Epic Battles!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Meeka, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Meeka

    So, after playing with the new patch and the lack of the old 'squad deploy' and the tightened up spawn beacons, I have to say... battles are far more epic.

    In large battles, I see squads moving from point to point... give and take on the battle field as individual buildings are being used as small fortresses, and even rocks and trees surrounding bases have become intense war zones. The fights, not just focused at the base have become spread out all around bases until the last moment... and it's amazing to see! Looking across the sky, you see tracers and lasers, and you can pick out the smaller fights among the big fight instead of just one mass of bodies. I see more Galaxies flying overhead, dropping off troops, and flying off again... I see ESFs concentrating more on ESFs that are attacking Galaxies and focusing less on the ground.

    The battles are just so much more enjoyable!
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  2. Sen7rygun

    One things certain.

    I'm going to have to get a replacement 'Del' key for my keyboard because we'll be pulling a fresh skywhale every few minutes for the rest of our lives.
  3. BoomBoom4You

    you say it like it's a bad thing
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  4. Sen7rygun

    Not necessarily a bad thing, but a very monotonous thing. My outfit prides itself on exceptional reaction time and coordination, so redeploying 40 players, pulling a set of Gals and being on the other side of map in 60 to 70 seconds is a standard procedure for us.

    We do however enjoy the (now defunct) ability to squad drop on our SLs as it allows us to move very quickly when necessary and stay in a fight longer against truly superior enemy numbers. It is routine for us to hold off 30+ players when attacking or defending a point with a single squad.

    I see this as dumbing the game down rather than removing an exploited feature. There was nothing stopping the pubs from skilling up, getting coordinated and learning to punch above their weight but SOE would rather appeal to the lowest common denominator on this one.

    When this non-stop-drop type of gameplay occurs between well matched teams it creates a kind of ferocious game of chess that I'm really going to miss. There was something quite special about only relying on top coordination, class composition, great communication, good tactics and plain old staying alive to get things done.

    I fear the days of commando insertions and epic holdout fights against huge forces are nearly over. Those sorts of fights now are pretty much akinto a round of counterstrike where one team gets the luxury of respawning. You can either be gods of war and carry flawless victories against insurmountable odds or get in line and join the zerg with the pubs.
  5. zukhov

    I agree, the old squad deploy was just abused and sunderers were easy meat for anyone with a spawn beacon. Its certainly removed some cheesy annoyance from the game.
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  6. Hatesphere

    all this means is that now you have to get the SL to you know... drop a beacon! IMO this expands tactics, since before it was just "ok I got my dead body next to the objective, make me SL and everyone spawn on my corpse"
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  7. Spartan101

    I suggest you check out his character, check where his outfit is on the leader-boards across all servers and then get back to him. Knowing JUGA as i do makes your comment look childish. Sne7rygun and Juga know what they're talking about when it comes to tactics.
  8. Hatesphere

    Just because they don't do it is not excuse. I could care less about his stats when it comes to broken game mechanics. they might disagree but I feel this opens the door for more involved tactics.
  9. Sen7rygun

    Much respect dude *bro fist*. Everyone's entitled to their opinions though lol. I'm just as guilty as he is for cheap shots on the forums :p but I do like to see who I'm talking to before I start smack talking lol.

    He just doesn't realise that I was leading armies before he was a boy scout, won more battles from the ugly side of 4:1 odds than he's seen sun rises, survived more beacon drops into pitched war zones than he's had hot meals, <insert other generic cliche chest beating parables here etc>... Lol.
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  10. Hatesphere

    but your stats and apparent god like leadership don't make up for the fact the mechanic was broken to start with. the fact that you have to drop a squad beacon now to accomplish the same effect its bringing some counter play to the whole "tactical" game.
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  11. HadesR

    Have to agree TBH .. Any outfit worth their salt will use any system, broken or not to expand their tactic's. In the end though it doesn't stop it being a broken.
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  12. soeguud

    it was a necessity on Briggs - numbers are so low that rapid redeployment is a must, with Sen7rygun's mob being exceptionally good at it. The only people it hurts are the co-ordinated few, the ones that actually make a difference during an alert.

