Noobs can see Cloaked infiltrators farther away

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by huundar, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. huundar

    I had the feeling that people under level 10 could see an infiltrator while cloaked at a much further distance. So I tested it and sure enough I could almost see a claoked infiltrator from almost double the distance I can with a high level toon.

    So my question is, why is it this way? And when are you going to take the training wheels off the noobs?
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  2. PurpleOtter

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  3. Sen7rygun

    Lolwat. You'll probably find its the graphics settings, or your rolling a BR1 and looking at friendlies or something dude.
  4. huundar

    Before slamming me try it yourself.
  5. Ac3s

    low graphics = invisible cloaked infiltrators.
    medium graphics = visible cloaked infiltrators.

    Nothing more to it, but hugely unfair.
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  6. Archiadus

    Would be great if you could provide some visual evidence :)
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  7. huundar

    Wouldn't matter if I posted pics. The rif raf here would still find something to get pissy about. Besides I could care less what any of you think. I posted this for SOE.
  8. Feench

    Lol you think they read all of these threads? That's cute.
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  9. Archiadus

    I don't care about what the rif raf thinks ( got no idea as to what it means anyway ) it's just far too late for me to try it myself so I was hoping you'd do it for me :(
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  10. Sen7rygun

    Best thread of 2013? Or early entry for 2014?
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  11. Game Tips And More

    I too have noticed cloaked infils farther away easier (the 'predator effect') and find I am noticed faaar too easy/often now... They did take away the ability to see cloaked infils in NightVision, so perhaps this is a 'balance' for that?
  12. BloodyPuma

    I had same feeling some time ago. There are 3 main reasons why you feel like it [but in reality it is not true].

    1. New players are so damn lost that they often get lost in fight, run in the maze, hopelessly hide/look for action and dont know were to look for objective - resulting in looking to the places where experienced players dont look [cause "nothing there", fe.].

    2. Esp players + bonus hacks. They are rare, but still exist. Often get banned at BR>10.

    3. Alt toons of experineced players.

    Actually playing with my kid for a last few days. He is seeing exactly the same thing as me, no uber visibility range.
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  13. Frozen

    Nah, if he actually provided some 'proof' and got a reaction then he'd be worthy a nomination at least. Lets say screenshots from today and from 6 months ago when setting had a larger impact. Without putting in any effort he's simply part of the rif-raf of lousy trolls.

    Troll threads are only fun if the OP can convince someone about his claim. If they response is 'Wow your a bad troll' throughout the first page the OP is a failure at trolling.
  14. Duvenel

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  15. Devrailis

    I don't know why this made me lol so much, but I got a good chuckle.

    I'm sure Stew is actually a great guy.
  16. Duvenel

    It's probably due to the little guy and his expression below this text.

  17. EliteEskimo

    Not sure, he has said some pretty mean things about me and BWC in the past both in game and on the forums. Lets just say he's one of the few people that has ever managed to get me banned, for trolling:rolleyes:, from the forums.:eek::D

    That being said he could've changed, and I do miss his posts filled with ";)"
  18. Axehilt

    "Rif raf" is posting a nonsense claim with zero evidence.

    "Quality posting" would be providing evidence of your claim. And the evidence will be less disputable the closer it is to a perfect comparison which removes all other factors.

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  19. IamDH

    You and stew had some great chemistry together :D

    @OP: Usually when someone claims something he has to back it up. Calling us all "rif-rafs" is just pointless
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  20. lilleAllan

    I picture Stew as an underwear model posting from his bungalow on a lonely beach in the carribean.

    Can't tell you why. There's just something about that guy. So dreamy.