[Suggestion] Propaganda Posters and more

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zeblasky, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Zeblasky

    They can be just static posters on walls added by developers or be sprayed by players, but ONLY in cetrain places(like billboards on each base or each major base).

    In second variant, each player can have one basic poster for free, and others could be bought with SC(cos sadly, SOE needs money, and better this way, then with something like implants). Also, they can be created by players and approved into a game by devs. Thus, you can even use billboards to advertise your outfits! For example, player can create something like "Vany Outfit XXX recruiting!" with pretty pucture of spandex *** on a background, get it approved(probably), and post it eveywhere to have stream of fresh recruits!
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  2. Blarg20011

    Yes pls, come on devs, we've only been asking for this for 8 months now.
  3. Sen7rygun

    Cool idea. Maybe with pre made graphics only though. User mades images would be nothing but a ocean of dicks spray painted all over the walls.
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  4. Zeblasky

    That's why we need devs premoderation. And we get new posters, while they get more SC for selling them. Nice and simple.
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  5. Cirevam

    It's a good idea, great for outfits, breaks up the monotony of bases, and it would make SOE some cash. This is something that should really be implemented.
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  6. Zeblasky

    Never heard of such ideas for PS2 before :eek:
  7. Blarg20011

    well, not specifically this, but propaganda/immersion in general has been a hot topic since launch, always good to keep posting on it.
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  8. Zeblasky

    Well, I can think of few ideas why they didn't create ingame propaganda until now, just look at the Forumside. But still, can you give some links to those treads?
  9. Blarg20011

  10. Zeblasky

  11. SmokeMcCloud

    I would try to make propaganda posters with hidden penises and hopefully slip them past the reviewers. Disney style.
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  12. Zeblasky

  13. Konfuzfanten

    ill bump and say YES PLZ!
  14. Zeblasky

    Well thank you then ^^
  15. Xasapis

    I'm looking at Saint Rows for inspiration for VS poster ;)
  16. Konfuzfanten

    More bump, need those posters!
  17. Kociboss

    *wakes up and grabs his mug of coffee*

    *opens forumside*

    *clicks one of the threads he finds more interesting*

    "Ocean of dicks."

    *realizes it's time to go to bed again*
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  18. Konfuzfanten

    Kociboss the BG from Norn?
  19. Kociboss

    The very same! Also Kociamafia the Warrior Priest :D

    So many WAR players around!
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  20. Aegie

    Provided they could implement something like this without diminishing performance.