Reason to stay on NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ralathar44, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. CaptainYamerica

    Because you're not a sheep?
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  2. Thovargh

    TR fails without tactics just like any other faction, it happens often enough. Zerging is only viable if you have massive overpop, which is true for every faction.
    Every faction has to play their socks off during primetime alerts, anyone who doesn't is crushed miserably, but I guess you forumside hate goggles turn battles with two evenly matched opponents to brave NC with superior tactics against zerging TR without any plan at all who just win because of blatantly overpowered equipment

    We were busy at the brutal fights in Mekala and Heyoka, pushing for Mao would have taken time and ressources we didn't have, the only NC outside of Esamir were at regent rock, probably pushing for Tawrich, which made no sense because the way is long and well defended, while Hvar lay right next to your warpgate largely undefended
  3. Goretzu

    That is what I mean, take the PS1 NC AI MAX, it has 3 choked modes, all with the same damage per shot, but the first was high RoF with high spread, the second medium RoF and medium spread and the third low RoF with low spread.

    Which was pretty much balance vs TR/VS AI MAXs.
  4. Goretzu

    Except they don't, which is largely why (IMO) the NC is doing worse in the WDS than either the TR or VS, they have to play better to achieve the same results.

    I'm not talking 50% better, but significantly better.
  5. TheAntiFish

    We have more flash races than those loser Terrans.
    We wear underwear on the outside of our clothing, because we're superheroes. (See Classy Infiltrators)

    Reavers rotary cannon.
    Reaper DMR.
    Carnage BR.
    Gauss Saw.
    Enforcer C85 Modified (SO OP)
    Vanguard HA shield.
    Blue is the prettiest colour.
    You get to kill such players as K1ngKennedy, Purotte, MrMurdok and many more wonderful forumsiders.

    All this.... AND we have Discos on thursdays.
  6. PrimePriest

    Because freedom and bonus cheques!
    Also the one and only Mighty Vanguard.

    I am too trying TR alt and personally while enjoying all no-skill-needed stuff I miss my good old trusty Vanny.
  7. Vandali

    We had a host of VS at Hvar and a host of TR in the Tawrich area. There wasn't really anything the NC could do with the low population. The TR however were intent on pushing NC to the warpgate despite this, but no bother, we out did both factions earlier today with lesser numbers, so some you win, some you lose. :D
  8. CDN_Wolvie

    Or you stay with the NC and are a sheep lead to the slaughter.
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  9. CaptainYamerica

  10. P3STILENCE1973

    Ahhhhhh. The good ole' days on Helios with Rodale leading the charge of the "Crash Test Dummies." Good times. I miss those days....back when it was fun. CTD was my first outfit and then the merger with DDLY "Deadly Dose." I liked those guys too, but it was the beginning of the end of my style of fun. Became too militant and serious, but it was WELL organized. What ever happened to Dr. Frozenfire and VVAR?
  11. Flashtirade

    I really don't know, he just kinda dropped off my radar. I saw him squad leading on occasion, but only then. Aside from him and Rodale, Johnson(? can't remember his full char name) was the only other big name, and he disappeared too.

    DDLY and the first few months of VVAR were great. I was among the first ones to join DDLY when it started up near the end of last year just after release, and though I never did lead squads or platoons (no mic), I followed orders as best I could while also getting better at the game. Rodale was a bit strict, but he was reasonable and led well. I followed him like I did Frozenfire, and it was especially great when both of them were running a platoon together.

    I remember there was some kind of internal conflict in VVAR (I wasn't on when it happened and it likely involved people I didn't know, but I did hear that something big did occur) which caused some of the leaders to leave, and I think Johnson was among those that did. The outfit was never the same again, and I left because there was nothing tying me to it anymore, plus it wasn't active.

    As for what VVAR is now, I don't know.
  12. Danncingdevil

    skins is still around 1785th all from helios but after gu11 and down lost most of are base left and a lot of the new guys are changing over to vs or tr if you want fun easy game play tr or vanu otherwise NC is just shattering
  13. Ralathar44

    Currently BR 18 on my VS and honestly I don't see a reason to go back. In general the infantry weapons feel easier to use and more versatile without offering any significant difference in TTK and they are definitely better in CQC. Small plus as well with generally higher RPM's I can more effectively pressure ESF's. Lack of bullet drop really is a help in many situations, but mostly for gunning at ESF's, since you can compensate for everything else well enough. The vehicles are competitive with everything but some TR vehicles, which is a TR problem not anything else.

    Best of all my VS max always feels useful, STOCK. My NC maxes always felt useless at some time or another. This might have been at medium to long range as shotgun max or vs infantry as falcon max. But my NC maxes always felt outclassed regularly outside of their specific niches. As it turns out my VS max STOCK is almost just as good in those niches and NEVER feels useless. It always feels good or capable and this will only get better with certs.

    I may update this thread again in another 20, or near. BR's. But right now my verdict is that there is zero reason to be NC. VS get a unique edge, TR get a unique edge, NC seem to have lost their unique edge somewhere along the way. They are harder to play and their max sucks to boot.
  14. SokolovNC

    i started a vanu alt too, only to recognize that i love my nc weapons. :)
  15. Czuuk

    Pretty bad when our enemies can murder us from inside the clipping range of our shotguns. Especially so since lots of them on Waterson have figured this out.

    I'd say go ahead and start a TR as well. Relax a little bit on the faction loyalty since SOE is doing nothing to encourage it.

    I am not saying to play the 4th faction by any means. But expand your horizon a bit so you get the full gaming experience.

    TR and VS enjoy a much more unique feel than we do on the NC right now. Also, as you learn to use the tools on the other factions, you'll also be learning their weakness. So in the event that NC does ever get the love Higby claimed they needed at SOE Live, you'll be ready for it. :D
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  16. Armory1416

    If you like the NC idealogy and haven't been dishearted, invest in NS weapons, they're more likely to perform on the same level as opfor gear as well as the same level as usability. You can cherry pick the few good NC weapons after that.
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  17. Hosp

    PG is originally from PS1, founded in 2006. We have our high and low times, but we've been a consistent and original outfit. No mergers or anything. PS2, we've been on Connery from the start. And for those who know him...Munroe is making a comeback.
  18. Deronok

    Those Bonus checks are actually really nice. We also have a beach resort for when you stay with us long enough or kill enough TR/VS. It's like a rewards plan.
  19. Mhak

    Because "sometimes, I even impress myself."
  20. ZeroErrorz



    btw vs weapon is kinda awesome..