Another change to weaken smart play.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vanus Aran, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Vanus Aran

    You cant throw Tankmines behind an Energyshield anymore.
    THIS WAS THEIR ONLY USE that I ever saw beside using them as alternate-C4.
    I thought maybe it was just the distance but I was like 2 meters away and they still exploded.

    How lame. Why is Sony not removing them entirely if they hate them so much?
    People see this mines every time and since every Moron-Sunderer has the Shielddefusor now, base-shields have become even more worthless as anytime before.

    Why is Sony hating smart playstiles so much? When everyone became the same cause all individual playstiles are destroyed, then this game will die.
    Planetside2 will never last 5 years this way because other good games are always on their way.
    Sony are you even seeing that you are destroying everything that made Planetside 2 epic???

    Apparently the biggest plus for Lattice was to animate big battles and to stop ghostcapping.
    You will have small battles all over the place and lots of ghostcaps if you just dont stop to make the game more boring and a lame excuse of an interactive movie that is restricted in choice most of the time!
    Cause players will LEAVE if they have tried everything out, thats the not sad and dull reality.

    Play your way? Haha how funny.
    Creative use of Spawnbeacons, denied.
    Tankmines to secure Hangars, denied.
    Biolabroofchanges to bully all who arent Lightassaults.
    Senseless no-deploy areas for Sunderers (beside other Sunderers).

    You want to create a living, realistic Auraxis?
    Then stop chasing away the people you need to make it so! Otherwise you will never archive that.
    Stop trying to restrict people. Stop trying to force playstiles on them! Its - not - working!
    Its just boring and annoying!

    Give people a reason to lay mines out. Make them certable so that even max-flakarmor does not rescue someone against them. And make it so that they dont disappear after you leave the hex!
    And give hopelessly outnumbered people an advantage to face a zerg instead of leaving the area (what makes the problem just worse or the job of the attackers boring as hell).

    I have yet to see more people in the doing something I have not expected.
    There was something actually in the last few days but its a matter of taste if that was a good experience.
    I deployed a Sunderer in Hvar's Hangar, the one with the tunnel-exit.
    Outside the enemy zerg swarmed the place and surrounded the building.

    I thought thats it, a Shielddefusor-Sunderer could come throug the Energyshield any second now.
    But no one came. Even tough the enemy outnumbered us greatly. This confused me. My Sundy is one with 2 Bulldogs but I doubted it would be enough to ward off an enemy attack.

    Then the enlightenment reached me. They could have done it but they didnt had the guts to do it.
    Or the brains... whatsoever. Still the enemys forces stormed the Capturepoint. I undeployed and even successfully made an dramatic escape.

    This leaves me with some dry aftertaste.
    Of course my Sunderer could not use the Bulldogs to help the Capturepoint but even so if helped the defenders to reach the Capturepoint alot faster.
    Still the braindead, obviously unorganized Lemmings could storm the place just by numbers.
    There was nothing we could do to stop them. (close to 25% vs 75% population)

    I would have tried a Tankmines-suicidrun against one of the enemys Sunderers but due to the hatred against effective tactics even against gigantic zergs in form of unrealistically not exploding tankmines if you blow a single one up... and the fact that I cannot even properly guide my Spawnbeacons Hotdrops anymore...
    ... there was really nothing to do beside deserting the battle.

    Good job Sony. I hope the attackers get bored to death.
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  2. Xien

    lolol You think Sony cares? This is just a temporary cash cow until they drop their next pay2win game on the market.

    Also asterisks - ASTERISKS **** **** *** ***.
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  3. Santondouah

    So, you're telling us that throwing mines in the exit of a vehicle spawn is smart play... I feel so bright, thanks.
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  4. Vaphell

    yes it is, it's a tax on carelessness of people not bothering to check obvious cheese given that mech pads are places with a high probability of vehicles by definition which means highest ROI. 1+1=2

    I've heard landing pads of jumppads are affected too. This one is pure nonsense, because you aren't even forced to land on them.
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  5. Vanus Aran

    ........... I didnt even knew that.
    Sony should just remove mines from the game.
    Then I dont have to die cause they magically explode when I drop them.
    Or people see and remove them anyway or run through them with Flak-armor.

    Until no one uses them anymore.
  6. MasonSTL

    Are you saying that you can't throw them inside of the defenders vehicle bay?
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  7. Posse

    Because using proxy mines requires so much skill and intelligence!!!!!!!!!11

    Come on, it's the cheapest possible way to get kills, as it is right now it's completely over-rewarded, especially when you can drop them in places where it's impossible to see them before stepping on them (such as jump pads)
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  8. z1967

    What if dropping them on the jump pads caused them to go flying up or in the direction of the pads? That would be great/hilarious.
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  9. NoctD

    Edit - NVM - I see what you're saying now.
  10. Jeslis

    This is no longer possible. Test for yourself and watch them blow up in your face as you place them.
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  11. Jeslis

    You aren't blocked from placing them behind the energy shield. You're blocked from placing them too near the vehicle spawnpad.
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  12. Posse

    Why not :p

    If that's the case then that's great :D
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  13. Epic High Five

    I guess you could like, drop them in overlooked places in high traffic areas and blow up vehicles with them that way?
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  14. Alarox

    I this game is rated 'T'. The targeted audience and average age is 'M'. It is balanced around 'E'.

    No more explosives in places where they're useful, the obvious places that people deserve to die from (jump pads, spawn rooms, vehicle pads). 'E' is for everyone, and that apparently includes stupid people.
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  15. PurpleOtter


    " I'z Mad Bro, cuz I cants exploitz the bug anymore! "
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  16. EmmettLBrown

    I still use mines the same way. Drop around the corner from a doorway to blow up idiots that run in without looking. Flak armor just gives me something to shoot at after I hear the boom and go to check it out.
  17. Nephera

    you should probably not be able to kill yourself without warning with something that costs resources to use.
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  18. zukhov

    Its the vehicle spawn that blows the mines not the shields. Yet again someone upset because they cant get cheesy kills doesn't know what they are talking about.
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  19. Astriania

    Mines are still useful, you just can't get cheap kills any more, and that's a good thing. Anything that results in you dying with not only no way to immediately avoid it but no way of avoiding it happening to you in the futureare bad for gameplay, as is getting killed in a supposedly safe location like spawn rooms. Spawn beacon squad deploy with C4 and mines on jump pad/tunnel exits are in the first category, and tank mines on vehicle spawns in the second. That said I think you can still drop mines in the road where a vehicle bay sends spawned vehicles if you want some extra cheap kills before that's taken away too.

    Getting these cheap kills really isn't 'smart play' though.

    This is a bug that is supposedly fixed in last week's patch.
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  20. Astriania