Why do players like the C75 Viper better than HE Python for AI so much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Starlight288, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Starlight288

    Python has better splash and damage ..I do not get it.
  2. Zagareth

    its the "Spray and Pray" factor. The Python needs a bit more aiming and we all know, most people cant aim in this game :D
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  3. Lucidius134

    C75 is a OHK on DH to non-flak targets and a guarenteed 2hit kill.

    HE has the same characteristics but has 1 shot and a 4 second reload.
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    Also it is good shock and awe. One shot can be kinda meh, but 6 in a row can cause a lot of confusion. Also I like rapid fire weapons in general, they are cooler then one shot weapons.
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  5. Bibibla

    And C75 Viper has 6 rounds in magazine. Basically, if you miss, you can try again, and again. And if you hit, you can shot another target ASAP.

    Last but not least, the 6 round per mag give you a "panic attack" : just spray and pray.

    HE may be better against a cluster of infantry, C75 viper is better at picking lonely targets here and there.
  6. Shellana

    With all of the HE and viper changes
    1. Nano weave no longer protects against explosive, so Viper gives you a one hit kill on anything not wearing flak.
    2. Flak is more common after the nanoweave nerf, and wearing flak will prevent the indirect damage from killing you with HE.
    3. Viper is better than HE against armor, so if you do run into a tank or a harrasser while farming infantry, you are better off with Viper.

    Here is the breakdown
    Against non-flak - HE requires a near miss, viper requires a direct hit or 2 near misses.
    Against flak - HE requires a direct hit or 2 near misses, viper requires 2 hits or 4 near misses.
    Viper fires a burst of 6 shots in 1.5 seconds with a 4.5 second reload. HE fires 1 shot every 3.75 seconds.
    If you miss with the HE you are stuck with your pants down for almost 4 seconds. You can completely miss half of your shots with Viper, but if you land a hit and 2 near misses it is enough to kill someone with flak 5.

    So HE is better at shelling a base from a distance, viper is better in every other situation.
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  7. Revanmug

    Hey dumb guy, each round of a C75 can ohk a none flak armor infantry. You have 6 rounds. Using your dumb logic, the C75 is the gun for those that can aim since it has way less splash and more killing potential for those that can aim.

    Add the fact that the Viper is now much better at AV than HE or even HEAT...
  8. Archiadus

    Dakka, enough said.:p
  9. Paperlamp

    It makes you way more survivable against infantry being able to kill 3 to 6 of them with a single magazine before reloading. That's the main reason I use it even over a prowler sometimes.
  10. Syrathin

    I like that it doesn't need to be unlocked and aside from what everyone else has already said. I like it's ability to disperse groups of infantry clustered together, Start hamming shots at them and they run in every direction even if you don't kill them. Besides raking in plenty of assists it's amusing watching them scatter then die to all the other infantry and armor around you. :D
  11. NC_agent00kevin

    Its the default weapon, and its a very spammy weapon. N00bs get it to start and go farming; seasoned verterans recognize its spammy nature and realize that they can get a lof of kills per magazine if fired skillfully.

    Personally, I like HE better. Big splash damage, though the radius could use some adjusting. Reload doesnt hurt accurate gunners much. Often times I get kills from splash when I hit another player; especially when I nail Maxes with it and they have a slightly hurt engie repairing them.
  12. AnuErebus

    6 rounds means you have at least 2-3 kills per reload. On top of that it's the only tank primary which can take MAXes down in a single magazine.
  13. Juunro

    Far, far higher damage per reload then the HE; against a decent gunner, Flak armor will provide absolutely no protection because 2 out of the 6 shots will still kill you regardless. It also does pretty high damage to aircraft and decent damage to vehicles (though don't expect to win a fight against an MBT that's even remotely competent).

    Plus it is actually pretty satisfying. Earlier I was on an alt overlooking Mani biolab on that mountain that overlooks the south jump-pad; I put 150 rounds through that doorway and got 87 kills against the VS in approximately 8 minutes. An HE wouldn't have managed that; bigger burst, certainly, but not THAT much bigger.
  14. Flashtirade

    It's all about the direct hits, which the Viper can simply do more of. Splash damage is silly, as its drop-off begins literally right next to the point of impact. In the event that you do resort to splash to kill, the Viper can get more splash damage in anyways because it can fire in volleys.

    Plus the Viper just got buffed against other vehicles. There's really no reason not to use it over HE unless your targets insist on being just out of your line of sight.
  15. TeknoBug

    People still use the HE? After it got nerfed nearly a year ago people just stuck to the HEAT, I use the AP and yeah I can hit infantry with AP (mostly flying light assaults that are about to C4 me).

    Viper got a buff not long ago, I see lots of people using it now, first time I've seen a default weapon get so much love.
  16. Axehilt

    Fast-firing weapons tend to work better against small, numerous targets. Add in the fact that Vipers can also 1-shot people with each of those fast-firing shots and you have a weapon which is clearly superior.

    Even if you're dealing with a clump of enemies, where you'd think HE's strengths would be strongest, a Viper is going to do equally well. And the rest of the time when you're dealing with 1-2 infantry at a time (far more common) you're far better equipped to land shots on them. Add in the fact that HE is worse against armor, and it really doesn't have any situation where it's superior.
  17. Konfuzfanten


    The HE is a specialized weapon used for shelling and clearing infantry in heavy cover. The HE lightning is more or less mobile artillery, while the Viper lightning is a proper anti-infantry tank with some AV capacity.

    I pull my HE lighting with im facing +48 enemies in a tower, thats more or less it.
  18. Lueyja2

    The python may have better damage/splash but the Viper has 6 shots which all do pretty solid damage/splash to infantry and pretty decent bullet velocity which makes it easy to aim. It's great for anything from groups of infantry spawning from a sunderer to an esf making a strafing run to running behind a tank and unloading into their rear at point blank range.
  19. lilleAllan

    because only manlets and children use he weapons. truthfact
  20. JesNC

    AV performance.

    And it's simply fun to use something different than a single shot cannon on a tank for a change.