Rocket launchers vs Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stix6029, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Ixidron

    It's not just the killing potential, having 30 HAs spamming rockets all over the biolab kills the fun of the fight, most of the time you can't cross a door, leave the teleport room or the air pads because you'll take a rocket to the face, I bought flak armor, and I use it on all my classes, but it doesn't matter, rockets deal more than 2000 damage to infantry.

    It's a cheap way to kill and it kills the fun of infantry fights, not rocket launchers per se, but the spam of them.

    I've made a thread about possible solutions to spam
  2. TheMercator

    Poor MaxTexas :D
  3. AltF4Fun

    I dont consider them to be op or something. They just sometimes feel like a cheap kill. I just despise them on a particula place,and thats jump pads. People come flying fire a rocket and fly back. This argument that something should kill because it kills in RL is not that great. If that is the deciding factor in balance,my GL should also kill on contact. And hell,I would never want that.
  4. JackD

    I feel reminded on the Dalton discussion :D Lets see where this goes
  5. Rift23

    Sniper rifles have so many hamstrings attached it's actually hilarious when I pull my heavy and only need to compensate for the drop to kill somebody (using a BASR is a great way to practice for this btw) at long range with barely any effort otherwise. Best kill I ever got so far was a random shot into a guard tower on esamir while running (figured, what the hell, someone's probably in there) and blew up a medic trying to rez people.
  6. lilleAllan

    I think SoE should:
    • Buff rocket velocity to make dumbfire launchers better vs vehicles and maxes at range.
    • Nerf damage so dumb fire launchers won't one shot infantry at full health.
  7. Pikachu

    Shooting infantry with rockets have been the same since day one. There was not been any increase. I hardly do it since PU2 because of the change to velocity and drop to them all.
  8. Tommyp2006

    This, no smart player would ever rely on their RL to get them kills, because the LMG is much more efficient. The only time I ever use mine on infantry is if either A. A buch of them are grouped up or B. I go in somewhere with the intention of shooting a max and and I don't see the max but there are infantry there.
  9. JesNC

    I really don't care about infantry kills with rocket launchers, but if they reduce the dumbfire damage and I can no longer OHK ESFs with it I'm going to hold you personally responsible for the change!
  10. lilleAllan

    Don't worry,I'm all for shooting lolpodders with dumbfire launchers. :)

  11. DQCraze

    Only time I see rocket launchers vs infantry is in crowded areas, So to mw they are like an RPG minus the splash damage, which I think is fine. I have no issues with its current setup.
  12. Ixidron

    Why not buffing flak armor so at level 3 and avobe you can resist a rocket?
    I mean adding a secondary resistance to rockets.
  13. hostilechild

    They were suppose to make it so Flak armor mitigated direct hits from rockets also. I haven't tested it since the supposed change.

    So if don't want to die to rockets, where flak. Great for towers thats for dam sure with all the grenades and rockets. Be nice if flak helped against shotguns too :p
  14. maudibe

    How about the replay showing i am lieing killed at the feet of the enemy infantry who DIDN"T DIE when the tank round got me? How can a tank round get me but leave a group of enemy surrounding me completely unharmed? This is a total give away to tankers who blast bases and rarely kill their own and have their weapons locked. A tanker is much more llikely to get weapon lock running over his own troops than blasting into the base as for some reason the rounds that kill the enenmy DONT KILL HIS OWN TEAM.

    I play HA alot and am usually carrying my ock on to line up a tank or plane when 'surprised' by an emeny so i have no choice but to use the RL. I would 'choose' to have my primary out instead as i have much better luck with that, but i occaisonly get lucky and why ***** when you get hit by a rocket and die? talk about a skill shot, its very difficult at 20-30 meters to actually hit someone and i used to aim for their feet feeling that no one could survive a close hit but realized this wasn't like far cry where you had a RPG go off anywhere near you and you died. Here only a direct hit will kill you. Aiming for doorways where Maxs are lurking trying to keep anyone from coming in is a no brainer, once in a while you'll get lucky, same holds true for the tons of grenades tossed.
  15. bPostal

    You want a realistic rocket launcher? Add backblast.
  16. Wobberjockey

    the irony that this was made by an NC player, when the NC gets a tv guided missile...

  17. JesNC

    ... which is the most inefficient and useless launcher for engaging infantry next to the no-dumbfire-lockons. What's your point again?
  18. Dis

    Reading these responses, it's all becoming clear.
  19. Ixidron

    And make them only able to fire while crouching or this happens:

    • Up x 2
  20. VoidMagic

    The minute rockets don't one shot infantry, is the minute infantry begin shielding maxes and armor and sundies with their bodies.

    Honestly, dumb fire rockets could use a buff and by buff I mean damage, and area of effect not velocity. HEAVY ASSAULT is for heavily assaulting. Why is it that LA + C4 is so much more effective... I call shenanigans. If someone brings up infantry resources... fine 2 deci's kill a Sundie 1 for Maxes and Tanks.

    Snipers get free OSK on HA now... Tanks eat us basically for breakfast... yet we need to nerf rockets... nah... I don't think so.