Changes ; Under Construction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ADps2, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. ADps2

    Under Construction

    In order to bring you the best possible experience a number of things on the art side had to change. As many of you may have noticed, the vehicles and their associated cosmetics look different than they did before. Why is that? First and foremost, we are trying to reduce the texture memory foot print across the board. These changes are most noticeable with all common pool vehicles. The new textures take up ¼ the texture space and allow us to offer you guys a number of really cool new features without reducing visual fidelity. Things like…
    • Larger decals
    • Multiple decal location choices
    • Multiple camo patterns to be applied to a single vehicle
    • Empire color is now RGB values (which could be used for Jacking in the future)
    • Decals that show up over the top of armor attachments
    All of these changes are made with performance and the players in mind. I apologize if this is of any inconvenience to you but my goal is to give you a product that is more flexible, offers more features, is capable of being run on a broader range of computers, optimized for the PS4, and is still visually competitive.

    Camo patterns are getting the same kind of overhaul. Many of the older patterns were larger images mainly due to the fact that they tiled within itself multiple times. When reduced to the new smaller sizes they became muddy and blurry. We recreated some of those to make them tile once within the image space and therefore yielded a higher quality image with cheaper texture cost. Some of the newer camo patterns changed for a number of reasons, some had transparency set on them (bug) others were tiled incorrectly (appeared blurry). Much like we do on the programming and design side, we try to fix bugs and inequities as best we can.

    We are currently working on the Liberator to reduce its texture usage. You will see some changes in it and its cosmetics in the next month or so. The rest of the camo/decal features are in the works. Code is working feverously to get us the tools to make ALL of your dreams come true (ok maybe not all). If you feel the changes are too much, please contact CS for a refund. Sometimes things have to change in order to fix problems, bugs, and to expand for the future.

    Thank you for your understanding

    Senior Art Director
    Planetside/Planetside 2
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  2. VaIhall

    what we need is a continent in space! with spaceships and dogfights!
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  3. VanuSovereignty

    Thank you.
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  4. HadesR

    Any chance of getting this changed to something more aesthetically pleasing ? The Bra and stocking's look is so 80's

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  5. Astraka

    What this guy said. I'm tired of being ashamed of a character I should be proud of. I'm mad that I spent so much money on camouflage that doesn't even look good anymore. I don't want 100% coverage like we had before, I just want the coverage we have to look aesthetically pleasing.
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  6. ADps2

    theres the rub, what maybe aesthetically pleasing to you may not be to 20 other people.
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  7. HadesR

    From the response that came with the change I'm not sure any NC Infi's were happy .. We understand you wanted more ES colour, we just wish it could be done in a way that doesn't make us look like we stepped out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show ..
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  8. Rockit

    Sounds like we need dressing rooms in VR to try things on :eek:
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  9. SquattingPig

    How about put an in-game survey asking people what they think looks better and maybe give people who answer 10 certs?
  10. FieldMarshall

    Is this part of why my Grey Scales doesent look black shiny and awesome anymore?... =[
    I do hope that's not a permanent thing. But i guess its worth it to finally be able to use decals on Composite Armor. Really cool!


    Would also be nice if the Planetside 1 Veteran's decal was larger. Currently its about the size of a pea on infantry armor... =[
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  11. Astraka

    This exactly. I am willing to bet that a good portion of the people upset would be made happy if the blue simply matched the blue typical of the NC arsenal. You have faction specific camouflage like Hyper Camo or Loyal Soldier Camo - Camouflage that screams NC - and it still looks goofy because the color clash.

    What is very maddening is when you take a look at the camouflage of the TR Infiltrator. As bad coverage as it is, it at least looks designed that way. Ours looks rushed and doesn't show the care and talent of the artists we know you employ.

    I know you don't allow polls on this forum, but given the ability to make one, I would be willing to bet that 95% of the population thinks that it looks bad. You'll have the Devil's Advocates that'll say it isn't that bad of course, but I've absolutely never heard anyone say that it is appealing.
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  12. Alpharius0megon

    Is the contrast change to Dark Digital camo intentional or a mistake? The whiter blotches now make it far less "dark".

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  13. eatcow0

    consider reviewing palm tree camo on vs units. Its not as ascetically pleasing as the other two factions sadly
  14. ADps2

    this was a correction to this camo. all camos should be set to be 100% opaque, this one was not. to make this one like all the rest, the transparency was change.
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  15. ADps2

    you are baring witness to what happens when we change things after the fact. We only touch items that are bugs, broken, or inequities.
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  16. RyanGUK

    Appreciate the changes, thanks.

    Do you think it'd be possible to get some sort of dressing room feature like somebody mentioned, but make it as if you can like swap between camos and purchase the entire camo look that you're wearing once you're happy with what the combination of everything looks like? Right now we can only try each one on bit by bit, and that doesn't always show the best combinations of camos.
  17. ADps2

    are you running on low? it looks like your lighting is different and I dont know why that would be. as for as I know scales hasnt changed
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  18. Thrud007

    Thanks T.Ray for the update. Looking forward to the changes.
  19. ADps2

    I'm sure given enough time, we could do a lot of things. We are currently working on a way for you to buy all your camos at once (vehicle, char, weapon) .. we will continue to improve the marketplace as time goes on that includes the previewer
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  20. ADps2

    thank you for being patient
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