Another Joystick thread

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Istaf, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Istaf


    Can the devs just come out and say if they're going to fix this issue or not? People have been bringing this up since beta, constantly. There was even a fix for it not too long ago and the devs took that away. Really, how hard would it be to allow us to adjust the sensitivity and deadzone values lower? Does SOE just not want us using joysticks?
    • Up x 2
  2. Berserk666

    I was just looking for a place to complain about this. I used to be able to change the values in the useroptions.ini file but it just resets them to the way too sensitive and way too large dead zone settings. WTF SOE? The ESFs are miserable to fly with a joystick now. I have no desire to fly with a mouse and keyboard either. I've spent like $85 on this game and they go and remove the simple fix. All they need to do is change the value sliders in the menu. Today we a got a bunch of hud and interface updates but still no simple joystick fix. WTF!
  3. Tropopyte

    Even though it's not a real fix but more of a workaround:
    Try DXTweak. You can alter the calibration values of your joystick with it. This way you can lower the sensitivity more or less hardware site. There are settings for the dead zone as well, but i didn't try them out. I was able to make flying "o.k.ish" with my joypad this way. But i would need more buttons on it to use it effectively, so i went back to keyboard and mouse after a first try.

    To lower the sensitivity, you have to raise the Min and Max Value in the calibration section. I for example changed the values from -255 and 255 to -310 and 310.
  4. GunsmithJoe

    MLG, bro! Pros use MKB, not that fiddlesticks stuff! gets in the way of the redbull cooler!
    (that's sarcasm, for the dense)
  5. Paulus

    Pretty sure they answered this when we asked them during Beta, I seem to recall being told that they won't actively support Joysticks because "not everyone has one these days and we don't want to exclude those who can't afford a new peripheral".

    I would link it, but its on the Beta forum, so working from memory.
  6. GunsmithJoe

    Also keep in mind that this game is being built for PS4
  7. mLocke

    In my experience, console folks are more willing to buy peripherals than their pc gaming master race counterparts. I can't remember the last time I saw a 360 without guitar band/rock hero plastic instruments nearby.
  8. Istaf

    And elsewhere I've seen them say they have plans to support joysticks. Either way, why would they go through the trouble of making joy sticks worse? It's idiotic.

    This is false, everyone use to own a joystick back when flying games were big. Also look at the amount of sim equipment out there for PC only. Not to mention the amount of people who have turned their PC's in to a full on F16 simulator. Take a look at StarCitizen, pretty much everyone on their has some elaborate joystick setup.
  9. Paulus

    It's not so much they want to "deliberately make joysticks worse" its more they won't be in a hurry to fix anything they might accidentally break because of their previous position on it.
  10. Dibola

    It's not gonna hurt them to support joysticks. Sheesh, lots of PC gamers should be able to afford one since they're cheap nowdays.
  11. DirArtillerySupport

    It's a corporate mentality...they know what's best for you.

    You guys should have seen the joystick control setup from Planetside launch. Now there was a game where a joystick was completely useless...1 in 20 even used one. It was all mouse and keyboard flying back then yet it had one of the most elaborate sensitivity and dead zone adjustments I had ever seen before or since. I mean they actually had you manually adjusting a graph to adjust the curve of sensitivity for each axis and mark the dead was insane!!? I had every single button my cyborg evo mapped and a steering wheel for my ground vehicles clamped to my desk with foot pedals!? And it all worked!
  12. Kiithnaras

    Simple fix: Give users full control over joystick response linearity, sensitivity, and deadzone. None of this sensitivity max at 1.5, deadzone minimum at 5%, and response curve exponent (i.e. non-linearity) totally locked and invisible somewhere near 6 to 8. That might take a team of four coders a few afternoons to work on since there is already, admittedly laughable, joystick integration in PS2.

    Unless the joystick code is a horrible mess, which is entirely possible considering the state of affairs.
  13. Marder

    Devs put u head out of *** and fix joystick support .