Things you didnt know

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bananathug, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Bananathug

    After just today figuring out you could reload a gun on your ESF while you use the other, I am wondering what else I am missing.

    Is there anything in the game that isnt so obvious. Anything you guys were suprised to learn.

    I pretty much just log in and shoot things, and im sure most people do to. So I wouldnt be suprised if I wasnt aware of all sorts of things.
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  2. Poorform

    Most important one. Pressing B while you have your engineer turret out changes the tool to the ammunition pack and back when pressed again.
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  3. Vinakis

    If a MBT hides behind cover where only the secondary gun pokes over it, the gunner can fire at enemies freely who can't damage the tank in return, as the secondary gun has no hitbox.

    Well, unless they fixed it. I haven't been in a position to try that in a while. :p
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  4. shd

    When you go up and down those beams (elevators), if you look that way and sprint forward you go faster. You probably have to rotate not to fall out. Works with horizontal ones (tunnels) as well but those are bit more obvious :)
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  5. TomaHawk

    I had a dream once with some very angry monkeys. I still don't know what it means.
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  6. maxx

  7. Phyr

    I believe it's possible to shoot up through a biolab roof, but not the other way around.
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  8. Vinakis

    You used to be able to climb to the top as a LA, then drop down into the central tower of the Biolab for a 360 degree shooting gallery. Good times were had until they extended the shield to cover those gaps. :D
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  9. Latrodectus

    Also regarding the particle elevators, they make you immune to fall damage for a short while even after you get off them.
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  10. EventHorizon

    You can increase or decrease a squad/platoon members voice chat volume by pressing the + or - button while they are talking.
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  11. kirinohana

    While holding E to hack something (or generators) you may turn around/reload/shoot, so your not as much of a sitting duck.

    Finding a Sniping spot overlooking a enemy vehicle terminal is great way to get angry tells.

    Pressing 'Page Up' starts recording in game footage, great for those TK dbags.

    Pressing 'B' can switch to alternate fire modes of guns (brust, semi-auto).

    Standing outside of an enemy spawn room even when you outnumber them greatly will likely get you killed (god I see this so often).

    Tank mines suck and don't blow up for anything pretty much anymore :(.
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  12. Bananathug

    Thats actually really useful thanks.
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  13. Simferion

    You can open the Voice and Chat tab (press P and select it from the left) and you can increase/decrease the volumes for : single individuals or proximity/platoon/squad chat .

    You can create a custom voice channel (to speak use NumPad #6) typing /voice join <name of the channel> <facultative password> in the chatbox.
  14. kirinohana

    Lag compensation is another good one. You are where your enemy sees you, not where you see yourself.

    Meaning, lets say you run out of cover to shoot someone, because of connecting to the server, then that data being sent to the other persons computer there is a delay. So I can come out of cover and shoot you, but you don't see me come out of cover till 1/4 a second later. These small times can equate to a huge bonus or loss depending on the situation. This is why sometimes you see people die after they ran back into spawn rooms. And it strongly favors aggressive play.

    A video (not by me) on the subject:
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  15. WolfA4

    You can also start the reload cycle and get out of your ESF, the reload cycle will continue even when you are out of the vehicle. This is helpful when you land a pad to rearm, you can set your weapons to reload get out and repair and by the time you are done repairing your ESF will be fully rearmed and reloaded.
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  16. Sordid

    Speaking of reloading, if you're playing an NC MAX, you can start your reload and then raise your shield to cover yourself while the reload cycle runs.

    There's a little icon next to your ammo count that shows you what firing mode your gun is in. No need to shoot your gun to find out! The grenade icon below that also shows you the type of grenade you currently have equipped.

    All base turrets are equipped with zoom optics.

    You can alter your path after taking a jump pad with the movement keys. LA can do this by far the best with his jetpack but even other classes can affect their trajectory, albeit to a lesser degree. Not by much but enough so that you don't land on the little landing square at which all the enemy guns are pointed. In Biolabs and their satellite bases, for example, this allows you to land next to the raised platform on which the jump pad is rather than on it.

    You can still climb the central column all the way to the top as LA, but needless to say you're very exposed while doing so and actually making it all the way up there is somewhat unlikely if the inside of the dome is one giant firefight. If only there was a way to get up there as an engi with an ammo package and a grenade launcher, mmmm.
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  17. GhostAvatar

    You can set waypoint (personal and squad) via the minimap by bringing up the cursor with the alt key. Great for setting markers on enemy sunndys you come across, while not exposing yourself by being afk looking at the main map.
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  18. Pikachu

    South of Nott there is a small non-functional base that is almost completely covered in snow. Only pars of the roofs are visible. I just took a trip to Nott to see how accessible the various directions are. I didn't know tanks could actually drive on the walls once they get into a tower.
  19. SILBOT

    If a person is abusing voice chat, you can insta mute anyone talking by pressing Numpad Enter.
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  20. ElCreepo

    Manipulating the minimap can be a huge help in a variety of situations. If you're driving cross country (especially useful for trying to get around Amerish), expand that **** by pressing "H" then zoom all the way out (the [ and ] keys zoom out and in, respectively) (I think, might have them backwards). Boom, huge map of all terrain and roads easily visible on screen while navigating. Alternatively, zoom all the way in for close quarters fights and watch that **** so you know where your enemies are coming from and won't be flanked as easily.

    The minimap is a great tool. Learn to use it, and keep an eye on it.
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