Anniversary bundle! (Includes camo, gold trimmed ES rocket launchers, 6 month XP boost + more)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. LocoCoyote

    I really want to support this game; I want to see it survive. but are you telling me I have to buy my veteran rewards?

    I am an annual subscriber. I think that might end if this is how you feel you need to treat your paying subscribers. Where are the real rewards for some one who dished out cash? You should look to Zynga... how did that work for them?

    Bad form, really bad form SOE.
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  2. HadesR

    Dear Mr L.Coyote

    Thankyou for playing our game and helping to make it grow over the past year , both through your feedback and ingame activity ..
    As a sign of our appreciation we would like to invite you to participate in our one year anniversary ..
    Please feel free to buy your own gift



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  3. faykid

    i guess it'd be fair if all players who've played this game since November 20, 2012 and had at least one month long membership over this year got this bundle free of charge

    otherwise, it is a fair deal.
  4. Goretzu

    Don't think so.
  5. Goretzu

    Not a great fan of that camo, looks more grey-green than grey.

    I might have got it if the camo and decal has been ok, but basically now it would just be for the Golden Pheonix and the boost and I have the rest of the weapons.

    Also with C4 you could have done all that in 30 seconds. :eek:
  6. koopa

    you can kill vehicles and maxes from an average range of 200m?! SINCE WHEN?
  7. Goretzu

    With the Pheonix's low DPS you can usually drifter or run 200m within the TTK.
  8. Greddy

    I got the heroic boost on ALL 6 characters when I bought the package through their PS2 site.
    So, dont buy the package through the game, but through the SoE site.

    TDTU: Yes I got 6 heroic boost items
  9. NinjaTurtle

    I can confirm there seems to be bug if you buy the bundle in game.

    I bought it on site and eveything unlocked correcrly
  10. PinkamenaDiane

    Hm, if that truly is the case then I will wait with buying the bundle, either until they fix it or to the last day it is available.
  11. faykid

    i only have 1 character. now that i know about this... bug? feature? i should prbably make new characters for my future self and only then buy it. thanks!
  12. NCmagnetarN7

    Why does it end so quick,i'm dropping over 500 euros that weekend on xb1,i simply can't afford this bundle.if it was pushed to the 28th i would have no problem picking it up.
  13. f0d

    nice - that actually makes the package worth it

    before i go out and buy it can i get a few more confirmations on this?

    if true im buying 2 if not then none
  14. Wecomeinpeace

    Looks like they continue to try to walk the fine line between reasonable pricing and shameless rip off. I dunno, the whole F2P model just brings out the worst in games, gamers and game makers alike.
    Now don't get me wrong, this particular deal isn't a rip off by any means. But the whole way the cash shop looks and these sales are being handled (can use this on all chars, that only on the char you bought it, "ONLY NOW", "50% OFF!" etc.), it just leaves a bad taste. "F2P" tends to drag down the reputation of a game regardless of its actual quality ("PS2? Ah yeah, that one with the overpriced cash shop.").

    That being said i'm gonna pass on this one. :p
  15. vsae

    You should look up SWTOR cash shop for comparison
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  16. Amarsir

    Greddy, what you're reporting is not what normally happens, so forgive me if I want to be very clear:

    Normally, when your account gets a boost, it's sort-of "floating" until it gets claimed by a character. So every time you log in, you will see the K hotkeyed Claim window in the lower right. On every character. That way you get to claim that ONE boost on the character of your choice. As soon as you claim it for one, it stops appearing on all.

    So, did you:
    A) USE the boost on more than one character, putting it in the slot and seeing the +50% bonus take effect?
    B) SEE the boost notice on more than one character and decide to use it later?
  17. Vividousity

    I can confirm it. If you purchase through the website it unlocks the camos for all characters and gives each character 1 heroic boost. I've also used 1 of the boosts and checked the other characters just to confirm they still had them.

    I have used the boost on 2 characters already and can see it applied to both. When you purchase the boost through the website, it doesn't give you the claim notification, it just applies the boosts to your inventory. It does show that you have just 1 boost, but each character has 1 boost.
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  18. Merli0n

    Happened to me too. Bought the bundle through the website for $39.99, and I have the heroic boost in the inventory on each of my 3 characters. No notification to claim the boost.
  19. Amarsir

    Well thank you very much for confirming guys! And SOE, my $40 is headed to you right now.
  20. Flapatax

    This is the same weird entitlement I had to deal with when I worked in retail.

    "I'm a paying customer, am I not entitled to free things now?"

    No. You bought a thing, and you received that thing. This thing, while it is being sold by the same people, is not owed to anyone.

    I'm a premium sub and I bought the bundle because 1) the camo isn't terrible and I needed a new weapon one. 2) I didn't have a lot of the TR/NC items in it. 3) It's 4k for a heroic boost are you people insane and don't remember the pricing structure for these things oh my god deal with it no mom isn't going to make two dinners just because you don't like broccoli christ.

    That's all.