Squad Deploy nerf exposes the horrible base design

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jak, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. TheFamilyGhost

    Losing the fight mentally doesn't seem like a good idea. You're still doing it.

    I don't mean to insult, but all you have here is excuses.
  2. TheFamilyGhost

    I don't get it. I've got no problem with you guys being a camping squad, but don't impose it on others.

    Ahh, so YOU DON'T have SOE numbers. Shocking.

    Is threat of censorship the last arrow in your intellectual quiver? It doesn't work on big boys.

    You still haven't adequately defended being camped regularly as a good reason for everyone to play a game that will make your campee experience better.

    3am-8/10am PST on weekends guaranteed. If no family obligations, I may be on a good portion of the weekends. I welcome it. Heck, I'd LOVE to see how you guys get camped, and also to observe the cacophony on TS.

    I don't have to act, I'm reading what's being written. You guys are a camp squad, and looking to make the camp easier on yourselves. Also, logical debate is not the strong suit of any of you.
  3. TheFamilyGhost

    Shouldn't be possible? Doesn't that seem like a bit of a fantasy? it is just a plea to be rewarded for not stopping the enemy when the chances were better.

    This is a combined arms game, of course it should be possible. What should be impossible is great PS2 players not being able to deal with the enemy having achieved overwhelming superiority, and figuring out how tod eal with it.

    I see all these posts "we're so great, you don't know what you're talking about". Is greatness really changing the game because the bad man is winning, or is greatness figuring out how to defeat it in the context of the game (remember, no excuses...)?

    Artificial game changes in order to create contrived engagements is bad.
  4. Goretzu

    Except that there is absolutely no way you can know from here what I do or do not do in-game (unless you are omniscient, which I suspect you are not).

    Nevermind what everyone else does.

    You're simply imposing a belief onto an argument...... where in reality neither have anything to do with each other. :confused:

    Not so much excuses as simply making things up (or creating a Strawmen for the purpose of knocking it down), none or which has anything to do with that I've said.
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  5. Goretzu

    That's actually the whole point of this thread! :)
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  6. Posse

    Did you read the first post of this thread or are you just a troll?

    Don't worry about me though, I know well enough how to "win" ;)
  7. TheFamilyGhost

    Yep, I read it. Did you?

    Not a troll, just a guy that doesn't want the game he plays to go from dumbed down to blithering idiot.
  8. Posse

    And how is giving the vehicles a space where they can fight like tanks are supposed to, and prevent them from getting easy kills via spawn shelling, something that requires zero skill, dumbing down the game?
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  9. TheFamilyGhost

    Are you sure that contrived engagements are not being asked for?

    First of all, the infantry-centric flavor is strong.

    Facilities already have spawn generators, and they already require some level of capture time. So that is redundant.

    What is being contrived here? The timer requirement that will preclude the movement of the enemy to the spawn location. It won't work- people will always go to the spawn exits.

    "We can't have infantry only areas while allowing infantry to be the prime threat to vehicles..." weapon systems abilities will be contrived, so that infantry will be less effective in the open.

    "This also promotes combined arms as the infantry fighting inside will need the vehicles supporting their continued assault...." I'm glad I read this more it makes no sense. If vehicles are excluded, then there is no reason for them to support anything. Anywy, the very language is one on contrived effect: "promotes, etc

    Ah, we want to contrive more vehicle vs vehicle engagements

    Ahh, so as long as the vehicles can't bother the OP, then anyone should be able to spawn any vehicle they want! Wow...wanna talka bout contrived and not thought out at all. But it doesn't matter. What happens outside the base is outside the base- Right?

    Let's see here. Not contrived, but revealing. Instead of having to protect one's AMS (a source of great battles in itself), the AMS is now cloaked to prevent detection. Not the highest level of maturity in a squad when the squad requires the game to hide their AMS because they won't defend it.

    Ah yes, static spawns! What better place to kick back and get some farming in!

