how the engi has unlimited turrets....
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  8. MarkAntony

    Guess we are just gonna have to disagree on that one.
    The only thing I consider to be OP on this weapon is the range + render problems.
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  9. Bigeasy1

    The mana AV, for its non existent resource cost and infinite supply does a better job of destroying Armor than a Heavy Assault.

    The fact that the engineer can effectively engage and destroy you long before they render is so broken, so glaringly game breaking, that quite frankly I am astonished that SOE has not put in the time to balance this. For its range, ease of use and deployment and mind-boggling damage, the mana AV is hilariously overpowered. An entire platoon of armor can be brushed aside by 3-4 mana AV turrets with the tankers unable to even see what is hitting them because of render distance.They have no chance to fight back, no chance to push forward and no chance to retreat.

    Possible fixes are numerous and easily implemented:

    1. Set max range of mana projectile to infantry render distance. This is the most simple and obvious solution. Mana turrets still have wire-guidance and high damage, but are vulnerable to counter fire from the tankers they are shooting at. Fair fight, everyone wins.

    2. Remove wire-guidance and make the missile a dumb fire. This is also easily implemented. Makes long distance shots on moving targets very difficult, but at close to medium range it can still be effective. An increase in ROF would probably be necessary. This is my personal favorite as it places the engineer AV turret into a more supportive role (where it belongs) when it comes to AV work, leaving the bulk of the heavy lifting of AV to the Heavy Assault (where it belongs).

    3. Make the Turret cost resources and/or have a spawn time. Easily implemented, and prevents spamming. Destroying an AV turrets actually means something other than a small trickle of XP.


    The time for action was months ago. Everyone knows this weapon system is OP. The natural counter to the engineer turret is the sniper, but considering that the engineer can effectively engage targets FAR outside if infantry render makes this a moot point. The AV turret also has an enormous hitbox that makes head shots inconsistent at best and downright impossible at worst which is most of the time.

    Until the AV turret is corralled, vehicle combat will be broken in this game.
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  10. Chipay

    They've already said (on Command Center 22 i believe) that they are aware of the issues players have, and that they've tried multiple things like reducing its range to try and fix it. Though they haven't found a working solution.
  11. Voiidd

    hmm.... well good sir, since you're a paying customer they(we all) should bow and scrape before you in reverence I presume.
    See, the idea in the free parts of the world is that you don't own the people working to provide you a service.
    Your ideas/suggestions/requests/criticism "should" be good/decent/respectfull/well laid/clear enough to stand on their own without the need to be backed up by whether and/or how much you have spent in the game. Ok... back on topic.
    • It's maximum effective distance was already reduced,
    • You can spot them at range and snipe them your main turret or secondaries, seeing as you're NC I assure you, the Titan(any), enforcer AND Halberd do wonders.
    • They're Anti-Vehicle turrets. If they're not effective at AV duty, they're useless.
    • If their range was lower then 300m the TR and NC would be at a noticable disadvantage due to the VS having the Lancer, not to mention at those ranges the Phoenix does a lot better, both at hunting down vehicles AND turrets, which would leave the TR at an even worse spot.
    • If their damage was nerfed it would be made to require one more missile to kill an MBT, which by itself would hardly make a difference at all, since usually you rarely face a single AV turret and even then one more/less hit won't make you whine less.
    • A single sniper can make wonders with any group of turrets.
  12. Madcat9

    I think the problem with AV turrets is that they are more fragile to their actual target than AI turrets and require you to be far away from the front lines to be effective rather than in a defensive position against a vehicle advance.
  13. Halon

    They rarely kill me, if ever, but they are really annoying.

    When the enemy uses AV turrets, instead of getting to play the game and combat enemy armor, I get to shoot at disposable pixels that cost no resources, have infinite ammo and don't render. The hopping on and off of them to exploit render priority while the turret is cooling is a laughable mechanic.

    They're annoying because they're annoying, because their supposed counters barely even notice them. Good luck finding a sniper to bother with them at that range or getting aircraft near the wall of flak and lockons from the next base over.

    Instead of playing the game I get to babysit the one AV user that set up on our empire's flank. It's not fun driving a tank 425 meters each way off to the side to kill one engineer for ~1 cert which was the case with my last AV engy "battle".

    Look at requiring it to be manned for it to cool down and "balance" its guided range by half.
  14. Voiidd

  15. Halon

    See a tank shell coming? Just bail from the AV turret to stop rendering. If it gets destroyed, no worries, just drop another one nearby for free. If your first turret survives and you want to fire it again, don't worry, it was reloading without you. Can't lead a target? These rockets are guided.

    EZ mode.
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  16. JudgeDeath

    All we need with AV turrets is that render is fixed.

    Force the attached infantry to share the vehicle render distance, otherwise you cant snipe the gunner and shooting at the box with infantry weapons is pointless.

    Make sure you change the long range render statistics so that the turret box is shown as a static box item on long ranges, not the base triangle of the turret like it is now. (Tanks without turrets feature)

    That pretty much fixes what needs to be fixed.
  17. grazr

    It's not so easy to time getting in and out of the turret and there is a whole second delay when mounting and you can get stuck in the animation (that doesn't exist yet). Even if you do manage to exit the turret, you'll still take 75% damage from the shell with tier 4 flak armour unless you manage to clear the turret entirely.

    But being able to spam turrets is a joke, they should have a limit like grenades/mines to offset the unlimited ammo and cost infantry resources to prevent spam, even if it's just 50.
  18. Pacster

    Cry me a river. Tank drivers are pissed that they can't shell spawnrooms from far away without any risk...that's all. As infantry you can't do anything against far away tanks(especially not as Vanu where even the MAX AV comets travel like snails)....the dumbfire rockets don't do enough damage, the bullet drop sucks big time, they travel slower than tank shells and the tanks always know where they come from(cause they can only come from the spawnroom since you just don't have enough rockets with you to be of any use if you are far away from terminals).
    The AV-Mana turret is the ONLY thing that keeps infantry from feeling completely useless vs tanks on medium to long ranges. On the other hand the turret s completely useless in close combat(where C4, mines, comets, dumbfire rockets etc. work). So all fine....

    Annihilator should be buffed tho. Make it a serious choice for tank drivers wether they want smoke or not...instead of making it a no brainer cause annihilators are useless unless used in larger well coordinated groups.
    If the Mana-turret is performing much better than the other AV-options then it's not cause the turret is too strong...but because the rest is ridiculous weak....
  19. MarkAntony

    You are wrong. Turrets do not render like maxes or vehicles.
  20. Regpuppy

    The problem was never the ammo. Because honestly, anyone by an engineer with some sense has infinite ammo anyway. They can also match or beat the damage output in some cases too, within their ranges. The issue mainly just the turrets impressive range of "to render distance and beyond" and so a nerf to their range would be enough. The ammo limit is just overkill.
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