Whats the point in playing VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Believeinsteve, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Believeinsteve

    Theres no benefit to playing them anymore. They at least used to be able to hold their own when the game first released.

    Now with TR being stupid op with high rate of fire & headshots equaling near death or death itself.

    NC at least has the power to back it up...

    VS needs something niche like TR & NC (high RoF or High power).

    VS needs the original lasher back

    Or we need a new damage component, like damage over time from our weapons.

    I just, its frustrating. In a 1v1 battle against a TR theres no way you can in unless you have aimbot.

    In a 40v40 battle VS maybe holds their own. MAYBE, and even if they do, more often than not they'll lose that advantage because of the damage/power they lack.

    I see no point in playing VS unless someone can point something out along the infantry lines. The only thing we have going for us right now is a magrider...which honestly is weaker than vanguard or prowler
  2. Mastermind

    So don't play them. WOWSOEASY
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  3. Necron

    Every time I hear a VS whine about his/her faction I die a little inside. VS have better than pretty much anyone else. Though when the nerfs for ZOE go live you do lose your crutch.
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  4. Believeinsteve

    I played VS in planetside 2

    You're missing the point...

    I can easily quit playing them you clearly didn't read.

    What is the point in playing VS?

    I see no valid reason unless you're goal in this game is to become weaker than anything & everything else. From what I hear they're nerfing us even further.
  5. Silver Fox

    And VS still do just fine..
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  6. Believeinsteve

    K, then explain how they're more powerful.

    I'd love to hear it, if no one can provide feedback on why they're powerful or why they're worth playing then its obvious what needs to be done...
  7. Believeinsteve

    Yet again another response, I meant to say ps1* not 2.

    But again another response that fails to outline why yo think VS are doing fine. 3 responses so far all leading to no depth to it.
  8. Necron

    Dude, VS have some of the best gear in the game: H-V45, Orion, SV-88, ZOE(not for much longer), spandex...

    Here's one: No bullet drop on all light arms. Meaning you can head-shot with a carbine at 150 metres without having to adjust for the parabolic arc of the bullet in flight. They also have a very easy to manage recoil and fast reloads on most of their guns. Their MBT can basically fly, and their ESF is the hard little bastich to hit in the game.
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  9. Believeinsteve

    Yet again you clearly fail to provide any insight to why they're powerful.

    I can outline what makes TR powerful, what makes NC powerful, and what makes VS powerful.

    But in between all that, these would all be opinions, and I'd have nothing to back it up with because I didn't provide any factual evidence.

    Again, still waiting for a reason to play VS over TR/NC.
  10. Silver Fox

    Perhaps because it shouldn't take any explanation?
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  11. FieldMarshall

    Not sure if troll or rage
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  12. Silver Fox

    Can you think for yourself? What do you value more? The VS are certainly competitive against the other two factions, but when it comes to choosing an empire to "main" it's a personal choice. Why you want other people to try to convince you of something is beyond me.
  13. Believeinsteve

    Then its obvious you can provide a reason.

    Please leave until you provide an intelligent response.

    More leaning towards rage. And if you had to ask that...
  14. WyrdHarper

    Low tecoil, high ROF weapons, fast reloads, best ESF for dogfighting (based on tournaments), best MAX (even before ZOE it had better stats than the other two according to the devs. There's a reason VS is overpopped on a number of servers.
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  15. Believeinsteve

    I'm not asking anyone to convince me. I'm trying to outline a point here.

    And after 13 responses, half of them from me, no one has provided a reason to play VS over NC/TR.

    I guarantee you even if I had written this out in a more 'polite' manner, you still wouldn't have a real response to the question.

    Why are you even in this thread if you can't even provide any assistance with the question.
  16. Devrailis

    Yeah. I don't get it.

    Either this guy is not very good, maybe he's learning or something and he thinks VS is a weak faction, which it isn't.

    Or he's trolling you all.
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  17. Believeinsteve

    But does that make up for low damage?

    Its one of those things where

    Would you rather flip a coin and have a 50/50 chance of winning, or roll a dice and have a 1/6 chance in winning.
  18. Lancener

    It's all play style, I usually play VS but all 3 factions are more or less balanced when it comes to infantry. I recently started playing an NC alt again and found that my play style fits the guns well, and I have no idea what all the complaining on the forums was about. My stats are messed up on the alt because apparently time in VR counts towards score/minute but I don't really care.
  19. Silver Fox

    I'm actually just here for the entertainment. This thread can't really be taken seriously.
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  20. Believeinsteve

    I'll admit it I'm not good and I'm still learning. And bear in mind I've had planetside 2 installed on my computer since the first beta wave. I've seen & been through most of it seems. I was originally NC for ps2 because my old outfit went NC. Turned out NC was extremely weak. So I ditched that and went VS. Was mostly VS while keeping tabs on a TR character & rarely my NC.

    But everytime I want to come back to planetside 2 and play, I play VS because of my loyalty to it in ps1, but everytime I get in a mid-range quarters battle with another faction even when I have people by my side, 1 person in TR can lay out half my squad it seems nearly everytime unless they're busy either reloading or afk.