What If There Was No In Field Infantry Spawns?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoctD, Dec 3, 2013.

  1. NoctD

    Theoretical scenario - no more spawn rooms and tubes at facilities, once you're dead, unless you get raised by a medic... you're back to the warp gate. No more AMS spawning either, no squad deploy, no redeploy, no spawn beacons.

    Terminals/AMS will still function ie. you can switch classes or pull vehicles in the field. But you have to get to those terminals somehow. Logistics becomes a crucial element of the game, ie. ensuring you can get troops safely from WG to front lines, vehicles become extremely relevant as they provide the only quicker way to get to the front lines.

    Its such a simple change, but it will totally revolutionize the whole game... so much that we take for granted and all those cheese tactics like spawn camping/reverse spawn camping/farming revives/etc goes out the window. No more easy redeploy, wait 10 seconds and respawn somewhere safe after you lose a vehicle... if you don't die in one, you're out there in the wilderness and have to fight till the end, then you get to restart at the WG.

    Zergs may still exist, but once you beat one down, don't expect them to be coming back anytime soon. That engie suicide bomber? Once he's dead, he won't be running back at anyone anytime soon. Death is now a much more serious matter, and a kill really eliminates someone from the field of combat, unless they have a ton of teamwork and medics going round. In vehicle death means a restart at the WG.

    So what say you? I hear complains all day long about the game lacking depth, and people wanting there to be more consequences. We don't need continent locking and all that other jazz to deepen the gameplay, just change the infantry spawns (or rather, get rid of them in field, and only have them at WGs).
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  2. Madcat9

    Well it sure would be a way to kill any hope of new players. With how short TTK is in this game to compared to what you suggested it would be the majority of the game experience being in transit.
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  3. MasterCheef

    not even you would enjoy that.
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  4. Posse

    lol, what did you smoke?
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  5. vsae

    Can you just go play ARMA instead?
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    people already average 15 kills an hour if that change went live there would be no fighting unless your a pilot
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  7. Cab00se187

    You shouldn't point people towards a better game
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  8. vsae

    Its not better by any means. Its whole different game. And I dislike it. Its not an FPS action, its war simulator.
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  9. zaspacer

    Yup, Air would be dominant. They can be used to shut down any enemy advance and lockdown access to any base. And if they died, they could respawn and get back into action quickly.

    Ground would be big vehicle zergs for safety in numbers. With players flying to the ground zerg location then spawning their ground vehicles there.

    Few would play Infantry (except maybe Max) because they are easy to kill and would result in a huge transit downtime, unless they were in a big mass with a lot of Medics. If any 2 factions managed to get a lot of Infantry into a Bio Dome (unlikely since would be hard to actually get them to the Bio Dome), the the winner would be the army with more Medics.
  10. b0nsa1

    Actually the resources revamp sounds better than this...
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  11. Sen7rygun

    Highly organised elite outfits rule the game. Everyone else gets f... Crushed under the boots of thr disciplined.
  12. vincent-

    That is a bad idea, were an fps not a simulator.
  13. Cougarbrit

    If I wanted to play ARMA I'd play ARMA. I guess I could manage by becoming a pilot fulltime, but I imagine most of the playerbase would just be pissed off and/or quit over such a change.
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  14. wolfva

    I think it'd make for a completely different game then we have. I'd like it. I think Sunderers should still act as forward spawn points, and would think it great if Galaxies could go back to spawning, but otherwise I'm right with the OPs idea. Then again, I came up through EQ and DAoC. Ah, DAoC. We'd spend 40+minutes skirting purple mobs and guards just to get to the frontier gates. Fights were much more tactical since your side would be short anyone not rezzed until they got back. Heh. My first raid into enemy teritory ended horribly when a group of mindworms and Rocs aggroed on us...the final straw was a roaming high purple guard <sigh>. Believe it or not, it was fun though. As opposed to the, "Go ahead and throw your life away it's meaningless and you'll just respawn in seconds!" style we have now.
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  15. Konfuzfanten

    Easy: it would kill the game.
  16. Cab00se187

    What if everyones weapons shot sparkles
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    the vanu would finally know what it feels like.
  18. JonboyX

    What if they instead reduced spawn points to just triple point towers, main bases, spawn beacons and AMS units?

    I think this might actually improve the flow of some fights. When a zerg is on the roll, more often it steam rollers for quite a while because the opposition fall back to the next nearest hex, rather than the next nearest base.

    If the latter were encouraged, they would come back with vehicles. I can't say with certainty, but it feels as though it might help to create a more engaging battle front?

    Of course, the downside is that towers would have little value as they currently stand. We'd have to give them some worth other than "take this because you can't get to the next base otherwise". Maybe the old AMP station idea (modest shielding) or DropShip (vehicle repair silo) if held.
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  19. axiom537

    Interesting Idea...I think you take it to the extreme, I wouldn't mind taking your idea and dialing it down a notch, just remove hard spawn points and make players rely on AMS's. If you own a base you would be able to park your sunderer inside the shield, which would give the defenders a slight advantage. If the base doesn't have a shield then make sure the outpost have a vehicle bunker you could utilize to assist keeping the AMS alive.
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  20. Cinnamon

    What if when you died in game you were also killed in real life. So immersion.
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