What do you consider 'cheesy' ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by makrome, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Mxiter

    Every stuffs that don't requires skills nor risks. (tanks HE spam, spawn room warriors, Aircrafts farming infatry at low populated places, killing infantries with infantries AV weapons ect)
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  2. Camycamera

    getting killed by lolpods (when an ESF focus fires its lolpods on just ME, a lone infantryman....) and getting killed by dumbfire rockets as infantry.
  3. NovaAustralis

    Lock-Ons. Lock-Ons. Lock-Ons! :mad:
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  4. Bankrotas

    Stuff made from milk
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  5. Thovargh

    You consider milkshakes cheesy?
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  6. Caserion

    -Being HA with a Striker but no aircraft around to shoot.

    -being a medic and getting camped by scythes without AA in the area.

    One day i'll use the Striker ;)
  7. deggy

    Cheesy? Lock-ons. MANA AV Turrets. Drop Pod + C4 Combo.

    What I don't like being killed by? C4 (without a drop pod). Mines.

    I know that getting C4'd under most circumstances is my fault. I know that running over mines is almost always my fault. When those two weapons are combined with drop pods, they become an I-WIN button you can press to instagib an enemy tank with zero risk.

    But dying to a single infantryman 1500 meters away is not my fault. I don't care how you slice it. There is not enough vehicle-sized cover in this game for anyone to try to make that my fault.
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  8. CrashB111

    Infiltrators using Comissioner + knife for an instant kill are pretty cheese worthy.
  9. pnkdth

    Shotguns. Not because they're OP, they're not, but because I very much dislike inherantly unbalanced weapons. Same with SMGs as they pretty much took a giant dump on the CQC based carbines. Not sure why this is, if it is the low TTK making niche weapons hard to balance or that some forms of combat are just more frequent than others. The new base design certainly does not help here either as there is walls, walls, and more walls, which in turn makes CQC weaponry very strong compared to other weapons specialising in longer ranges.

    Don't get me wrong, I know why they did it, but seems like a failure of game design if you have to separate air/vehicles/infantry in such a brute force way. We are talking combined arms, after all, are we not?

    So yeah, I guess that's my main pet peeve, as the specialization between CQC versus long range feels very lopsided. Tons of good CQC weapons and lots of opportunity, but on the other end, there aren't a whole lot of good options available. By choosing a mid/long range weapon you should get something more than just marginally better recoil management, or in other words, tons of new exciting CQC options got added and the existing weapons are just sort of left in the state they used to be. Game's changed and the "scale of balance" has shifted a lot since launch.

    Went on a rant here, but I'd thought I'd explain why I feel the new generation of CQC weapons are cheesy, and in many ways more powerful than weapons already existing in the game. For example, the Sirius/Blitz with a forward grip is just plain better than other carbines available for VS/NC. Not sure about TR since their CQC carbines are pretty much SMGs with better damage at range(40 round clips and 0.75x movement mod).
  10. K2k4

    Wear pretty much any level of nanoweave and this doesn't work anymore. It becomes commissioner+knife+frantic commissioner at that point.

    Getting rocket launcher gibbed at knife range and having the HA not take any damage is so frustrating.
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  11. Mustarde

    Anybody can do that... don't hate on us infils!
  12. Pikachu

    ESF or liberator attacking a lonely tank on his way. -.-
  13. lilleAllan

    UB grenade launchers
    HE prowlers
  14. Aegie

    Spawn rooms.
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  15. Copasetic

    The MANA AV turret.
  16. Ceskaz

    being run over by a harasser as a MAX... I should be able to bend this thing, not the opposite. At least, not dying so easily
  17. Frenk

    My teammates.
  18. huller

    Infiltrators with an SMG on low settings.
    Vanguard shield.
    MAX suits of any sort.
    HA with SMG's or shotguns.
    Shotguns in general.
    Warpgate camping with a skyguard/bursters/strikers/anihilators/otherlockonshizzle
    Rocket pods. god I hate them. and every one that uses them.
    4th faction switching to teamkill sunderers. That is by FAR the greatest amount of cheese immaginable. Even more so than pre nerf skillpods.
    Phoenix launcher pre nerf. God that weapon was basicaly a brock of cheese the size of Indar.

    That's all I can think of at the moment.
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  19. ChampagneDragon

    Mana AV turret. I consider those who use them afraid to fight like a man. Stay way back, out of render distance,and kill things that don't have a chance against you.

    Light assaults that C4 turrets.
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  20. IamDH


    Im fine with everything else (UBGL, shotguns, HE spam.. ect)
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