Playing Planetside 2 as a low level BR is a frustrating 'anti-fun' experience. Providing suggestions

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dagonlives, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Rockit

    Doubt they follow your suggestion OP because that is pretty much exactly how PS1 did it and they are just hellbent on having as little to do with the original game as possible. But anyway in PS1 you got XP for everything you did or used the 1st time and could get BR4 (I think that is right) by doing it in VR. I believe there was a more fleshed out tutorial in PS1 as well.
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  2. Brandmon


    But the biggest problem I see with newcomers is that they don't have enough options in the first place. It is futile to debate air-ground balance when your average noob has no reasonable anti-air weapon except for a single-burster MAX. The gap between starting out and unlocking more and more weapon options should be narrowed, without having to throw and outrageous amount of money.
  3. NovaAustralis

    Back in my day...
    you had to be up before dawn,
    cut down a tree and lug the timber back to the warp-gate,
    walking mind you, none of this Armoured Transport business,
    on Esamir, in the deep cold snow,
    and when we got there our faction leader would beat us with a Galaxy for two hours solid!
    all that just to get 1 cert!
    But you try and tell the young people today that... and they won't believe ya'.

    +1 Great idea OP! :)
  4. Phazaar

    Can haz moah WoW?
  5. Gav7x

    I dont get why they try not do things like PS1, it is a much superior game, if they would have copied it PS2 would have more players today
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  6. Duce397

    I don't see them doing anything like this just for the fact that they want you to subscribe to get a cert/exp boost. I started playing in November of this year, to be honest I didn't find it that hard to get certs. I liked the game enough to subscribe and did so for 3 months and the certs come really fast now. Your idea is a good one but I really don't see them stepping on the bait to lure people in to a subscription.
  7. Morti

    I support the OP.

    Any idea that gives new players a reasonable amount of certs so they can begin certifying their choice class immediately is getting a thumbs up from me.

    Some days.. I feel bad about killing low BR's. I wish I could load them some certs :(
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  8. NikkoJT

    While I do support this as the "equipment curve" is a bit steep right now, I can't help but wonder how this will affect the numbers of BR8 TR heavies with improbable accuracy...
  9. Bush82

    i do too, especially the BR1 drop pod guys that have no idea whats happening.

    i was thinking for those guys they should have some missions. something like spawn a flash at the warpgate and follow the checkpoints to the front line for 50certs. at least then they would get to see some of the map. better than drop pod rage quit new customer gone.
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  10. MichaelS

    they do, you get extra 250xp for so many things capture this defend that, kill stuff and many more we just don't notice any more.
    and after all its a f2p game where sony want ppl to buy stuff. so people try guns (much easier now) and buy a cool one (the noob smgpack i.e.)

    Chose from the 2 options: buy this game or do the scrubs work.
  11. Rockit

    They are planning on implementing "Directives" which is essentially what you described. I saw Higby mention it in a PS4 article but it would be nice if it made it to the PC version sooner rather than later.
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  12. Axehilt

    Definitely a great suggestion, OP.

    I think improving the death screen could also help tremendously. Right now it's very light on info. It's not useless, but it doesn't really let a new player absorb what happened. In some cases (suicide) it borders on insulting the player while they're down.

    Instead, the death screen should be as helpful as possible:
    • What killed me? At a glance you should be able to tell what killed you. This should probably be a visualized health bar broken out into sections (so if that Dalton hit did the last 60% of your life, 60% of this health bar will be marked "Dalton (Axehilt)")
    • What killed my vehicle? The same damage breakdown should exist for your current (or most recent) vehicle. (This breakdown is probably too much info to display concurrently with the infantry breakdown, so it is probably toggled with a button. And the button has a hotkey.)
    • Wait, I missed it...what killed me again? After the screen disappears, there should be a way to access it again.
    • How do I improve? The death screen should let players mouse over each item to see tips on the strengths/weaknesses of any given weapon/vehicle that killed them. Actually in some cases it shouldn't even be mouse-over, since when that new player dies to a Shredder 3 times in a row they need to really be told, "No really, either get yourself some AA, get in the air, or spawn elsewhere." (Well no, it shouldn't literally say that. It should be a helpful tooltip which isn't a condescending jerk like I am.)
    • What mistakes am I making? The death screen should notice patterns in player behavior, like the 3 deaths to a Shredder. The advice offered on the death recap should try to fit the circumstances. ("This is your 4th time in a row dying right outside the spawn point to a tank. It might be time to find a more secure base and come back strong with vehicles of your own!")
    • I know what killed me, go away already. The death recap should be skippable (especially if we let you re-open it.) This lets players get started on their next loadout and plan their next move at the map.
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  13. Phazaar

    Can haz moah WoW?
  14. BengalTiger

    I'd change #8 to "Destroy an enemy vehicle using the MBT" for 100 certs.

    Then there's room for spawning an ESF and shooting down an enemy plane for another 50+100 certs.

    Spawning at the next base down the lattice line when the current one is outnumbered 3:1 or more should give 10 certs (this would teach not to be a spawn room hero, but to actually prepare a defense in a base that is not yet overrun). This should be given 5 times, for a total of 50 certs.

    Repairing base turrets, shield generators, etc. should give 2x the XP as a defense preparation - and should not be a one time bonus, but should always be given. This is an idea for another suggestion topic though.
  15. doombro

    I quite like the idea of having initial certs to invest in specializations with. I'm not quite on board with the whole get-reward-for-basic-objectives system. The mission and directives system they've got on the roadmap will probably cover a lot of good opportunities for newer players to get certs quickly.
  16. Codex561

    Briggs is the most intense high skilled server there is.
  17. MrMurdok

    Aim down sights: 1000 Certs
    Reload your weapon: 500 Certs
    Type something in /yell or /reg chat: 500 Certs
    Send a /tell: 1500 Certs
    Die: 200 Certs
    Respawn: 500 Certs

  18. NoInstructions

    I think there should be some sort or new player bonus or tutorial with incentive. What the numbers should be I'm not sure, like others have said though I could see a newb putting all their certs into vehicles because they keep getting farmed by them. I'm 45 and have no certs into my vehicles besides some sundy stuff.

    If there were official training platoons that would be nice but most people who are willing already do it.
  19. TheFamilyGhost

    Stopped reading there. Data please.

    No data, then no case.
  20. TheFamilyGhost

    It almost sounds like the OP is trying to twink out his kid brother or something.