Tired of freaking cheeseball smg infiltrators.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by holycaveman, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. f0d

    if anyone remember beta and/or tech test you will remember higby saying they were thinking of giving infils shotguns

    imagine the crying if they did that one :eek:
  2. Bonom Denej

    I play HA, and I don't really find myself caught off guard by CQC infil, nor I have the impression that they bring me down as fast as you say. If I pop my shield and if I heard them coming (which is often the case), it's a pretty guaranteed kill for me. It's not if I'm caught reloading my Orion or something...

    But, honestly, I don't know why people call CQC infil cheesy, I never had any problem or fustration with them, or at least not more than any other class in the game. I rage much harder when a medic kill me !
  3. IamDH

    So let me just get this clear.

    You do not want to use SMG infils because you're l337 skillz wont let you snoop down to that level so we must all be a pro sniper like yoi
  4. Ttariel

    Can we get a " I hate X " area on the forum so it is at least pilled up ?
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  5. Roll Fizzlebeef

    Tell you what... I'll accept a Sirius nerf as long as the Blitz is nerfed IN ADDITION to an Eridani buff.
  6. Liquid23

    ok but as part of the deal my Armistice also gets buffed
  7. SquattingPig

    SMG infiltrators remind me of claymores/proxy mines/bouncing betties. If you see them, you're fine. If you don't, you're dead.
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  8. Roll Fizzlebeef

    No dice.

    I'd actually take the armistice over the Hailstorm due to the blistering rate of fire. I drop enemies in a flash and some of my best killstreaks have been with that SMG. (Almost always against Waterson VS though... fancy that)
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  9. lilleAllan

    tell you what, noone cares.

    on topic: as long as cloak is harder to see on low, OP has a point. i don't have problems dealing with cqc infils, but i run medium. SoE needs to fix cloak (and irnv) on low asap.
  10. Zombekas

    Well I like "noobtubing" you with an invisible man.

  11. Gustavo M

    Do you want a counter for "invisible men"?
    Don't play alone.
  12. DramaticExit

    Probably worth checking the numbers on this, but I suspect that close quarters infiltrators probably net a lower score per minute and kills per minute than a light assault of the same skill level.
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  13. disgruntled newbie

    It's a nested problem.

    Infiltrators with SMGs are cheesy because SMGs in general are cheesy because accurate hip-fire is cheesy because the developers think time to kill of 200 milliseconds is good gameplay.
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  14. DramaticExit

    The only problem I see there is the hipfire accuracy, and fail to understand how that is in any way related to a fast TTK.

    Sounds like you're relating something unrelated to personal dislike of yours.
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  15. Psyqe

    To see cloaked infiltrators, you only need to set "Graphics Quality" to medium. I play on a laptop with everything else on lowest (even render quality... you can imagine how that looks) and they're so much easier to spot. They might as well not be cloaked.
  16. OldMaster80

    Personally I've quit using the SMG as Infiltrator: it's far too easy to get Amazing K/D but it's not versatile at all. It's really a noob combo, skilled players use Scout Rifles or Semi-Auto Sniper Rifles.
    As far as I'm concerned Infiltrators should have NEVER received SMGs. In the beginning we had shotguns and everyone was upset, now we have SMGs and it's basically the same.

    It's much more balanced. Snipers appear on minimap unless they have silencers which limits their effectiveness a lot and forces them to stay closer to targets. Sniper bullets have trails that make rather easy to spot where does the bullet come from, and due to recent nanowave chages they're freaking less deadly than SMGs Infiltrators.
  17. DramaticExit

    The full auto scout rifle is better anyway, in my opinion. Gives you a little more reach, so you've got more options for cover, and the ability to escape...

    Compensator, forward grip, 1x or 2x reflex... Silencers are for infiltrators who don't have a spine.
  18. NovaAustralis

    Ain't nobody got time fo dat!
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  19. wolfva

    "Anyone who does not play the way *I* think they should play is a noob and unskilled and and and and and they make me mad because they killed me and I should NEVER die except in glorious battle after felling hundreds of foes because only THAT is fair and and and I don't like dying mommy please hold meeeeee."

    Yeahhhhh. Mmmmmkay.
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  20. SanPelicano

    Except if your enemy uses Low graphics settings. Have you ever fought against a skilled SMG infil. at night on low graph.quality ?
    Even if he running, you cant see him . Then when you realize where he is, you are already dead.

    Low graphics settings + a darker background = invisible and deadly smg infiltrator. which is OP.
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