Resist Shield Refund???

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bilc0, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Bilc0

    I still plan on using nanoweave armor after the changes... the deal breaker for me was how resist shield interacts with the two most useful armors - first flak and now nano. Would you possibly consider a refund for that as well? I would rather dump that bundle of certs else where.
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  2. NinjaTurtle

  3. Bankrotas

    If they fully change their policy, you'll get it. Otherwise, good luck.
    I do wonder, why they did refund grenade bandoleer though some time ago...
  4. Prownilo1

    That's odd, I don't remember getting a refund when they completely changed the Saron...

    I think what he should say is "we only give cert refunds when we feel like it"
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  5. Karion

    Maaan! I actually liked that guy! no ****
  6. Metal Insomniac

    Yes, please. I no longer wish to use my RS after this patch, but also refuse to cert into another shield unless I get my hard-earned certs back.

    Realistic answer: ASC, it is.
  7. Prudentia

    I can't find anything in the Patchnotes that states that the Resist shield got a big overhaul.
    Would you please all just shut up about Cert refunds because stuff that you used was OP? and i'm 99% certain that all of you only used it in the firat place because it was OP.
    Just get a Gun that is fun and challenging, put some suitslots in that enhance your playstyle by requiring you to get more skilled and have FUN.
    Don't take the easiest weapon in the game, with the easiest to use suit slots and then whine after a few months that your crutch is now not 100% effective.
    Just make yourself a Lasher/Cerberus/Lancer/ASC/Restokit/NMG loadout, play for a few days and than enjoy the fun that you have while getting kills for one of the most situational loadouts you get ever create in this game.
    For other factions you can do the same.
    Reaper/Rebel/ASC/C4 and start owning and learning for NC.
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  8. Bankrotas

    Same with enforcer too afaik. Striker too was practically changed how it works from lock and release to lock and track mechanic.
  9. Mootar

    They didn't change the core mechanic of ZOE, just added a timer cooldown and tuned the values.
    Unless the core mechanic of ZOE was "god mode" being changed into "situational MAX ability" of course.

    How come those noobs got a refund?
  10. NinjaTurtle

    Have no idea, just pasted from his Twitter. Personally they shouldn't have got any certs back, the certs they farmed from an obvious OP ability more than paid for it anyway.

    Frankly the Striker was more in line for a cert refund as that had it's lock on mechanic completely changed and had completely new pathing done for it. Still no sympathy for them either just saying
  11. PanzerShrimp

    If you were around these forums when they nerfed the original OP Mag rider, You would understand why they are giving this Vanu ability a refund.

    The amount of Vanu tears that hit this forum last time one of there broken toys was balanced almost crashed this site, forcing higby to release statistics to try and quell the crying.

    I'm guessing there trying to avoid that this time, but I dont think they will lol.
  12. RogueVindicare

    Resist Shield didn't change. At all. Why should you get a refund?
  13. ExoskeletonMAX

    Demand refunds all you want, even the poor noobs asking for Harasser refunds, they won't get it LOL but they can still cry about it.
    You won't get a refund either just because you asked, tough luck, deal with it.
  14. NinjaTurtle

    Any reasonable VS player knows the ability was OP and they are lucky to have had it o long. Phoenix was nerfed after a day, not sure how it took so long with this
  15. CL4p2p

    I don't understand why people are made about RS no refund and why even the dev post in the patch note that RS is no longer sinergetic with Nanowave....

    RS cut in half the damage you receive... basically let's say that it double your health. Nano USED to provide more health so it was "synergetic" in the way that RS give you the double of the double of your health because of Nano...

    But now what is the difference ? Nano cut in half (or so I don't know I didn't go see the number yet) the damage you receive from infentry guns as do RS... it stay synergetic... instead of 50% blocking damage you will have 75% because of the double "cut half" damage... Nothing to be made against...

    If you are a pro-more health , it will stay the same thing... if you are a pro-x bullet block , well your way is in Adrenaline or Nanite, but in that case why the hell did you take RS....

    Really either I miss a point of the change , or people are really made about nothing and just don't know how to play...
  16. janeTEXAS

    NMG stacks with nanoweave?
  17. RogueVindicare

    ...except for the fact that multiple % based resistances DON'T stack in this game. It takes the higher of the 2 percentages and applies it to all applicable incoming damage.

    Which means Resist Shield @45% will ALWAYS trump Nanoweave 5 @25%. There is no more synergy.

    Which STILL doesn't justify a refund for Resist Shield. The functionality of Resist Shield HAS NOT CHANGED AT ALL. Therefore, NO REFUNDS.
  18. Mootar

    Nobody should be getting refunds, especially tryhards who plow thousands of certs into obviously overpowered, flavour of the month stuff like ZOE and Harassers, use them to farm like crazy for months on easymode and then whine when they eventually get nerfed back to hell from whence they came.

    If you get a cert refund you should also lose all the certs/kills you gained while abusing them.
  19. WTSherman

    It brings up some interesting possibilities. One thing to keep in mind is that by changing Nanoweave to a resist rather than an HP buff, it now stacks with NMG (because the resist still applies to NMG's extra shield points).

    So you can take Flak+resist shield, letting flak protect you from random explosions and shielding whenever a firefight starts, or you can take Nanoweave+NMG and be more vulnerable to explosions, but have slightly more room for error in firefights because you can absorb 1375 damage (assuming the resist value is 12.5%) before they even start on your health.
  20. CL4p2p

    Hu... didn't know about that, that's sux... but hell Deal with it.

    If you have to be refund everytimes something change, I think all the guns of all vehicules should be refund considering the huge change they get...

    I still think that no stack in resistance is a bad idea but I will play differently I think now...