NC losing third WDS week in row

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Umrtvovacz, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Umrtvovacz

    NC are not only losing all the alerts (at least on Woodman) but we are losing the WDS, too. We are losing every week, either TR or Vanu wins. If this doesn't mean that there is a problem with NC and balance I don't know what else would. Please SOE pay attention to what everybody knows and sees - NC are underpowered.
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  2. Raraldor

    I see overpopulation on most servers and lack of good communication and leadership on Connery. Neither of those can really be fixed by the Devs. The only sure fire way to do so would be to make the NC OP for a few months, and that is definitely not something that should be done.
  3. Frenk

    VS are losing too, you know..
  4. Umrtvovacz

    That's a very good point, indeed we miss a lot of organization Vanu have (on Woodman) and numbers the TR have. But still, why is that?
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  5. VSDerp

    NC is not underpowered! it's the map rotation it's a conspiracy just like ultimate empire showdown TR always win! [IMG] but just because nc is not winning doesn't mean they're underpowered. even the most so called overpowered faction aka ''easymode'' vanu haven't even won yet lol
  6. Umrtvovacz

    I know, man, you are not really winning WDS. But on my server Vanu wins ALL the alerts, and very easily... Like biolab alert ends with NC and TR both having 1 biolab while Vanu have all the others...

    Vanu have organization, TR have numbers, NC have ...?
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  7. Raraldor

    Well here on Connery there isn't much of an excuse besides laziness. I don't know about Woodman or any other server, but moral probably has something to do with it. My guess is any enterprising leaders just face loss after loss due to the lower pop they have. It's going to have to take more than a few leaders more than a few days to be able to rally up enough NC to put up a decent fight.
  8. Kyouki

    I am becoming ever more convinced that NC are a bunch of cry babies. The population is the biggest issue and that changes as often as the warpgates.
  9. Umrtvovacz

    But this is a circle problem, we don't have enough people and organization because everyone is so depressed of not having enough people and organization that they leave or move to other faction which has either the numbers or organization or both...
  10. Liewec123

    i think for the WDS overpopulation is the biggest culprit,
    i do agree with you that NC just can't compete with TR/VS if you compare similar skill level players,
    though most servers have less vanu than NC so obviously something else is at play.
    and i can't agree with the people saying an entire faction is unorganized.

    so yeah, a mix of lower pop and playing hardmode are to blame IMHO.
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  11. Umrtvovacz

    Well TR have so much people with good weapons that if they cried it would be just funny. Vanu have really easy weapons and excellent organization from my experience, so nothing to whine about there, too. That leaves the NC to cry. And if you read the cry posts you'll see we have so many reasons, from being given shotguns as empire specific trait up to flying brick Reaver etc etc...
  12. Raraldor

    Meh, it's not like the cycle can't be broken easy enough. Just find a guy who likes to have fun who is smart and there you go.

    I do want to point out I'm not saying an entire faction. I'm talking about Connery only for that one. And squads are organized all the time, I'm in them lots, but they aren't coordinating with each other is where the problem lies.
  13. Frenk

    Yeah well, I don't know how much underpopulated NC are.. I rarely see them dropping under 30%, and they often hold more than 33% of my server's population. Sure, TR has 40% and VS less than 30%, but still not so much underpopped.

    I think NC problem is a mix between lack of organization and NOT having noob friendly weapon like TR and VS.
  14. Cromell

    This week has been pretty even though - Vanu are very close behind us, so it seems the WG rotation is working.
  15. Raraldor

    Meh, I'm pretty fine with how things are myself. I'm definitely the minority though, as I just play to have fun. As far as crybabies, there are a ****ton of those lol, but not all the people who take the game seriously aren't thinking before they are speaking.
  16. Umrtvovacz

    So people generally agree that there is SOME problem with NC, it's just that the problem is much deeper and more complicated than just not having enough people, enough organization or "being hard mode" (I don't like this phrase, makes new players avoid NC)
  17. Raraldor

    No no it's not deeper, that's pretty much spot on to what everyone is saying. The answers are just harder to come by :p
  18. SokolovNC

    yes we all suck :D
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  19. Bindlestiff

    Yeah it must really suck for the NC to have the OHK BA sniper rifle right from the start.
  20. Raraldor

    In normal FPS games I feel you'd be right, but in this case the semi auto snipers are much more friendly due to bullet drop and travel time being an actual thing. Especially with headshots not always killing in one hit anyway
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