MAX Flamethrowers are back.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Ash87

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  2. axiom537

    I was not a big fan of the flame thrower in testing, they made it very difficult to see past or through them...I am all for adding new weapons and features but flamethrowers are just not something I'm very excited about, especially since I have already seen them in game.
  3. gigastar

    Theyre flamethrowers. Nobody is supposed to be happy to see them.
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  4. Ash87

    People on Esamir might be happy to see them. It's cold as balls there.
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  5. axiom537

    Wasn't fun when your own maxes had them either, because the flames made it very difficult to see past the MAX.
  6. LibertyRevolution

    Well while they were on the PTS VR they were a bit OP at killing maxes while ZOE was on...
    A bit too weak when ZOE was off...

    Should be a fun thing to balance.

    I don't see how they could hit live anywhere near how they were in PTS VR...
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  7. Crayv

    If they made them NC only then what do the other factions get? Does TR get an AI grenade launcher and VS get an AI laser? At which point it still puts NC with something that fills the same role as the shotgun weapons while the other factions get new toys.

    If they make them NS then should they be as good as the NC weapons? Weapons are suppose to be sidegrades but it wouldn't exactly be fun for NC that all factions get a weapon that fills the same role and is just as good as their faction specific ones. If it is worse than the shotguns then NC never has a reason to use this and the other factions will probably still to their much more general purpose guns.
    Welcome to the Striker/Marauder dilemma. .sd
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    SAN DIEGO?!??! Bleh!

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  9. BraSS

    Soooo, when will NC get a long range weapon since EVERYONE gets CQC gear now?
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  10. ComradeHavoc

    why does this exist? Now I'm going to have rage-mears
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  11. Crackulous

    Oh my god, that's hilarious. a 1-second kill compared to a minute's worth.
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  12. Pikachu

    When these flamers are implemented, will we perhaps see flamers on vehicles?
  13. Nocturnal7x

    Way to ride like a complete ******* ****** bag at the end. You are the reason people hate motorcyclists.
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  14. Hatesphere

    I really hope not, last thing I want is a harasser with a flame thrower and composite just cutting through swaths of infantry, then sailing off into the sunset with the three man crew fist bumping.
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  15. Bungee

    Is this thread really getting de-railed into a 'NC flamethrowers need a buff' already?

    Moaning before the weapon is released is certainly proactive.

    My response... Show me the statistics to prove it :p
  16. Tekuila

    No more Cqc weapons, we need a long range option.
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  17. Crackulous

    How about a shotgun flamethrower that lights highly flammable canisters to produce short bursts of fire within 1-m distance?
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  18. Pikachu

    Exclude it from harassers then. Give lightning a big juicy flamer.
  19. FateJH

    Now I get the quote Brotherhood of Nod flame tanks in proxy as I go.
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  20. Hatesphere

    Throw it on the flash, that would be useful if just for the lawls.
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