New Magrider look - Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wezdor, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Wezdor

    Now it hit live, so we are complaining here too :) Broader audience
  2. Flapatax

    It's improved because I like it more. That's how aesthetics work. They are by definition subjective.

    In terms of coverage, the camo looks less stretched out and ******** than it used to. So good. Unless you mean it's easier to see, in which case I say it's a giant floating tank.

    Hey guys, MMOs change. In fact, I'm willing to bet there is language in the TOS that says as much.

    Don't buy things and expect them to be the same forever. If your response is "well, then I won't buy ANYTHING", well, okay then.
  3. Xasapis

    There is already a considerably large thread on the test server side of the forums.
  4. RemusVentanus

    Let the forum burn until they change the magrider back to the old look or until they mess up the prowler and vanguard in equal measure... The camo coverage with the new design is a joke
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  5. CentralGuard

    Good point there

    I posted my comment about that about 10 minuts into the tread, before the edit.
  6. libbmaster

    I do not share the magrider and scythe pilots rage here, probably because I haven't spent any money on my vehicles. (#bias)


    These arrogant posts about how you guys "should have brought this up in the test forums" before it went live are just... so stupid.

    They are condemning you for not using those forums, but they couldn't even be bothered to check them before posting.
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  7. TheIllusionKing

    Hey, I personally like it. With the camos that I put on, like Black Flames and Cells, this looks pretty good.
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  8. Xasapis

    This is a change that makes no sense really. It hurts both the people that purchased camos and the company that will see less purchases of camos in the future. I definitely don't intent to purchase any other camos, and cosmetics was for me my way of contributing financially in the game.
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  9. Sordid

    To be fair, that's a problem with every single vehicle and gun in the game. Always has been.
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  10. RemusVentanus

    TOS... good luck playing the game when there are no paying customers left because SOE drove them off with stuff like this... And i still want my sniper saron back! i dont want the smg/whatever saron
  11. CentralGuard

    I was going off how how the op was presented, as if he just now saw the new magrider. Because of this my points were as if he did not know about the changes on the test server. I was not saying that others have/have not complained about it. My comments were that HE should have went there and tried to help revert it. Strength in numbers type of deal.

    Yes I know it has been edited to include that he knew about it before, but I made the comment before it was edited, so I did not have that information available.
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  12. Oraculum

  13. libbmaster

    Oh. KK, gotcha.
  14. Wezdor

    Except this is cosmetics. They are supposed NOT to change, since we bought them SPECIFICALLY for how they look.
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  15. Ice

    Has anyone considered that the changes are for performance reasons?
  16. Flapatax

    The painting didn't change, just the canvas it's on.
  17. Wezdor

    Impossible, a different tone of color does not eat less or more performance. This change has 0 to do with that.
  18. RemusVentanus

  19. Ryekir

    Looks like they just brought the Magrider inline with he other tanks in terms of faction-specific areas that don't get camo applied to them...

    Except, you know, balance.

    That's likely due to the optimization work, because they reduced the size of all the camo textures by half (I think it was 1024 down to 512)
  20. TheIllusionKing

    Would you honestly give up ANYTHING for the Unidentified Flying Brick?