Orbital Strike: What should it Cost?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gundem, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Morpholine

    Start with "prohibitively expensive" (and no, 1000 certs isn't), and then double it for every instance per 24 hours it can be used. So if it's a 12 hour cool down, somewhere in the range of 8000 certs would perhaps be acceptable.
  2. KAHR-Alpha

    Orbital strike shouldn't cost anything, because it shouldn't be in this game.
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  3. Gundem

    What better way to take out 2.5 platoons of steamrolling, zerging prowlers then an Orbital Strike.

    Of course, that's why the TR can't stand the idea of 'em.
  4. Poacher

    .....or....must have 3-CR5's from the original Planetside. When do I get my free OS then? :)
  5. Regpuppy

    or what better for said TR to use their raw numbers to have more orbital strikes than the other factions. Just because TR may or may not have higher pop on the server doesn't suddenly mean the orbital strike will help you more. Lower pop factions will be just as inconvenienced if not more so by orbital strikes.

    Two sides of this coin here. The problem with orbital strike in this game is 2000 players. Unless they make it cost some absurd amount per use, it will be spammed. 48 guys in a platoon? 48 orbital strikes to spread out during the cooldowns. Hundreds of guys on each faction? Hundreds of possible people with orbital strike.

    It's most likely the reason it's not in-game yet, if it makes it into the game at all.
  6. NinjaTurtle

    I'm not TR and I hate the idea of them.

    They will be unbalanced and will just kill a good fight. It would be like being in a boxing match only for the other player to be given a flamethrower
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  7. KAHR-Alpha

    Sweet, faction bias now...
  8. Roll Fizzlebeef

    IF it ever happens.

    1000 certs to unlock.

    600 Aerospace resources per use.
    500 Mechanized resources.

    Treat it as a consumable resource [maybe 300 infantry resources?], and instead of "painting" a target with a laser... you would have infantry plant a destroyable beacon.

    #1 thing that would have to be changed is putting beacons in places where they are completely protected. i.e. spawn rooms and in tunnels.

    edit: Also the only people that should plant it should be platoon leaders.
  9. KoS-1

    I don't need to wonder how people will react to being killed by this. People already hate snipers. How this any different? A weapon platform able to shot you from a long distance. The orbital strike is just a bigger barrel and "bullet".

    Will NW5 stop it? ;) But serious, will there be any counter, outside of not leaving a shielded area or build?
  10. Ryme

    3,000 Certs per shot. It obliterates all units, vehicles, and destructible placements within a grid, and reset control of facilities in the area to neutral.
  11. Jomar

    PS2 needs Command Rank put in the game. Let Commanders EARN their abilities. an OS should be the ultimate goal and cost huge amount of resources to use.
  12. Sen7rygun

    Rather than an unstoppable orbital strike, I would rather see something like a MOAB weapon used that requires a specially fitted out liberator that requires a 3 man liberator crew to deliver it to its target.

    The bomb will take up the belly weapon slot of the liberator and will only carry 1 round to be released by the player in the gunner position of the lib. It should cost something like 1500 certs to unlock the weapon, and pulling a liberator armed with one should take 750 air infantry and mechanical resources to pull, possibly even a cert cost (100-200) just to pull it in order to stop it from being spammed. The liberator fitted with the bomb should also suffer a substantial movement speed penalty.

    This way, there is still a chance for the chance for the strike to be stopped, spamming it would be an enormously costly exercise and it would add some meta game for the air forces of opposing factions. Maybe there should even be a continent wide warning when a MOAB is pulled so everyone scrambles ESF's to stop the thing from reaching its target destination.


  13. Rentago

    wont nuke a whole base, just clear a small diameter similar to a tower, if you are inside the tower you would be safe, just people who are outside would get affected, it doesn't go through walls obviously.

    the most kills ive seen one get is like 10, and it was useful for clearing out a platoon attempting to mass together an armored column more than for just clearing out bases.

    I however agree it shouldn't cost SC, back in planetside you had to get COMMAND RANKS, it was completely separate from battle ranks, where you had to be leader of squads and platoons to get experience for it.

    In this case, a minimum battle rank should be required in this game, pretty much people should reach a battle rank at some point past 70 to have access to it.

    Then it should also require a certain amount of certs as well.
  14. UNSCSpartan051

    It should cost 10000 certs. It'll be an outfit weapon only allowed to be called down by outfit leaders and designated people on a 1 hour cooldown.
    It is purchaseable by an 'outfit bank', where people contribute certs for an outfit cert tree. Maximum certs contributed per day would be 2000 certs with a maximum of 250 certs per donor. It would cost 50 certs from bank or if implemented outfit resources to call down, requiring 3 criteria. Authourization from a leader or designated member, a squad or platoon leader with a laser designator, and another outfit leader/officer to place a 50m radius circle around an area to be striked. The laser desginator must designate a location within that radius or it will fail to activate. Thus it requires cooperation to use from 3 members, requiring outfit members to donate their certs and use the certs to call down strikes. It also requires to swap out C4 or medkits for a designator which would cost 250 certs. It cannot be simply called down because it would require authorization from 2 diffrent leaders/officers and a man on the ground to call in a strike.
  15. Silkensmooth

    It should be an item that you can buy from the cash shop DUH. 1 million dollars per use. If you paid 1 million dollars to kill me and my entire team i think i would be ok with it.

    Im in favor of nixing the OS and implementing real player controlled artillery vehicles/bases. this idea of magic artillery has created WAYYY to much of a **** storm for such a simple and easy weapon.
  17. Aegie

  18. KnightCole

    And it should cost 750Infantry resources to call in, that way its rare as hell.
  19. RHINO_Mk.II

    750/750/750 resources and 100 cert points per use. 1000+ certs to unlock.

    Or just not ever put it in the game at all.
  20. RobotNinja

    Lol, so you're saying having orbital strike cost 5000 certs would lead to too much abuse so instead SOE should decide what individual players get access to OS by a popularity contest? Good one.