Server Downtime for Patch February 13, 2014 6 AM PT

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. CrudShuzKong

    Yay! game´s back up!
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  2. Marley117

    Of course then you would get EVERYONE on the U.S. East Coast complaining. Timing is really a no win situation. Someone always gets screwed.
  3. VogonPoetMaster

    Where can I buy a key to unlock the server? I'm not seeing it.
  4. uhlan

    Get ready for the "invisible war" 2014 edition with this infitrator update.

    Faint sounds, no movement... just dead bodies popping into existence.
  5. CrudShuzKong

    no that was too mean...:p
  6. Archemoruss

  7. Zerky

    That's because people promise things time after time and most of the times, they don't honor their word.
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  8. DaDeLaCa

    I play from work because wife and kids keep me to occupied at home to sit in front of a computer. With these down times, I am actually having to do my job. My productivity is causing others in my office to wonder........please get the damn servers up so I don't look so productive and ruin the good thing I've got going.
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  9. xXCr0wleyXx

    wow today delayed patch tommorow delayed hotfix cuz nanites are bugged
  10. JimboJudkins

    I think Archemoruss was trying to say that if they START patching at 1500 and stop at 1700, but then delay until 1900... It eats into EU prime playtime. As it's now 1830 with a continued delay. However, I might just be shooting into the air.
  11. Kaindestroi

    actually it was originally trademarked by CCP, however i would not be surprised if EA stole it.
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  12. theghostofwar

    DAMN IT no its not >.<
  13. Wave1982

    Evrytime the same......... TELL ME WHY??????
  14. Zerky

    My three hours are shorter than SOE's?
  15. Stevenmadcap

    What! are you that bored? lol
  16. Gamba

    such server
    very SOE
    want play
    much cry
  17. witchkingfourtwo

    OMG - thats awesome !
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  18. tutle64

  19. Archemoruss

    Yeah that was the point I was trying to get across, thanks for clarifying mate.
  20. adnane akef

    pliz fix the invisible vehciles ..!