Tired of freaking cheeseball smg infiltrators.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by holycaveman, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. Typhoeus

    Situational awareness guys. Learn it, master it. You should always win in a straight up 1vs1 vs an smg infil. If you don't he's either better then you or you had the wrong weapon for that very fight. Personally I kill a lot more smg infils then sniper infils and I don't throw a **** fit either when I die to them. I die to a lot of different things in this game. I think VS and NC anti personnel mines are the only thing that upset me because they are so hard to see but I move on, no big deal.

    Also for any fps game, if you're scoped in you're sacrificing a lot of visual awareness. That's a risk you chose to make. If you're scoped in with an IR/NV scope then there's no way at all you will see them if they are cloaked. Also if you rely to heavily on the minimap to see enemies and don't pay enough attention to the actual screen, guess what? You're sacrificing some more visual awareness to gain another form of awareness instead. That's another choice you chose to make.

    The choices you make are what are getting you killed by smg infils. Blame yourself not the class.
  2. RobotNinja

    Dat sig. 9000+ likes.
  3. SpcFarlen

    Infitrators are fine. When cloaked they cant fire back, reaction time + that makes it pretty easy to down one if you see them. Yes they are meant to kill a single target quickly. So dont play to their strength. Running off on your own is an easy way to get yourself killed.

    I feel like a lot of the complains people have about OP this and OP that stem around the fact that they never want to look at what they did and improve upon that. They dont want to change, they want others to change. I want to play solo and never have to check my back... well this isnt the game for you. I want to run into a room full of enemies and be '1337' and clear a room in a single magazine while holding m1 + w.... again not the game for you.

    If you play to your opponents strengths you will lose every single time. Think what you did wrong in that situation and try not to let it happen again. Learn and adapt.
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    Prey on them? What? I haven't seen one player with a tag next to their name saying [I Play Low Settings]
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  5. Consumer

    I think the general impression I've seen among Infiltrator players, even those seemingly very experienced, is that they assume more often that their enemies are playing on low settings or otherwise oblivious to their presence than not. So I am quite surprised with the high proportion of the close-quarters Infiltrators who aren't aware or don't react when I can see quite clearly while somewhat close and moving.

    I've actually become very conservative on cloaking from my personal experience fighting Infiltrators with SMGs through their cloaks. Unlike my earlier claim generalizing others, I assume that all players can see me visibly at up to maybe 20m and less so beyond. I don't believe there is a very large middle ground between these two assumptions. So when an Infiltrator takes up his or her close range role, I think they choose distinctly, even if not consciously, whether to treat the cloak as complete invisibility or advanced adaptive camouflage (à la Ghost Recon Future Soldier) that puts you off the minimap, causes confusion, and serves to make you harder to spot in various situations.
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  6. Trebb

    Ok I'll play devil's advocate and agree with the OP on one thing:

    I feel invisible + SMG is balanced, but the implementation doesn't always work thanks to latency. 90% of the time they still appear cloaked but I'm already dead on their client.

    Same for my AV turret, can be argued that it's balanced in theory, but implementation (render issues, etc) makes it OP to smart users.

    That said, I almost feel bad farming infiltrators with my marauder. Almost. It's a mini game: Follow the radar blip!
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    I would say I treat it much the same way. Since the fix on the infil being near impossible to see on low settings and myslef getting killed while as infil I was told that on med or high settings infils are more visible I started assuming evryone plays on those now. So I never believe I am fully invisible. Like you said using it as a camouflage, is how I treat it. I only cloak when I'm on the move and fast to get from one bush to another or darl corner. I always asume someone can see me so I have to rely on my mine map. Sounds and always check 360 while on the move. I rarely get taken out by smg infils. There is only a few on my server that I have a hard time fooling.
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  8. JudgeDeath

    Riiiight because only the way OP plays is the right way.

    Seriously ... who has an issue with SMG infils, sometimes you die to them sometimes you kill them. Just like every other class in the game.
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  9. Unrecognised

    [quote="SpcFarlen, post: 2279063, member: I want to run into a room full of enemies and be '1337' and clear a room in a single magazine while holding m1 + w.... again not the game for you.[/quote]

    Errr yes you can, ZOE max :) and I'll keep doing it till it changes :p
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  10. Nocturnal7x

    BINGO DING DING DING WE have a winner.
  11. Lagavulin

    Totally agree. SMG infils are rampant at the mo, and something needs to change. Far too powerful and everyone seems to be cottoning on to the fact, so they're everywhere!

    Giving this class SMG's was a huge (money-grabbing) mistake - they're plenty powerful enough with pistols and scout rifles!

    This issue is one of the main things making me more and more fed up of the game at the moment, and seriously looking for something else to play.
  12. Hoki

    They are called skill hoses by the way.
  13. NovaAustralis

    But dude, it's a really difficult play style!
    I have to press F, then press W a lot, move the mouse around, then I have to aim, then press F, then press M1, then press F again, then press R, then press W a lot again and move the mouse around some more...
    it's hard work!
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  14. faykid

    as an smg infiltrator, you are not an "invisible man with machine gun"

    you're either hard to see and unable to shoot, or totally visible low health target with smg

    either way, i don't get it - how do people die so often to them? most of the time i notice them first, and then they are as good as dead
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  15. Liquid23

    they die to them because they have zero situational awareness most of the time... or they have a super crappy computer/ISP... in either scenario those people would have also died to any other class wielding any other weapon just the same... lol
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  16. Bonom Denej

    I just love to kill SMG Infil. Just keep them. You just have to play with the sound of the cloack/uncloack, and I don't know for you but even on low setting I don't have much trouble seeing them (I was on low settings before O:MFG).
    Oh, and I'm also enjoying playing them from time to time, but I often get killed since I can't manage de cloack/uncloack properly so far -_-
  17. TomoB

    I don't know what client side bs is it but often I'm killed by smg infils with couple of shots even if I have my HA shield on and full health. Usually I have to drill HAs to the head quite a bit with my assault rifles/LMGs before they go down if they have shields up.
  18. Sandpants


    Where is the tool tip that pops up and says what setting my enemy uses? I'd like that.
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  19. Liquid23

    apparently when they see someone they write their name down then cloak and run back and forth in front of them... if they don't shoot and kill them they mark down they run low setting so they can stalk them later
  20. kadney

    OHK Shotguns for everyone! :eek:
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