The Dalton... Just No

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Morti

    I don't know who's trolling who at this point ;-;
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  2. grazr

    Actually the particle spam the flak produces has been massively reduced. It's pretty easy to aim through flak now and the simple fact of knowing you can tank several clips of it from your targets means it isn't necasserily going to suppress you either.

    A lib with a tank buster (not sure why that guns so cheap, it's a straight up upgrade from the default nose gun) can strafe run you and can kill you in one shot if it's close enough or a Buster-Dalton quick combo.

    Of course the trick is to put on the hurt before it gets in range so it's less confident in its ability to tank damage without full health, but it's rare to find a part of any continent that doesn't have hills for cover.

    The lib is way too strong against Air units considering it is a bomber. Either air superiority weapons need modifiers against it to level the playing field to what is more expected or the Dalton could get its splash nerfed as a supposedly high precision weapon. Certainly an AI modifier against it so it performs its intended roll and then we might begin to see people using the other attatchments.

    The trouble witht he Dalton is the simple fact that it's a highly effective weapon at any role, and such versatility and effectiveness is daft.
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  3. Kitakami

    Daltons are far more scary to ESFs than they are to Skyguards.

    Nope, Shredders are the Skyguard kryptonite.
  4. Cougarbrit

    The **** are these threads coming from? Seriously, who the **** is still claiming air is OP? Check the calenders people, it's January 2014, not January 2013. Just because it's the anniversary of "Air is OP" month doesn't mean you have to fill the forums with ridiculous nerf cries.

    L2P you bad bad bad gamers.

    Yes, I'm using the "mad cuz bad" argument, because it's true, coming from somebody who learnt to play, I bloody well know it's true. Inb4 mods.
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  5. Lugia3

    Once I rage-pulled a Galaxy and crushed ViableClanMember's liberator over some tech plant. :D

    Then he came back and farmed me again.
  6. TheOrbitalButt

    Nerf the Daltob every time i am trying to sit outside a base and quietly eat my own poop one shows up and oneshots me and I think this is a cockamamie piece of phooey, do you hear me matt bigbeard planetside 2 developer

    Nerf it now
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  7. Tylerso12

  8. Some1

    The dalton does require a bit of toning down. Where that much power belongs is on a proper bomber. I am referring of course to the old Liberator from ps1 where the aiming was done by pilot and all the gunner did was click a button while sitting up on the flight ceiling.

    Carpet bombing was supper fun as well as effective.
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  9. Shinrah

    I made sure to check the date on the thread, it was indeed created in 2014. So I was astonished to learn there are still people that die to a dalton these days. In a skyguard, no less! Imagine my surprise that quickly got chased away by my explosive unrestrained laughter. I almost collapsed reading this hilariously funny tale, pulled straight out of the OP´s dreamworld.

    Like some less ludicrous people mentioned before: The Liberator, especially with a Dalton, is only viable to farm lonewolfs that aren´t staying with the pack. It´s also semi viable in very small scale battles against unorganized opponents. A single Skyguard can easily keep a Liberator at bay, and yes you can move while shooting. No you can´t go full speed over bumpy terrain, but small position changes are easily enough to avoid Dalton shots fired from several 100m away. If the Lib is really close than you can deal so much DMG to it that 9/10 pilots will scatter asap. Nr. 10 will most likely crash or explode.
  10. Dobbo151

    I have to say I agree with him, why would you make some aircraft weapon that EASILY outmatches the AA weaponry? Unless there are at least 2 or more anti aircraft weapons teaming up on the liberator, it will win. I was merely typing whilst under the shade of a tree in my skyguard when suddenly my vehicle is on fire with about 1/6 of it health, I start reversing frantically but it doesn't matter. Splash damage finishes me off. This weapon although it may require skill it does ruin the game for anyone who is not in one. I get this is a pay to win game, but generally it should still be worth playing without either farming certs or paying some major cash.
  11. Meeka

    I want a powerful gunship in the air... and I like the idea of improving the Liberator and giving it more weapon choices, etc. What I don't like is an OP gunship that can just as easily engage air as it can ground.
  12. Meeka

    My Liberator is fully certed, but I don't like flying it... and I absolutely refuse to gun a Dalton, I feel like I'm scoping far too easy kills. If something is really easy to do, there's something wrong with it.
  13. Torok

  14. Meeka

    This is the same setup I use; and also the same defense.

    My problem isn't with the Dalton's power as much as it is with the Liberators manoeuvrability combined with that power.

    i stopped reading after i read this.

    just another scrub that needs to get good.
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  16. Meeka

    Here's the thing...

    The Liberator has a lot of power... but it also has a lot of manoeuvrability.

    You shouldn't have both in that kind of air platform.

    You have power. Or you have manoeuvrability.

    Pick one.
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  17. vincent-

    Oh I see you think of yourself as the hero the one man to knock out or scare off a lib alone? One man vs a larger aircraft isn't going to win now if 2 more of your squad went aa max and waited for the dick to get closer than open up on him you would have had a story to remember.
  18. Meeka

    Considering that whatever battle I play in I almost always rank #1 on the Killboard, and if not that within the top 5... I think I do alright.

    So, if you want to dismiss a concern that the power+manoeuvrability of a Liberator is a bit of an over kill because of some assumption you are making... go right ahead, otherwise feel free to explain why you think the Liberator isn't over done.
  19. Meeka

    My Lib has fully certed airframes, nanorepair (or afterburners, depending on what my mood was), etc, etc... and I've gunned for other Liberators. I don't like it, it's too easy, it's like an "I win" button. Hell, I've solo'd my Liberator many times and scored easy kills with the Dalton by seat switching. But you're right, I stopped flying it because there's no challenge to it.

    Who else wants to make an assumption?
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  20. TheFamilyGhost

    Air units are designed to attack ground units. That's what's happened since air units were first militarized.

    Attacking ground units gets a lot harder when enemy air is opposing.

    It is not the weapon. It is simply that you encountered it in its envelope of effectiveness while you were outside of yours. The challenge is to remove it from that envelope, not to lobby for its neutering.