Is there ANYTHING on VS that wasn't nerfed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by M. F. Gamesta, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. M. F. Gamesta

    Wow. My KD was pretty bad as it is but after this patch I can not kill anything.

    Is there a class/weapon combo that will kill something? I was never OP so I'm not complaining because I used to own. I'm complaining because I seem to be getting totally farmed.

    M. F. Gamesta
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  2. Spude

    EVERY Faction was nerfed. So suck it up
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  3. pottman

    Nah, I think you're just having a bad day.
  4. Bape

    Im pretty sure everyone did bad today I wasn't at my best today either
  5. ChipMHazard

    I don't think that bucket over there was nerfed... Oh, wait... It's full of holes now. Nwm.
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  6. Devrailis

    Doesn't seem like their sense of entitlement has been nerfed at all. :rolleyes:


    Okay, that was a bit mean of me, well more so than usual. Maybe.

    Anyway, yes VS did get quite a few nerfs. On your Magrider, your MAX, your LMGs. Are you getting farmed? Probably. Is it because if the nerfs? Highly unlikely. Are you having an off day? We all have those.

    The nerfs or buffs aren't going to magically drop someone's kdr by several points, and certainly not over night.
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  7. faykid

    tbh, i'm scared to start the game now

    they talk about crashes and bugs, and Esamir full of gold hunters, and now this - player's performance dropped
  8. teks

    almost everything I use in the game was either buffed or remained the same.
    *kisses his UBSG*

    The game is only scary for harassers. poor poor harassers :(
  9. gregfox89

    Honestly if there was any time to quit the game, it would be now
    Not that I'm going to, SoE owns my soul
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  10. Xasapis

    I'm as good looking as ever ;)
  11. RobotNinja

    I know right? It's ridiculous! I heard a guy in my outfit talking tonight about how he was able to kill a Harasser...IN A LIGHTNING! I mean...that's just ridonkulous. The devs obviously went overboard.
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  12. Chipay

    Why shouldn't a lightning be able to kill a harasser? It seems pretty logical than an AV tank wins from a buggy
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  13. CNR4806

    My HMMWV just got killed by a M8 AGS! Unacceptable!

    I should have been able to stop right in front of it, absorb all the shells it fired on me, score a perfect victory and leave the scene with 95% health left!
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  14. Unclematos7

  15. NC_agent00kevin

    The charred husks of your tanks still have the mass of The Sun.
  16. hansgrosse

    If you medic, you might should field trial a CME. Thing got recoil buffs, and its recoil was already fantastic, so it should pretty much be a laser beam now.

    I intend to give it a try tomorrow, myself.
  17. RHYS4190

    your still invisible as night. but only thing I noticed and don't agree with was nerfing the H-45 that was completely uncalled and I think they should restore it the way it was it did not need to be touched.
  18. NC_agent00kevin

    I didnt do as well as usual and I think its the funky FOV change. I cant quite put my finger on it but I can say that when I logged in, it reminded me of running widescreen media in 4:3 format. Everything was...weird. I think they screwed with the aspect ratio for those triple monitor setups or something.
  19. Bape

    Yep it felt very weird.
  20. CrashB111

    You are probably doing poorly because NC and TR are getting righteous vengeance for months of ZOE abuse right now. It is a beautiful sight to look at Indar and see the NC and TR ignoring each others borders just to warpgate the VS since they can't rely on their glow crabs to save them anymore.
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