Why the hell am I dying to PDW's at 60 meters?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roland2TowerCame, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Roland2TowerCame

    seriously, why? (for the sake of argument, assume I can shoot please, "you can't shoot well" is not constructive)
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    Since you don't actually wan't to show us your profile, I'm going to assume the reason is because you can't shoot well.

    Also because all characters with "Roland2" or "RolandTower" are under BR25.
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  3. Church41349

    The PDW has less damage drop off then the other SMGs and have a higher muzzle velocity then the other SMGs if I remember correctly which makes it much better at range then the others. I does kill slower then the others but the whole point of using th PDW is for that extra range it gives you.
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  4. Ribero

    Strafe more? I don't know what you're looking for, really.
  5. Hatesphere

    people realized they can throw a fore grip on the thing and use it like an extremely light AR. its got the best range of any of the SMGs.
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  6. Flharfh

    It's like a poverty carbine for infiltrators, it's not the best tool for the job but it can kill at 60m no problem.
  7. pnkdth

    NS7-PDW has more incommon with a carbine than the two previous generations of SMGs. Fitted with a grip + 3.4x scope(SPA optional) it is quite competent at medium ranges, and kills with a thousand cuts. There's not much reason for any class other than infiltrators and support classes to use it.
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  8. Elsewhere

    Is it that they are doing all 100% of your health + shields, or that they are just last-hitting you, so you see them in your death-screen more often?

    Don't forget, at 60 meters, the NS7 has a higher per bullet damage figure than the LC2 Lynx.
    Source : at 2:30
  9. DJPenguin

    Cause you're standing still? I personally find it to be one of the hardest weapons to lead targets with so half the time i don't even attempt to shoot runners with it. But that could also be a result of the ironsight not being elevation-friendly.
  10. Liquid23

    there is no good reason for any support class to use it... just grab a carbine it will be better in every instance
  11. Pikachu

    Silly SMGs shouldn't be useful at any range. Lets give them exponential spread, a curved cone of fire.
  12. Necron

    It is accurate at range as everyone said, and now that headshots are OP ;) It's the way to go.
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  13. pnkdth

    When support(as VS/NC), I use it because it is so accurate when hipfiring, which is important as it is much easier to pick off people from behind the line of friendly HAs/MAX units, and avoid hitting friendlies even in the most chaotic of situations. For example, a flying LA trying to drop C4. In essence, I like because of accuracy and reliability despite not having the raw killing potential of other weapons.
  14. Angry Scientist

    From my experience, it's basically a pocket carbine that can also function like a SMG. Compare to the close range carbines, minus the heavy recoil jerking.
  15. Larolyn

    Because the NS7-PDW is incorrectly labled as an SMG. It is not. It is a carbine / fully automatic scout rifle hybrid. In cqc it sucks. But set it up as a mid range weapon and it suddenly becomes fantastic. You're dying to someone who has set it up as a mid range gun where personally I feel it performs best. Then again I am spoilt by the high damage Cyclone smg so everything else feels inferior in comparison.
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  16. Benjamin2501

    Because they have watered down the other weapons so much that it seems more powerful than it use to be.
  17. Roland2TowerCame

    Okay, this all makes more sense now, I was under the impression it was an smg-type weapon.
    (All my infiltrators are snipers, so what do I know).
  18. Taemien

    For some reason that made me think of a COF so bad that it starts hitting crap behind the firer. A recoil so bad that the person rolls around all over the place.
  19. Nocturnal7x

    Its basically an assault rifle for infiltrators.
  20. teks

    Yep like everyone said. The PDW is a long-range SMG. It can hip fire at 40-50 meters even. I love it myself.