Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. KnightCole

    my reason to stay NC is because ive dumped like 30 bucks worth of SC into camo and crap. Also, all the crap ive talked about the NC being superior and uber, I cant up and quit. PLus ive gotten 40 BRs into it. Dont wanna reroll now.
  2. Xasapis

    That won't happen any time soon. NC are again the most popular faction worldwide.
  3. Aegie

    Unless it is ES camo then I am pretty sure you have this across all characters- but I know what you mean and poor balance should never be a good reason to roll another faction, it should be a good reason to work towards better balance.
  4. CDN_Wolvie

    I think I spent about $50 altogether, made it to BR 66 and still don't regret uninstalling, going and playing something else on Steam, and then reinstalled to play on another faction when a cool community event came up.

    Letting go of stubbornly playing the NC underdog since launch was the best thing for me still bothering with playing this game ... until I get annoyed at the base design again :p

    Besides, if I miss the certs and what not, I just go play on the test server. And if I get that need to play the plucky underdog, all I have to do is pick the lower population on a server that isn't the NC. NC just need to bring the wreckoning already, enough is enough.
  5. thePankakeManne

    It's no great secret: the NC is a lost cause...but it's still a cause worth fighting for.

    Honestly, I wouldn't trade the ScatMAX, the lack of 750 RPM weapons (for the most part), and the horrible COF, or even (insert other nerfs and complaints here) for any other factional equipment and/or traits. In fact, even with the "worse" weapons and equipment of the NC, I do much better than my TR and VS alts. It's just my playstyle: even if my faction's equipment isn't as "good" as the other empires', I still do better with it.

    To the OP, maybe the NC isn't right for you. When I first started this game, I played as the VS. I tried and tried and tried, but just couldn't get the hang of them. So, I took a multiple month hiatus, at which point I returned and joined the NC: when I did, the hallelujah chorus played in the background, bright unearthly lights appeared all around me, and a booming voice declared victory as angels descended from the heavens to congratulate me on my accomplishments: yes, this was my faction, and these were my people. However, maybe the VS is better for you, or maybe it's the TR: it's just something you have to find for yourself through trial and error.

    On a personal front, compared to unification and science, I'd always pick up my Gauss SAW and wage war for freedom. :cool:

    To summarize, here are a few of the reasons to stick with the NC:

    They're Fighting for Freedom (an excellent cause to fight for)
    They have Gauss Weaponry (Guns operated by electromagnetism? Sign me up!)
    They're Underdogs (People often count them out, then get their clocks cleaned and handed to them on a silver platter)
    Their Community (Running with the NC [at least on Mattherson] is honestly some of the best fun I've ever had in online gaming)

    It's all personal opinion, really. The above just so happens to be mine. :D
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  6. efil4mocx

    For the music
    For quality > quantity when it comes to firepower
    For 'Murica
    For freedom
    For the Blue and Gold
    For that sweet sweet bonus check
    Did I mention freedom?
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  7. Luighseach

    I put in my years worth... (been really busy the past month though) I have also been on the PTS more than live since the OMFG went on it.
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  8. Nerp

    I actually wish that the TR had the NC's guns ( - the shotgun everything ).

    I'm starting to get sick of TR guns. Boring sound effect and weak bullet damage. I ran around on my BR 17 NC ( With almost no certs in infantry ), and had quite a lot of fun.

    Unfortunately, I was only spying on those damned rebels, and my loyalties lie with the republic.
  9. ValorousBob

    You're bad and you should feel bad.
  10. Thyrian38

    I came for the tank, I stay for the phoenix.
  11. KnightCole

    Lol I rage quite TR when I first started, 24 BRs in and rerolled to a NC. Since then ive been raving about NC and stuff, would seem just wrong if I totally ditched the NC.

    I have since then rerolled another TR, who I have learned to play fairly well. I changed my setup, improved my gameplay and my TR and NC guy are pretty much running neck and neck. Of course, my TR guy has a Dual muti MAX that farms him a few small streaks. My NC guy I use the MAX only if I am shooting my 1 Burster out of it...
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  12. Morti

    Because being the underdog and coming out on top is a feeling unparalleled.
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  13. Lamat

    Because we have entertaining players like DuhGovernator who talk in character as Arnold Schwarzenegger the entire game time.
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  14. furrywaffle

    >Vanu has no bullet drop

  15. Nephera

    NC is pretty depressing to be on right now.
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  16. Cab00se187

    I screwed myself good. Spent over $300 and regretting every penny
  17. Goretzu

    Until the next WDS.
  18. vsae

    I play NC for the better gun sounds than TR plastic beating ones.
  19. Rhumald

    For this:

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  20. Crackulous

    Blue and yellow go well together. You're pleasing to the eye to kill. Oh wait, that didn't help you restore your faction pride, sorry.
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