SOE removing basic game mechanics to charge for their return later?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SharpeShooter, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. SharpeShooter

    Ok so as you all know the community is in complete uproar over the ridicules changes made to ADS when in the air! The main reasons for this is that it further nerfs the least used class in the game (The Light Assault) and that they have supplied NO reason for why they did it!

    The only reason I can think of to do this is because they want to make an “implant” which will allow you to ADS when in the air thus effectively charging you money to use a mechanic we have all used for the past year!

    There is simply no other reason behind it!

    This is a list of all the threads that show the community did not and does not want this change! SOE please revert this.

    there are many MANY more!

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  2. kadney

    Did they say anything about implementing implants to PS2 so far?
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  3. Ac3s

    Well you might be right, they pretty much do this with weapons, like nerf good and popular weapons into the ground only to release a new weapon afterwards which basically replaces the first weapon.
    But if they do that stuff with the implants like you suggest then I will reconsider my subscription.
  4. Mastermind

    stopped reading
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  5. M2_Bradley

    There is an implant slot on your character.....But you can't put nothing in it yet.
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  6. Earthman

    I'm starting to love light assault myself, especially with a medium range carbine and a suppressor.
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  7. Alarox

    Conspiracy theories. Sounds like fun.
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  8. Canaan

    Excuse me sir, but you dropped this -

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  9. VanuSovereignty

    SOE has acknowledged that no one liked the way that implants were going to be added, so they decided not to add them until a later date. Why would implement the same implant model if everyone hates it and they already know that everyone hates it.
  10. SharpeShooter

    You're a fool if you think SOE have not done something like this before! They consistently nerf guns then bring out guns to replace it for a cost! They release guns then 3 weeks later release the same gun just better! If you have been an SOE customer for 14 years and havn't seen this then you need to go to the opticians!

    Furthermore, I'm NOT asking for a buff I'm asking for a pointless change that does nothing but aggravate the community to be reverted!
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  11. Morti

    If you look at the loadouts of infantry classes there's a new, blanked out implant slot next to armor/nade slots.

    Really don't think they put that there to toy with us.
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  12. CrashB111

    Just because they scrapped the old (terrible) model of renting Implants with certs or SC doesn't mean they scrapped the Implants.

    And we already have evidence of them removing a game feature to resell it as an Implant, remember that we used to be able to see detailed information on a target when you spotted it? Things like their health bar? Well that was one of those old Implants, it restored such functionality to the spotting ability.

    OP isn't insane, we have evidence of SOE trying this before.
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  13. Taemien

    Hmm now the tune changes from "They made this change to make money!" to "Well I just don't like this change!"

    Next you're going to tell me a PDW is better than a Cyclone or Blitz just because its newer. Or that a Pheonix or Striker is better than an Annihilator. No I'm pretty sure its safe to say that SOE has done the exact OPPOSITE of what you have said lol.
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  14. OgreMarkX

    Like a few folks above, I don't think SOE is doing that. I've been a paying customer of SOE since 1999. Everquest and I paid for 4 accounts until recently. I think SOE is pretty fair.

    So I believed Smedley when he wrote that article about Station Cash etc.

    Also, SOE needs to make money (OOoOoOOOh I know all you Occupy baaaad!). But SOE needs to make money so they can staff, keep infrastructure up to snuff (hint: Connery server), and build new games and improve existing ones.

    All I know is Everquest has been up and running since 1999 and provided me with far far FAR more worth in fun than I ever paid in $. So for now, SOE is my choice for MMO's and Games in general.

    And SOE is Better them than EA...a company who, thru Mythic, charged me 15 times in one month for my monthly subscription AND failed to maintain that game properly.

    So count your blessings that we're playing with SOE and not EA, and keep an eye on SOE hiring and if you see them hire any EA guys....then OCCUPY SOE HEADQUARTERS! BRING YOUR DRUMS FOR THE CIRCLE!
  15. SharpeShooter

    You clearly haven't played this game long enough! the first iteration of the SMG came along then a few weeks later the second BETTER SMGs came along! The ground vehicle lock-on launcher came out then the grounder rocket launcher, then the Annihilator came out which made the other two worthless! These are facts! you're clueless.
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  16. Phyr

    Those are opinions, you're an idiot.
  17. SharpeShooter

    HAHAHA what? they are not opinions at all! People were so niffed off with what they did with the rocket launchers the had the nerf the annihilator nearly as soon as it came out, to make it less of a clear upgrade! These are FACTS!
  18. WaaWaa

    i can't wait until they release the vehicle health indicator implant. will make killstealing that much easier. on op yea change back plz
  19. Phyr

    Nope, tinfoil conspiracy. FACT!
  20. Taemien

    I use the Cyclone over the Blitz because it has higher DPS. Meaning the Blitz is NOT better than the Cyclone (its not worse either).

    I use the Hawk and Crow launchers over the Annihilator because they do more damage per shot. So again you're wrong there. Its you that is blind and clueless.

    But lets assume for the sake of arguement I have no fing idea what I'm talking about. I'm happy and playing in bliss. You're disgruntled and still playing. Who's got issues now? Who the hell pays money to a company knowing they will be screwed? Who plays a game knowing they are being exploited for money, statistics, and social media stats?

    Battered Wife Syndrome much? Or are you just making a falsified fuss for attention? Its gotta be one of the two, which is it?