SMG Infiltrators are the new Mini-sentry of Planetside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarioPIe, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Corporate Thug

    Not really. I'm not bad at all and consider it pretty much OP. It's a class that leeches kills off of fights. They mostly flank and rely on using team mates as a distraction. I can go on long streaks with them but that isn't my personality, I much rather have toe to toe gun fights. In small fights they aren't very bad, but in large fights or playing them when your faction has majority pop is just mostly cheesy.
  2. Halcyon

    Notice how the OP whines about cloaked inf, then quickly covers up with "but I can kill them" why complain then? If they're so easy to kill.
    This thread makes no sense.
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  3. HadesR

    I think most people will agree with that ..
  4. Hatesphere

    I only really have problems with high latency SMG infiltrators. yesterday a guy from Brazil was lagging so hard that by the time my client sent me his cloak sound he had already run around the corner and filled me with bullets. a few times i even saw bullets coming out of his cloaked figure.
  5. Corporate Thug

    I play on your server as well. Your outfit is a pretty tight knit group, you guys pay lots of attention and stick together well. You will more than likely see them coming, or your outfit mates. I think they're OP when in large fights because so many are running around using them while the enemy is distracted. I think it's too easy and allows players to leech kills with little effort, but I play on low settings and even though I rarely die to them, I know I'm a good player, but not everyone is. I just think people should earn kills and not leech off of other people fighting.
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  6. HadesR

    You can pretty much adapt that to most things that kill you though since it's not a 1 v 1 game and fire can and does come from all angles and all kinds of items.
  7. Maellean

    Let us break this down:

    Equip SMG, cert cloak, work your way behind enemy lines while avoiding Lib/MBT blind shelling. Sneak up on the medic parade and kill a few, run away (hopefully). This is considered easy and cheesy.

    Cert or buy AV turret, set up way beyond render range, proceed to shell buildings/vehicles who can not even see you. This is considered skill.

    Sit in a vehicle line lobbing HE rounds and Fury rounds at spawn rooms. Once again, this is skill.

    Oh, and while you are cheesing with your SMG, maybe you go ahead and flip a turret to take out a few MBTs. Or maybe you flip a console and pull a sunderer, allowing your faction to spawn inside base. Can I have some wine with all this cheese? :rolleyes:
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  8. Corporate Thug

    Don't get me wrong, I have no issues playing against them. I just like things to be difficult. I don't use vehicles unless there are just way too many hostile vehicles around and I don't farm. The extent of my farming is me spawning super outnumbered and doing well. I play to push myself mostly, and that class requires too little effort on my part and it's why I take issue with it. It is rare for me to die to some infiltrator, but the majority of the time that infiltrator would have died much sooner had he played another class.
  9. Roll Fizzlebeef

    I said face-to-face. Meaning you run head on in to the HA. On all settings, and in all times of day, and I see an infiltraotr when they are up close and personal. I throw on my NMG and kill them long before they can even get through my shields. Some times they aren't even able to get through my NMG.

    I love playing HA on my TR alt because of the MSW-R. If I ever get another 1000 certs to blow, I might get the LA1 Anchor on my NC... but I love playing infil on it, so I might go with the Cyclone after I get the Auraxium on my Blitz.

    Only reason why I play HA on my VS is for the Lasher. The gun is terrible in most combat situations, but it's soooo much fun to use at all times. Just getting the hitmarker with the splash damage is thrilling.

    Lastly, when I say that low settings is "fine". I mean "playable". Bare minimum of playability without enraging me.
  10. McToast


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  11. John_Aitc

    ItZMuRdA is my CQC Guru. I almost always fight versus the VS in the hopes that I will one day be able to see him on my kill list.
  12. foesjoe

    The only problem with SMG infiltrators is that you can't see them on low settings.
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  13. lilleAllan

    LOL It's not the cloak alone that makes SMG's infiltrators so easy to play. It's the recon darts. All squads should have an infiltrator, just for spamming those.
  14. Mhak

    ...So you're saying a class that you're able to kill off easily is overpowered and imbalanced, because another enemy kills you while you're killing them? Yeah, well, that's generally what happens when you're engaging more than one person. You could try spec'ing into Dual Wield so you can shoot two enemies at once and be more than a fair fight against multiple people, but it requires an extra mouse and is hard to get used to.

    Or you could just try shooting the infi while he's cloaked. You did say you kill them fairly easily after all. In fact I'm not sure exactly what your complaint is about. That cloak exists? Or that infis are capable of using SMGs, which are basically watered-down and inferior carbines?
  15. Serafine

    I don't see that many infiltrators around. Maybe that's because they aren't of any use against the common tank zergs.
  16. m44v

    Maybe if NW didn't screw over sniper rifles we wouldn't need to use SMGs so much for earn our certs. Maybe if the cloak wasn't the garbage that it is now we wouldn't need a weapon that can outgun most at close range.

    But that will be OP too, the infiltrator can't have nice things.
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  17. Meeka

    I play a lot of SMG Infil... and I'm pretty good at it.

    The cloak is, at best, a distraction technique. It doesn't hide an infiltrator very well, and it lets everyone within earshot know an infiltrator is running about. Plus, the SMG can be outgunned by just about every other weapon if you don't move

    SMGs are fine, but I can get far better kills using a commissioner or knife because since all factions use the commissioner and the knife is all but silent. So, you can get a number of kills with it and the knife in combination... whereas with a SMG, you might get a couple.
  18. Rogueghost

    Completely unrelated to the thread, but go for the EM6 instead, I'm not sure how much it costs as I got it automatically with alpha squad, but its easily one of NC's best lmgs.
  19. P4NJ

    It's for little girls. Real men use a bolt action with iron sights.
  20. Van Dax

    Meh, its good at ganking bads. Any situational awareness or, vanuforbid, Teamwork, will render you impervious to such cheese.
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