Snowmen Problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DurandaI, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. DurandaI

    OK so after playing a small amount of the game on live servers between the crashes, snowmen seem to be way more frustrating then they are rewarding.

    They promote lone wolfing and potentially team killing.

    People hunting them dont want to squad up for fear that their teammates will steal them from under you, they really should make the bonuses atleast partially given to all squaddies, to promote team play and team fun, as it stands now it forces very antisocial behaviors and is a negative to the entire christmas spirit!


    Please SOE promote teamplay and give 100% of the rewards to the drivers of vehicles if their gunners blow up a snowman, this would go a long way to promote a fun team environment.
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  2. Poorform

    The mistake was adding the golden ones. For that reason I am camping in a desolate area until I get one, and so is everyone else.
  3. DurandaI

    Exactly, these snowmen really are hurting this type of squad and even platoon based gameplay. It makes me sad :(
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  4. janeTEXAS

    reminds me typical mmos where u need to camp special bosses that drop special weapons -_-
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  5. Mokomi

    Personally I love things like this in fact. This is also day one when everyone is running around finding them more than playing. Later in the season it'll be a we bit different. maybe make it so it explodes and everyone picks it up or something.

    I would love more random objectives like these. more team objectives more than every man for themselves objectives.
  6. Tommyp2006

    how much damage does it take to kill one? Same as normal infantry? They should have made them spawn randomly instead of in specific locations.
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  7. NC_agent00kevin

    Get Zephyr Lib, fly over empty wasteland, profit.
  8. DurandaI

    Yes its that exact style of even, except in those types of games teamplay is only required to run dungeons and raids, and isnt done usually in a PVP environment where you would WANT teammates.

    Here its a double edged sword because you want teammates to watch your back but dont want teammates because they could potentially steal it from you.

    I feel this is detrimental to the entire christmas feel, as it makes me want to spend less time with my friends then normal :(
  9. DurandaI

    Wrong, only your gunner profits, not the driver, so there is NO incentive to use a zephry, unless the driver dosnt care about the event, which is bad for the event.
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  10. NC_agent00kevin

    Im talking about farming the hunters. Easy Pickins.
  11. Zombekas

    So what do the regular and golden versions give anyway?
  12. DurandaI

    Snowmen give 500xp each

    Gold snowmen give potentially more XP and a confirmed hood orniment, potentially more.
  13. Syrathin

    Don't blame the system for the flaws of the players IMO.
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  14. BloodyPuma

    500 xp?

    I got a better solution.

    1. Find one on the very open field.
    2. Pick long range bolt, and hide 150 away.
    3. Spam "yells" about golden one
    4. Profit from OHK


    2 greedy guys = more xp then a snow man.
    Perfect farming.
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  15. ZephyrBurst

    Time to farm infantry with my Parallax. :)
  16. DurandaI

    Well, in 90% of situations, a vehicle kills the snowman, so i donno if that idea is gonna work out.
  17. janeTEXAS

    so anyone already have the map locations for snowman? :D
  18. YouWannaGetHigh

    Or another infiltrator shows up, snipes your snowman down and peaces out? :D
  19. Gredd18

    Genius. If you can actually Snipe (Unlike me)
  20. Mootar

    People are camping snowmen for a bit of XP and a chance at a fecking hood ornament?

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