Smed's Philosophy ( From Planestside Reddit )

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. HadesR

    Not much to say on the subject .. More clarity is always good ...


    Maybe explain it here as well, saves people like myself posting it for you ;)

    Edit: Forgot the Link
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  2. Sen7rygun

    It's good to see some straight forward communication to the gaming public from the guys making the decision that isn't being filtered heavily by PR/marketing etc.

    Lots of people think that making and maintaining a AAA gaming experience costs nothing the peeps making the games are evil heartless mercenaries. That's not true. Only the lawyers and accountants are evil heartless mercenaries lol.
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  3. Thelarian

    SOE riminds me of Valve. Good intentions but piss poor execution.:confused:
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  4. RogueVindicare

    The main issue is that these types of posts, when made here on the official forums, ends up in the Announcements forum, which isn't read as widely as this General Discussion forum is. Needs more cross-post linking.
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  5. Liquid23

    hey it's better than piss poor intentions with flawless execution
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  6. Luperza Community Manager

    Thanks for reposting this HadesR! Beat me to it. :p
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  7. Pirbi

    Trying to explain things to people on the internet? Sounds like a masochist.
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  8. Redshift

    See they say that but then they charge £7 for a gun in the store, they've taken the micro out of micro transaction.
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  9. Rogueghost

    They aren't charging $500 for a golden mech, like some other game.
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  10. Latrodectus

    My thoughts exactly. Maybe I'll take these heartfelt pleas more seriously when they stop putting out $10 camos and $20 guns.
  11. Devrailis

    Wow. I thought that was a joke at first. o_O
  12. Hotel88A

    Ok, so explain why Saron HRB underwent such dramatic change, and at the same time Halberd's price was hiked up substantially? If i was a cynical old man, i'd think it was because the HRB meshed too well with Maggie's philosophy of use and thus was a common sight on the battlefield. HRB just made too much sense, and everybody had it and so it created a dilemma; how do you sell more stuff to vanu tankers, if the only weapon that made the maggie competitive had already been bought? Change it to something else, and force Vanu tankers to look for the second best thing maybe? While at the same time hiking the alternative's price up, what, 300%?

    Since i'm not that cynic, i'm willing to accept that there was some other logical reasons for such dramatic changes on the HRB, i'd just like to hear them? I mean, i remember buying an item described as "a powerful, very long range anti-material weapon", or something along those lines.
  13. EliteEskimo

    They would appeal to more college students like myself if they cut down item prices to 2-5$. If only they would learn from a certain other F2P game out there which is also very successful at selling cheap cosmetic items.
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  14. Liquid23

    and I thought my roommate was dumb for spending like 60 bucks on a virtual monocle in EVE
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  15. sindz

    A post like this, not on the official forums.

    GG, this is one of the big issues. Great communication example right there.
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  16. EliteEskimo

    To be fair Luperza was about to do it, but my question is why can't Smed take a minute to copy and paste his own Philosophy in PS2 's official forums? Apparently posting his thoughts on Reddit is fun and cool, but posting his own thoughts and feelings the official forums is a burden too great to bare.:rolleyes:
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  17. Astriania

    It's a great post, it should have been posted here but at least we got to see it. Did he actually explain the membership changes though? What you copied just promises to do so, it doesn't actually.
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  18. NinjaTurtle

    This Smed guy sounds like an awesome dude
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  19. Liquid23

    maybe it's cause he has underlings... it's like how a rich guy might call someone on his phone but won't answer his own damn front door and makes his butler do it :D
  20. NinjaTurtle

    What are the chances we could get Smed on FNO?