    With the exception of #5, it is all contrived, and frankly, poorly thought out at that. The fifth point is simply a cry for a spawn that lasts longer, and an enemy spawn that is predictable.

  10. TheFamilyGhost

    Because prohibiting where they can go is a crutch for not being smart enough to keep from being camped.
  11. Flapatax

    Or, like, game design.
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  12. Posse

    Following your logic tanks should be able to climb any mountain, interesting logic you have there.
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  13. Flapatax

    Hey, he didn't say that except for that was what he said. Stop twisting his words back into those same words and restating his point back to him. It's censorship through interpreting him literally.
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  14. Posse

    That post there just gave me a headache, remind me to TK you when I log in tonight!
  15. CDN_Wolvie

    If you didn't learn anything from the threads I linked, its pretty clear to me that you didn't bother reading through them because the points you make have already been addressed.
  16. TheFamilyGhost

    That's one way to look at it.

    Another way to look at it is you're a camper/campee looking to limit the different kinds of bad guys you'll meet, and I enjoy open battles where challenges come in all flavors.

    One of us wants the same thing over and over again with scripted wins, the other one wants ever-changing and difficult battles where the winner is the best team.

    We'll never agree, and that's OK.
  17. TheFamilyGhost

    Where did I say tanks should be able to climb mountains?

    Man...you're reaching. C'mon, you can do better than that. Or maybe not...not because you're exhausted intellectually, but perhaps you're starting to realize that being a camper and lobbying for camp-aids may be the best thing for campers, but not for gamers.
  18. jak

    Let me start by saying you're completely ignorant of my playstyle. I'm almost never camped in a spawn room, but that doesn't mean I can't recommend changes to gameplay that may improve the overall experience. So, please stop using ignorance as your basis for assessing how I play the game.

    Every engagement in the game is contrived. The fact that you logged in to a game that sets you against an opponent in any form causes a contrived engagement. You're missing the point of why my idea was to create more infantry centric areas - it's not to stop spawn camping, it's to create situations where the campees aren't in an absolute no win situation. Currently, most outposts that have one spawn (or a teleporter that takes you to another small building with open ground between) contrive captures that involve unavoidable vehicle spam that prohibits any hope for the defenders to put up a defense. It's entertaining that you make statements about challenges and things being hard. There's a difference between a challenge and something being impossible.

    Example A that you either did not understand my post or you do not understand how my post would fit in to the overall gameplay. That is vastly humorous that you focus on my post having language to cause a contrived effect.

    No, *I* (not we) want to give vehicles an incentive to fight other vehicles. They can still go shoot infantry all they want.

    Example B for why you either did not comprehend my post or you don't understand how it would fit into overall gameplay.

    Example C for how you did not comprehend my post or don't understand how it would fit into overall gameplay. This one is exceptionally interesting because it tells me how you also did not comprehend how it would fit into the overall picture with the other concepts presented. I find it funny how badly you took the work "static" in a literal sense. That contributes to my assessment that you lack fundamental understanding of major components of the game, as well as my post.

    I'm okay with people that don't agree. I'm not okay with people that don't agree because of ignorance and not comprehending the picture being painted, yet continue to spam my post with both.
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  19. TheFamilyGhost

    That makes no sense. You mean a crutch for game design? Or perhaps a crutch for failing to recognize the age old and Number One Rule of Online PvP play?

    What is that rule? When you're pushed back to your spawn, the sheep will be camped.

    LOL I bet you're the top complainer on TS. Everything OP, everything UP, outnumbered, OMG how did I die etc. ad infinitum.
  20. Shadowyc

    I agree, in fact, I believe we should go further. They should make spawn camping drastically easier than it currently is. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why the group playing Defense should be able to turn the tables through sheer testicular fortitude or whatever if they've gotten beaten back to the spawn. They are ignorant, weak sheeple that should be farmed, slaughtered, and their families beaten with a sack of bricks simply for being related to those players. Those players should die for existing and allowing themselves to be turned into cattle by an enemy that they did not realize were their superiors whom should be worshipped as the Gods they are!
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