The *I love this game* Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MagiKKell, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. MagiKKell

    I've been seeing a bunch of really negative threads here lately. Everyone is complaining about some minor thing they don't like about the patch or whatever, and generally at least some people respond with something positive, but seeing these titles after putting in several weeks of overtime has got to stink for the devs. So here is a thread to ONLY post things you love about the game. Please keep this up and stuck in the front of the forums.

    I love so much about this game, I won't post it all in this one post. Let me just say that since Planetside came out I haven't really played anything else. At all. This game is everything I ever wanted from a game, FPS front line small stuff and, if you like, big organized pushes to take a continent. The concept is just awesome.

    One more? Hovertanks!! I absolutely love my Swagrider. Do you guys realize you get to drive Mother*&^% Hovertanks in this game? I love you SOE, this game is awesome. If you never patch another thing or bring another update, I'll still be playing this for years.

    Thanks SOE, you rock!!
    Best regards,


    [D3RP] Waterson
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  2. Hatesphere

    Hover tanks are the bomb, and spandex is awesome. GOD HELP THEM if they take my maxes sexy sexy power heels.
  3. Edenwolf

    Despite having "next gen graphics," CoD ghost and battlefield 4 have both failed to keep my interest, there is nothing like PS2(not to say it looks bad by any means).

    PS2 is the game I've been dreaming for, I hope there will be a planetside 3 after this game becomes a relic :)
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  4. AccelPrime

    Planetside 2 is amazing, unlike AAA titles this game is actually able to keep my interest for more than 2 months :D.

    The new update made the game so much better, being able to play @60 fps in a large bio lab battle is bliss~
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  5. IamDH

    I'd lol if this gets buried under the whine threads

    I like planetside because i have freedom of choice. I can join the zerg, go to a 1-12 battle, get a tank because why the f not and fly my plane
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  6. Targanwolf

    The game right now is an unending series of arena fights.Completely meaningless game play once the fight is over.
  7. MagiKKell

    Really? You come to the one thread that isn't about whining and... Whine??

    I love the large scale map of planetside. Nothing is more glorious and meaningful than to do a continent push with your outfit for several hours, pursue the same guys through multiple bases and in the end capture the continent. This is very meaningful and awesome!! You, sir, need to l2p planetside.
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  8. Hatesphere

    All games right now are an unending series of meaningless tasks. Completely meaningless game play once all is said and done. maybe you should lighten up?
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  9. Lightwolf

    I have been playing since beta; yes mr whale's had some rough times, but god I love this game. There's just an unending succession of awesome moments where you grit your teeth and freaking get things done.
    When you don't want to be serious, you can do whatever you'd like! When you do, you can line the trenches with a platoon or lead it on a blitz across a contested continent; or draw a line in the sand and defend against impossible odds; this far, no further.

    I still remember when I led a platoon in defense of scarred mesa. Outnumbered two to one, we held that damn line. Through the place for forty five minutes; through all the gal drops and the massive air attacks; we bunkered indoors and held. Sure we died like dogs, but we won the alert.

    anyone else have an awesome moment?
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  10. MagiKKell

    I got to say one of my favorite moments was on Esamir, Eaisa Tech. We had ignored the place, TR started ghost capping. I dropped in as an engie, repaired the SCU, blew up the sundie, changed to infil to start wiping the point with 6 seconds left. I start flipping the point with 1 second left, and then get shot down. I fear that all is lost, but then a friendly medic comes in, kills the guy, rezzes me, the point is saved with 1 second to go and then the Cavalry starts dropping in and the figh escalates to 48+ on both sides.
    Great moment!
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  11. pencap75

    I love PS2 because its the only online game I have been playing for the past year, and I haven't spent a single dime on it, yet I have had countless hours of entertainment. Nothing to complain about when its free, and I think SOE actually made the game pretty fair for cheap bastards like myself.

    I love the performance patch too, fps locked at 60fps even in the biggest zerg battles.
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  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    You don't see this in any other game.
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  13. Amundsenkalmah

    I love this game too.
    Used to be a BF3 fan but then...
    I found enlightenment
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  14. Halathorn

    In my opinion there is nothing like Planetside 2. I'll be honest, I have dreams that me and a few people in our outfit are assaulting bases together, using tactics and communication to take the point. I just cannot get enough of this game.

    I kept playing even though in large battles I would get 5-10 FPS. I may not have been able to do much other than meat sheild for my fellow TR, but I still had fun. Now that optimization is here, I get 35-40 FPS in large battles, I feel like I can actually help make a difference in the battle.

    It may just be the placebo effect but since the optimization, I feel like it is a whole new game again. I only got to play for an hour and half last night, I couldn't get enough. I cannot wait for the weekend. I LOVE THIS GAME.
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  15. Yuukikun

    I love this game because i can abuse all the broken weapons and mechanics to ruin the new players' fun :D
  16. reticentbassist

    There were two moments that happened 1 right after the other that got me hooked on this game. I was pretty new back in January and I was still trying to figure things out. I was on Indar and had recently joined EXE (thanks FlyingIron!), we decided we were going to push Hvar so we pulled an armor column from the WG.

