Triple Station Cash Sale (?!)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EtharionTurambar, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. EtharionTurambar

    (I have no idea where to post this so i'm putting it here)

    After waiting months, its..6 days till Xmas and still no word on the triple SC sale.. Does anyone remember what days was it last year? Just the 1 or? I did get in on it then but i forgot..

    Anyway are getting it this year?? I mean we better! After all there's more content now then last year, and with all the issues with the game, how can they NOT put a sale that would get the attention of a ton of people..

    But wherever i ask, no reply.. I even got some SC cards from gamestop, waiting to use them at the right chance.
    But if there is no good sale i won't use em..and won't even buy any more SC, and all of my friends think the same. Its just not worth it otherwise.

    PLEASE SOE, can we get some confirmation?
  2. that_darn_lurker

    I think you can kiss the days of triple station cash goodbye. I'm pretty sure double station cash is out the door too. But I think they have a 30% special going on right now.
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  3. SpcFarlen

    No sale with station cash itself, just the 50% off certain groups of items daily plus the daily sales for 99sc and members sale for 1sc.
  4. EtharionTurambar

    Seriously? No triple, or even DOUBLE on bloody Xmas??? After a triple sale last year?? How the hell do they explain that? :/
    I damn hope that's not so.. i'll foolishly keep hoping for 6 more days..
  5. WolfA4

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  6. z1967

    They most likely took a financial hit during those sales (or maybe they didn't) and do not want to do it this year. besides, 99 cent weapons are pretty nice in comparison to usual prices.
  7. BozoDaClown

  8. EtharionTurambar

    Really? o_O no more sale's at all...? I'm heartbroken D:
  9. St0mpy

    where did he say that exactly? he said what Ive always reminded people, SC sale strategy is decided by marketers in a higher level office inside SOE and not at the game design team level.

    Its clear they want to break away from the old x2 x2 x3 routine they began a couple of years ago, Luperza said they realised it devalues SC but that was because it was too frequent, most buyers waited for the sales meaning game level ROI spirals down by that much as everyone was doing the same, and that cant happen at a business level but its not saying theyll never do one again.

    I wouldnt be surprised if they did x2 as their top level, Im half expecting a 2x to be announced over the holidays but like I said, we will know at the same time as the other games in the SOE group, Planetside might be our fav game but it is just one of a bundle of games SOE develop.
  10. Cougarbrit

    It will never happen. Ever again.
  11. chrollo

    wow im totally never giving another cent to SOE, I was really looking forward to this, but now I can't in any good conscience give them any more money for what I don't need. Got most of what I need last year will spend my final 250 station cash on an assualt rifle for VS i suppose. :/
  12. Kunavi

    I decided I won't throw more $ at SOE except for my Subscription, and that only if they decide to address population problems in the following GU/PU and if PS2 doesn't look like Zelda 1 after they're done. Some recent discussions are quite worrying, in that performance optimization means trimming off a bit too much. This is just one more reason, I did not know they gave up completely on 3x/2x Sales. I'm also kind of disappointed that if you have an EU account you're basically cut off from Studio items.
  13. Inex

    Tragic that you'll have to make due with 50% off instead of double SC. A 50% sale that is in no way mathematically equivalent to double SC. Not at all.

    Even a little bit.

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  14. chrollo

    double station cash stacks with the regular 50% off sales that happen year round.
  15. MorganM

    It's only the same on things that are on sale. In a lot of cases it's for stuff people don't want or already have. What was nice was getting all that epic bonus SC and then buying things that went on sale over the year or buying stuff that rarely went on sale with discount SC.

    I got WAY more value out of double SC + buying items on sale then I'll ever get out of a single item at 50% off. Just had to be patient.
  16. Inex

    Exactly. So the better whine is "Why aren't they doing an 6x SC sale this Christmas"? To which the answer is: Because giving away SC basically for free is not a good idea. Even Steam doesn't give 83% off too often. Or... ever?
  17. Fatal1o1

    That was only once and it was right after the game was released to the public. I wanna say November sometime, might have been early December. Christmas time there was The Twelve Days of Christmas, where there was 2XP or might have been 3xp ( can't ) for 12 Days.
  18. WolfA4

    Hit F5. I editted my post to include the source. Double and triple station cash sales are gone.
  19. St0mpy

    No its ok, I saw your link, thats what im refferring to, where does it say there will never be another?
  20. EtharionTurambar

    Exactly as said above, 50% off certain items (mainly ones i already have or are crap) is far from the same as having x2 (or x3) which i can then use to buy ANYTHING i want in the game.

    I realize there's a chance that it somehow isn't worth it for them (still can't possibly know, could be bollocks) but doing it ..even just ONE day at every Christmas would hardly bankrupt the bastards..

    I really wanted to buy a bunch of cosmetic items too, now nope.
    If nothing they'll lose money if people are anything like me. Station cash is just too much, even with some random periodic sales..the guns and stuff are too expensive.
    So i'll just end up buying weapons with ingame certs, and cosmetics..little or never.

    So dunno..good job SOE.