    SOE seems deadset on a spectacularly linear experience which seems to be what the playerbase is seeking .. apparently.
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  13. Hatesphere

    this does not hurt " the co-ordinated few" it fixes long standing issues with the spawn system that where easily some of the most abused in the game. .
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  14. faykid

    I already feel that people will have to be more organized and think twice. Sunderers, galaxies - back in business. With the inability to tell how many people there are in those, game will change. For the better.
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  15. Fredfred

    I have also been seeing better, longer, and more epic battles today. I was getting sick of people just drop podding onto sunderers and thinking it was a legit tactic.
    What was funny is, is when someone in my squad asked me why the squad deploy is different and you can't drop pod in. I explained why...
    He then asked, "Then how are we suppose to kill sunderers?"
    Here was my reaction:
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  16. Vandali

    It was a great change, as was the ability to no longer see numbers in vehicles.

    This game has huge maps because its designed for air, land and one day sea. Having the ability to bypass huge chunks of contentt was just daft and if people are upset because they can no longer fast forward, then they should seek out one of the many games that cater for such gameplay.
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  17. Ulysees

    To be honest the game flow keeps changing from it being too hard to defend a base to the current state of it being too easy now since they introduced the no deploy zones so changing squad deploy and spawn beacon drop range it should go some what towards making base assaults more sustainable which at the end of the day will lead to more drawn out fights and less spawn camping hopefully. Any outfit who has the least amount of tacical nous will not be overly affected by this either if they give it a little thought.

    I can understand the resentment of squad deploy though as a means of relocation quickly to other locations since the change in how the game offers you spawn locations came it making moving around the map quickly via normal squad redeployment a pain in the *** and somewhat a guessing game but again with the use of one class to put a beacon somewhere safe after ejecting from a reaver and having everyone else dead and ready to use that beacon you are not greatly inconvenienced by the change, just going to need a little co-ordination now to pull this off so it only really hurts public squads in my opinion who lose an easy way of getting themselves regrouped.
  18. Slandebande

    So deploying on someone who has been dead for minutes was smart gameplay mechanics? :eek:
    It rendered Sundies impossible to defend, a long with a lot of other vehicles if they weren't constantly moving. It also effectively negated base defenses on the larger installations, since entire platoons could be inside a major facility if a infiltrator (anyone really) in the platoon got even remotely close

    I fail to see how someone can see it as so-called "tactics" to send a SL in as an infiltrator, to make it as far as he gets, and then everyone deploys on him. If he didn't get in far enough, someone else deploys as infiltrator to go further, is given the leader and people then drop onto his dead body. Having to actually put down a beacon and defend it (it would also help the situation if newly promoted squad leaders didn't automatically get a new beacon, as this can be abused heavily) adds a lot to the tactical gameplay compared to throwing a body at a meatgrinder and then everyone magically appearing on top of them.

    One thing that was for certain, squad deploying on a dead body had to go. It is one of the things that have been exploited for sooo long (I'm not innocent myself here) and is way too easy to use. I've taken a squad of 3 people and stopped platoons vs platoons pushes simply because we could take out every single Sundy they brought to the front line.

    Oh, and appeal to the lowest commen denominator on THIS ONE??? They have been doing so ever since release, with all the infantry players whining about every single thing. Then, when a feature involving them gets removed, they start ******** (This is not aimed at you, merely an illustration of the usual way SoE conducts business).
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  19. MaCritz

    TBH, a good outfit wouldn't complain about new game mechanics.. They may have been so accustomed to such tactics that when changes do occur, all hell breaks loose... I recently piloted a galaxy and did a high altitude drop (900m) together with my squad mates.. We drop straight onto the point, wrapping up the battle in no time (and we were outnumbered 2 to 1)... So instead of getting myself there (as SL) and asking my squad mates to deploy on my dead body (or spawn beacon), I could also do a gal drop which is by far the more satisfying experience.. I want to see mass infantry drops using galaxies, not some invisible **** from space..

    I don't understand why you guys are overreacting about this, it's not the the end of the world... There are options (and often overlooked due to inconvenience)...

    A galaxy with the capacity to carry 12 dangerous monsters and travel ANYWHERE (except crossing continents) is gonna hurt the coordinated few?? Mind=blown...

    If hopping from place to place in the name of convenience is not a linear experience, I don't know what is.. What you're telling me is that people don't have to actually WORK to get to a specific location.. NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER.. Just click squad deploy and viola!! You have yourself an instant battle... The only person who works are the squad leaders.. All he has to do is to spawn an ESF and fly to a specific location.. The rest of the squad can just sit back and eat doritos...

    L. 2. P.
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  20. MaCritz

    Erm, spawn beacons?? You're talking as if there's no other options.. What this patch did was to limit such options, that's all.. Why the whine??