[Suggestion] aimbot detector

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blade Bow, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Blade Bow

    is there a way to write a program that would detect an aimbot user the same way an aimbot works i am sick and tired of having to play against people that use aimbots. i have never cheated and i never will but something needs to be done about it. its killing the game
  2. Pie Chasm

    Could you post one of these suspected aimbots?

    Unless the said person has accuracy above 30% and headshot ratios above 50%, there is no reason to even suspect them of aimbotting.

    Even if they aren't aimbotting, high accuracy and headshots are possible. The most damning evidence of aimbotting is "snapping", or changing targets at obtuse angles quickly, or headshot streaks with rockets, etc.
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  3. Robes

    Played the game since beta, only ran into a handful of people that i know for a fact was hacking (quick check at their stats page confirmed it) outside of the obvious ones that generally get banned pretty quick.

    More than likely you just have bad aim and can't get those shots so to you it is impossible for them to land it, cant count how many times ive been told i was hacking because i got a bunch of headshots before they knew what was going on.
  4. dciz2legit

    Just keep practicing! Soe is actually really good at detecting hackers, Trust me I have researched all this and since the update Aimbot developers are having a hard time keeping up with all the hotfixes and all the bans. U want to see hackers? Go play bf4 loads and loads of them, they actually pay a subscription to use hacks CRAZY!
  5. Nocturnal7x

    Yea Ive only ever seen maybe 5 cheaters since launch. One of them still plays and hasnt been banned...probably spends tons of money on the game...

    But these cases are rare.
  6. SocratesEverywhere

    The psychology of video game players is becoming increasingly interesting to me. In PvP games, baseless accusations of hacking get posted on forums or shouted in games quite regularly.

    Is it a weird frustration at death, like road rage?

    Are some people's egos so inflated that they can't imagine that another player may actually be better?

    The OP said he's sick and tired of playing against people who use aimbots. I'm not saying this to troll, but I find that statement fascinating. How did he arrive at the conclusion that he was playing against aimbotters? And how did he arrive at that conclusion so many times that he felt the need to post about it? It's too bad Astral Projection isn't real. I'd leave my body to watch this guy play and read his thoughts.

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  7. Drumrick

    I maybe saw two aimbotters in my ps2 lifetime. People complaining about "too many aimbotters" are often just frustrated 'cause the average player is just better then them.

    Really, there is no aimbot-problem in planetside 2.
  8. Flapatax

    I've seen 2 (that's two, not twenty with a missing 0) hackers, for sure, in 20+ days game played.

    If teamspeak and forumside were to be believed, I'd've seen thousands.
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  9. Phazaar

    There are no aimbotters. Thank you and goodnight.
  10. Astraka

    What?! Two?! But DA is full of them!
  11. FieldMarshall

    Cant we just get the option of a killcam, that replays the last 3-5 seconds before the kill from the point of view of your enemy?
    A little button you can click when you die called "Replay kill" or something. With the added option of recording it aswell.

    Problem solved, except for Snipers/LAs trying to hide in a good hidden spot.
    Maybe limit its use to people who have killed you several times in a row or something.
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  12. NC_agent00kevin

    The smart ones dont use aimbots; they use no COF, no recoil, no bullet drop, esp, and targeting cheats. You cant really catch those like a wall hack or aimbot. Ive seen quite a few players who shoot better than their guns are capable of. Other players who always know where you are and where you are looking with no vehicles, darts or even other enemies around. These are the ones who you need to worry about; obvious aimbotters get banned easily. Its the ones who use cheats like this that dont get caught.

    Problem is, there will always be cheaters. No matter how good your anti-cheat is, they will just find a new one that circumvents the detection system. The caveat of a F2P game: you can always make a new account to cheat with and circumvent even a hardware ban. Valve has the next best thing to a real anti-cheat in VAC. Punkbuster isnt all its cracked up to be and more often than not causes problems for legit players while not stopping cheaters. (in my experience with it) SMAC is pretty good too, but its only for Source games and sometimes bans exceptional players mistakenly.

    Basically, you just have to deal with it. The cheaters know inside that their accomplishments are hollow and empty.
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  13. SocratesEverywhere

    You mean they play Vanu?
  14. Luperza Community Manager

    While we can't talk to you about what we are doing behind the scenes to find aimbotters. Do note, they are being found. ;)

    A lot of the time, we get reports from people who are reporting players who just get a lucky streak.
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  15. Yuukikun

    Oh darn guys! DA gonna get in trouble!

    If i listended to what people /tell me, i would be an aimbot, a wall hacker and a warper without even knowing it D:
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  16. SocratesEverywhere

    It's easier to accuse than to understand.
  17. Pootisman

    There are not many, but there definitely a few. In my ~300h i have encountered several enemies who had always 100% accuracy, no matter how far away, how fast they move or how hard i try to dodge. Im cant confirm it, but thats veeery suspicous. But it isnt game breaking, in 100h i encounter 2-3 people who could be/are aimbotters.
  18. DramaticExit

    Faking low accuracy is easy. Stand around somewhere and mag dump into the sky for a bit to lower your accuracy stats.
    Aimbots can be created which finish the kill with a bodyshot, meaning the guy using it would have a low headshot ratio.

    So, yeah. There's that.

    I'm not saying there are a billion aimbotters and they're breaking the game and we've got a serious mass-cheating problem, because honestly, we've not. But there are some people around who are somewhat less than stellar examples of playing by the rules.

    When someone has an illegal advantage, they'll hide it. Why? Because they want to carry on having that advantage. Letting everyone know by having it displayed all over their stats, would be bad for the longevity of their advantage.

    If they're dishonest enough to cheat in the first place, you can bet your left ball on the fact they'd be dishonest enough to go to lengths to disguise the fact they're cheating.
  19. bubbacon

    Are you familar with the term "Echo?"
    I ask because I don't think alot of players are. Basically what "Echo" means is that your projection will leave an echo of your player on an opponets screen that is still a viable target. For example: You start taking small arms fire. You dart behind a rock or run into a doorway. On your screen your toon is safe behind cover; however, on your opponets screen he stills sees a viable target or "Echo" of your toon dashing to cover. So it gives you the impression that this guy just cheated somehow while your toon is taking fire behind cover, but in reality...its just part of the game mechanics.
    I get my share of hate tells from guys that just died dartig for cover or their tank takes a hit after what they precieve was a clean run back behind a shield and by the same token...I die plenty from the same glitch.

    Anyways, Wrel has some youtube stuff on it...check it out. You can also use an Echo to your advantage.
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  20. John_Aitc

    It is fascinating, Socrates. I also wonder, culturally, why there seem to be certain countries that are more known for cheating than others. How do more people from one or two places in the world form the idea that exploits and hacks are the correct way to have fun in a game?