    My first OMG moment was the armor column. I was gunner in a sunderer, and as far as I could see looking North and South was armor. In most traditional video games, you only get epic experiences like that in cut scenes. In Planetside 2, you get player generated cut scene moments all of the time.

    The second moment came after we failed to take Quartz Ridge Camp and the Vanu was pushing back. We rushed to Indar Ex and set up a defense. A lot of the armor was still alive. The sun was setting. The Vanu were rushing down the hill from Quartz. We had a firing line of Prowlers and Lightnings, probably about 2 dozen, just raining fire on the hill. As night fell the explosions and tracers turned the whole display into a sort of fireworks show. Again, a player generated cut scene moment that only Planetside 2 can deliver. Incredible. I was hooked, and I have been ever since.
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  17. Halathorn

    This is the kind of stuff that makes me love this game soooooo much! I love running through these tank columns with my engineer throwing down ammo for the troops and repairing the tanks as we all push forward. It is such an epic experience.
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  18. Zazulio

    Despite the Flash's many issues, it is still the most fun I've had in years on a first-person shooter! Weaving through enemy tank columns on two wheels at breakneck speeds, hoping that none of them sees through my cloak and instablaps me, so that I can get to the mass of squishy pinatas crouched behind rocks on the other side and pluck at their flanks one enemy at a time makes me feel like an action hero with nothing to lose. It'll be even better once they eventually fix the Flash's control package, so I don't have to worry about my vehicle suddenly deciding it would rather go somewhere else, but for the time being, it is still my absolute favorite thing to do in this game, or any other. Thanks for the Flash, SOE!

    As other users have said, the "player made cutscenes" that this game generates are truly memorable experiences, and no other game has been able to pull that off so well.
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  19. FocusLight

    I ditched BF3 after 1 month. I tried getting back into it in the last few days to see if I'd have any fun in BF4. I won't. I played CoD:MW2 back in the day and the sucky campaign full of modern FPS cliche's and the mediocre multiplayer with loads of whiny kids, blatant hackers, and absurd ideas in a 'realistic shooter' (oh hi mr run'n'knife so nice to die to instant-knifing-leads-to-instant-death, once again) had me ditch it in 2 months, sick and tired. No other CoD games, no other BF games yet. Plenty of other awesome games have come and gone and I've played most of them, but sadly most are passing fancies, though some are the awesome kind that you go back and re-visit for a few more hours of fun, every once in a while.

    I've played EVE Online for over 8 years. Beyond that I've played World of Warcraft, Lineage II, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, FireFall Beta, TERA and a few other games. Besides EVE, PS2 is the only MMO I've played for more than a few months - in fact I'm still playing it after a year and only had a break lasting at most 3 months, ONLY due to lacking hardware.

    The game has it's issues and problems and sometimes it's down-right infuriating to watch them, but the most annoying fact about the recent "nothing works you can't play and crash in 5 minutes" issues that pop up once in a while? I CAN'T PLAY PS2 THANKS TO IT. It don't make me want to uninstall - it makes me wish I could play even MORE.

    For all it's flaws PS2 is a unique game and is the best FPS experience I've had since forever. Something really awesome, something spectacular beyond Human imagination have to come out to make me ditch this game for another FPS.

    And that FPS better have a series of huge maps with thousands of players on each divided into 3+ sides duking it out all day every day non-stop, otherwise it's right back to Auraxis with me.

    Thank you SOE for not being EA, demanding I pay 370+ crowns for the right to play pre-set A vs B 32vs32 (or less) matches on the same old maps with waiting lobbies between meaningless matches where the outcome is mostly irrelevant and everyone has the same weapons and vehicles as everyone else. Thank you.
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  20. VonStalin

    "Let me just say that since Planetside came out I haven't really played anything else. At all."
    I have started to play planetside only ~2 moths ago and I see the same tendency as 10 years ago i started to play counter strike 1.3 (there was no 1.6 yet). In those two months i have also been playing Quake Live, BF4, CS 1.6, CS GO, AoE HD, Minecraft, NFS world, Robot Arena 2, Far cry 3, GTA4, Skyrim... But planetside 2 is the only game i always came back now.. It's kinda fulfills all my needs as for gamer more or less. This game is quite challenging, thats what gets me in the most.
    Actually i would like it to be even more challenging, more like counter strike (one shot - one kill), and i see them heading to this direction when they announced that there will be no more nano-wave helmet so better head-shots, and i like it. They are heading to the right direction to keep hardcore gamers like me in. Just to say, when i have owned counterstrike 1.6 deathmatch servers, by default players had west only and no helmet for the same reason - HEADSHOTS. And that did work well in gameplay experience.
    The next thing i would like them to do is make player movement responses feel less clunky, more like counterstrike or even a bit quake like, because now, when a simple task as jumping over a handrail is difficult and changing guns takes forever, and zooming in, and crouching.. So one shot headshots in close combat does not make sense in these circumstances.. Because on such player control clumsiness it is more matter of a luck rather than skill, other than counterstrie or quake where player control response is so brilliant that it is 100% matter of your skill. And more skill rather than luck is involved, the more fun, more addiction.
    Anyway, thanks SOE for making such an outstanding brilliant game fulfilling most of my gamer needs.