The boring republic

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Christo92K, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. Christo92K

    I'd like to know why is SOE so biased against TR, that everything we've got is totally identical looking, sounding, and functioning.

    It would be time to stop being biased towards the other 2 factions, and start making more interesting designs for the TR, it's totally unfair SOE bias that makes the other 2 factions have all the cool stuff.

    Every TR gun looks the same, stop being lazy and innovate please. New firing sounds and looks are needed.
    At least the T-5 AMC and some LMG-s got this. But please continue on.

    Everytime we get empire specific stuff, TR's one is lackluster while the other factions get something cool, again, BIAS.

    Just because TR is about being utilitarian, it doesn't have to be automatically boring to use.

    Same could be said for certain VS guns though, but on TR this issue is just waay overboard.

    Quit your bias please, designers. It's getting old.
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  2. VogonPoetMaster

    I think TR weapons and vehicles are by far the best looking of all. Opinions: everyone has one.
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  3. Morti

    Next patch, devs give TR a charge up weapon.

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  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Your name is awesome.
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  5. Christo92K

    They all look the same though, zero diversity in looks and function.
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  6. Matixzun

    I love the look of the TR, however, I think we all can agree it lacks diversity, most weapons look pretty much the same, I think it's possible for the artists to keep this pretty cool look but add variety to the appeareance of the TR.
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  7. Ethancol

    BUT we have the best music. Which more than compensates for lack of variety in comparison with the other 2.

    Have you even heard NC/VS level up music compared to ours? They get a 2 second snippet whilst we have a full Orchestral melody; for those who haven't heard it...
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  8. Paperlamp

    I don't think it's a bias, just a lack of creativity and/or over-adherence to their faction theme. It was a bad idea to make rate of fire and bullet damage traits for any faction, as they really lend to certain types of weapon so sticking to them makes a faction overly focused toward close ranges or mid-long ranges.

    VS's trait might be borderline meaningless/useless, but at least it doesn't inherently reduce their diversity.

    NC got lucky to some extent because having poor close quarter options has gotten them more attention since infantry combat has been more CQC heavy in PS2 due to base design and vehicle spam keeping infantry indoors much of the time. That, and the introduction of shotguns and SMGs gave them even more options. TR hasn't gotten a comparable improvement in their mid-long range options. The NS weapons are all VS/TR style with low bullet damage, and they haven't added new types of mid-long range weapons while shotguns/SMGs are now fairly numerous.

    Perhaps the NS semi-auto rifle will be available to all classes and help a bit, but that's far from enough.

    I've been considering a move to VS for quite awhile now. The NC I feel have the best overall arsenal but they're overpop on connery+I dislike the color scheme and ideology. I can get behind VS's just a little easier, though I'll still be TR at heart.
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  9. Bonom Denej

    I don't really think the grass is greener. I know I take the worst example possible but what would you call "diversity" as far as VS goes for instance ?
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  10. Kitakami

    The TR can't be the Boring Republic.

    Doesn't fit. It'd have to be the Tedious Republic. TR.

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  11. Christo92K

    Read the OP again then.
  12. Pikachu

    You g
    You got to show what they look like in first person view. I'm sure there is some difference there.
  13. Vinakis

    Very true, the Flare has darker plating. :p
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  14. Jrgsubzero

    So you play a sci-fi MMO, choose to play the generic military faction, and then complain they are boring.

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  15. Aractain

    I don't even think the basic TR gun looks TR, it has corners and stuff. The new style one (t5-AMC and T16/32) looks much closer to the original cycler from PS1 that fits aesthetically into the TR much better. We need an art update, we need a sound update like crazy and we need a fun update so the striker isn't the most boring launcher in the game and the vulcan is an anti-armour minigun for real.

    Also the magazine size (visually) of the carbines and ARs are WAY too small - what are we even firing, 2mm? (And don't say nanites).
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  16. Vanus Aran

    You know even if you know that the VS weapons look different, if you DONT KNOW IT, thats the fun thing, THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME.
  17. OneRedBlock

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  18. d3adline

    Traditional military. Traditional =/= Generic.

    I guess no TR who created his character at release expected back then that his empire specific equipment is going to be nothing but reskins of already existing NS equipment, sharing the complete same function with a few altered stats here and there, and the same embarrassing gun sounds being used over, and over, and over again as the icing on the cake.
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  19. z1967

    Spotted the different ones. 3 has a different stock and 5 has a blue light bar on the back of their stock. Worst spot the difference game ever.
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  20. Vinakis

    Missed a spot, 3 also has vents under the battery.