Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. nogagreflex

    i tried EVE online twice. Got bored as crap both times. Travel 45 mins, game playing 1 min, travel 45 mins, mission complete. So is my laundry, dishes and homework.
  2. BravoDown

    the extra 3 hours is using the new cloak ability
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  3. Gamba

    wat lol? look at the number of the EU servers,then look at the number of US servers. great another american who thinks the world is america...
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  4. thweap

  5. BravoDown

    yea but ww2...youre welcome :p
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  6. XeliasX123

    well *** usa ... EU found america and then the americans were indians who killed ppl for the sun god...
  7. ForTuNeDeaTh

    Why They did not Fix the Crashing on 32-bit Ram computers?????? It is REALY hard to play when the game crashes after every 10min or so.
  8. YeTiBr0

    ******** like you think that it makes complete sense for a majority in a society to get more rights, because you're in that majority.
  9. 1Pointtowin

    32-bit? wow 1999 called they want their computer back
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  10. themayorofspace

    Hey look! Adobe updated!
  11. BravoDown

    along with their 28.8k internet
  12. Headhunter242

    It's better we speak all german :cool:
  13. OrrwrenX

    Oh my buddah. That's terrible!
  14. 1Pointtowin

    let see take care of the people who take care of you or................cater to those who dont.....hummm thats a tough one
  15. Venick

  16. GalXEEEEE

    What? Read a history book, or just research that. Also research what "EU" stands for and when it was found. I believe in the 90s, and not the 1890 or 1790.
  17. UltimaNuke

  18. OrrwrenX

    Damn.... and here I am without my Darklight Flashlight since I can't log in. I see what you did there SOE. Slick. Very slick.
  19. nogagreflex

    that happens when the servers can no longer contain themselves. And they start laughing uncontrollably, which causes your game to crash.
  20. Robertooooo

    After this and that crap on tuesday i think we all deserve a double XP weekend :D