[Video]The Battle for Snake Ravine (Warning : ZOE Max Montage)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Novani, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Novani

    Hey guys SnooPSton here posting up an awesome battle we had at snake ravine [IMG]

    Much Love,
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  2. BeefySleet

    inb4 a flock of vanu come in and defend this blatantly overpowered garbage.

    ZOE maxes are so insanely broken it blows my mind how the devs haven't outright removed them from the game until they figure out how to balance them.


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  3. Gavyne

    Thanks for the video. This video shows you Planetside 2's state of the game very well; utterly broken and unbalanced. Add a video of vulcan harrasser in this thread, then we're set.
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  4. Jeslis

    I have to be honest.. the video looks like a bit of an aimbot.. look at the shaki-ness.. Nospread hack?..

    Got about halfway through the video. He fought 90% medics/Engi/LA/Infil. There was only 2 heavies I saw (or heavies that bothered to put a shield up), and 1 max.
    No one fired a rocket at him (does about 75%hp in damage to a zoe max, if not an outright kill)
    Never saw any claymores or C4 used..

    And because all of the repair time and revives is cut out.. and you only see the kill count, your missing alot.
    Don't see the time spent running back to get repairs.
    Don't see amount of time spent dead

    Start of video is 1hour 1min left on alert. End is 38 minutes. 90 kills.. in 23 minutes... 4kills a minute or thereabouts.
    Thats a 24,000 score per hour (100xp per kill) unboosted.

    Comparisons (given SAME DENSITY OF TARGETS):
    I can pull that in a ****** BR 20 NC max with 2x AI weps with constant repairs/resses Sorry, no. Not impressed.
    I can EASILY pull that in a fracture max with some vehicles to kill (not the same #of kills, but the score/hour, sure)
    Barring ****tons of AA, any zephyr or dalton lib could pull that.. hell, even in that same area if the AA wasn't too bad.

    The ZOE is WEAK to enemy fire.. yea, its a bit harder to hit, but all you have to do is hit it and it'll go down. The lack of any TR actually focusing on this max TOGETHER, rather then in singletons is apalling.

    This guy spent
    3000 certs on weapons (1k per, +500x2 for extended mags)
    1400? certs on flak or kinetic armor (unsure on # of certs spent)
    1400+ (if maxed, maybe 2400+) certs on zoe

    Put that much into your class and see how well you do.
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  5. Ganelon

    Don't worry guys, it's completely balanced! It's all just psychological; the same would happen if the MAX would only glow pink.
  6. doombro

    OP as ****.
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  7. Morti

    +1 for nerf zoe

    I might even go log my VS alt and join in. Pour some more fuel on the fire. River of tears and all that.
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  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    ahaha look at all the responses xD

    dont forget everyone has something OP:
    VS got ZOE
    TR got Strikers
    NC got Vanguard shield
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  9. Gundem

    How about, you all don't be dumbasses and just buff the Aegis/Lockdown?

    What is it with all you people wanting nerfs... Just buff the counterparts that are lacking.

    So what if you nerf it to uselessness? Then your going to QQ your eyes out until Aegis/Lockdown is buffed, and then we'll have ourselves another MBT situation.
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  10. Morti

    you're joking right

    you want to fix OP abilities

    with more OP abilities?

    It's the extreme mobility that's causing all this QQ. Nobodies MAX should be able to move and strafe that quickly.
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  11. Gundem


    Just make Aegis and Lockdown more valid. MAX units are already weak enough, they need some love in all areas. Just give Aegis a Melee attack, and for lockdown...

    I have no idea. That was a bad one from the start, of PS1.

    Really, I just want Jumpjets. Why won't you just give us Jumpjets, SOE?

    Also, mind you ZOE isn't OP. Like Jeslis said, if they had just worked together for about 2 seconds, and had a single on fired a ******* rocket, or used a single C4, they probably would have taken him down. But nooo, lets all attack him one at a time, with only our small arms!
  12. Hoki

    EvE Online tried to justify OP stuff by it having a high price.

    Then after every alliance was abusing it at every opportunity and the devs suffered the same fate, their intellectual dishonesty, that literally everyone could see through at that point, was finally brought to a halt and they nerfed the goddamn doomsday device.

    I really hope they don't outlaw MAX suits from MLG because it is probably the best hope for balance that this game has got.

    When the players of an MLG match agree to not use max suits because they result in really boring and uninteresting matches, it is deceptive and makes PS2 appear more balanced than it actually is.

    So far in the outfit challenges, they've agree'd to have static no-attack sunderers, no MBTs, and no max suits.
    Because outfit matches are allowed to be balanced, but the rest of us are **** out of luck.
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  13. Pootisman

    zoe max moves so fast, its hard to hit him with rockets.
    and the C4 ... the zoe max kills infantry in under 1 sec + he usually has friends near, so you need to be lucky to live long enough to deploy and detonate it.
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  14. Gundem

    As does every single other weapon in the game.



  15. escroteitor

    130 certs in 30 minutes thats... a bunch of certs xD
  16. Ganelon

    Guessing you didn't see the HA's with rocket launchers getting killed before they could fire a single rocket.
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  17. Gundem

    Yes, and I also saw the 17 HA's that sat and shot with their LMG's, which have even lower DPS then Carbines/AR's.
  18. Ganelon

    Fun fact: most VS in this forum recommend not using rocket launchers or C4 but small arms, because ZOEs take so much more damage.

    The lack of counters for fast-moving MAX units, whose lowered resistance against small arms is largely irrelevant, is ridiculous.

    Nerf the **** out of that thing, I very much doubt lockdown can be buffed to compete considering the death sentence that is immobility.
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  19. phreec

    Pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:

    Also nice aimbot OP. That snapping at 2:21 is obviously legit...
  20. Gundem

    I don't see the mobility problem. I use the S1 against infantry all the time, if the zoe gives MAX units infantry mobility I really don't see how they are that much harder.

    Also, yes, use small arms against them. Just use organization as well, and not attack them one at a time. If you notice, whenever groups of 3+ attack at once, he starts taking some serious damage and has to flee.

    Squad tactics please.