The Interesting Weapon Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Delnar_Ersike, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Delnar_Ersike

    I'm sure the current design team for NC weapons would love both. :p Though it would kind of render dedicated shotgun players useless, as an underbarrel shotgun on an LMG completely eliminates the drawback of short range for shotguns.
  2. vincent-

    Actually look back to 2142 those mines were called magnetic mines when an any vehicle passes by near them they get up and float towards their target. They were the best mines seeing as you could hide them behind rocks, trees, and crates and set up an actual trap against armor.
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  3. Sossen

    I wouldn't say that the underbarrel shotgun on the S version of the ARs does either of those. It would have a small magazine and be quite weak. What's the point of being the shotgun faction if you can't have a shotgun on your gun?
  4. Delnar_Ersike

    Thread's dying down a bit, so I'll add one that I'm surprised nobody has suggested yet: a recon dart turret for Galaxies/Liberators with a huge scan range (interesting part is that it's a vehicle turret for something that's otherwise a class-specific tool).
  5. DeathSparx

    I don't want to give away class-specific tools for free...otherwise, what's the point of having class? :p

    Also, I do want to point out that EMP grenades have a limited ability to drain suit energy (they drain shields, the HA's overshield, and the infiltrator's cloak).
  6. Badname707

    Minedropper sunderer

    Explosive rounds with very high CoF, but with the old flinch mechanics

    Cluster grenades: breaks up into smaller grenades at the top of its trajectory, or upon bouncing if thrown downwards.

    Utility liberator cannon that can switch between healing, res, and smoke grenade shells.

    Debris cannons ;)
  7. Delnar_Ersike

    Fair point, though a recon darting infiltrator is much harder to hunt down than a Liberator or Galaxy flying overhead, not to mention they can resupply from Engineer ammo packs while Libs and Gals would have to fly back to a launch pad; plus people already can equip a scout radar, so it's not like radar pinging is an Infiltrator-only thing.

    Good to know that about EMP, but can the different effects be separated from each other?

    Though I wouldn't agree with debris cannons and Liberator res grenade cannons from a gameplay standpoint (not to mention cluster grenades needing to have new "projectiles that split into more projectiles" systems implemented), having utility stuff for aircraft would be a excellent; right now, Galaxy drops are the only thing they can really do, especially since ESFs with Scout Radar pretty much need to hover at a low altitude to use it for support purposes.
  8. Takoita

    Something like an AA EMP blaster. It has a limited range and needs to track the target for a certain amount of time for it to work (and the plane's crew get a warning of a sort when their HUD starts going haywire), but when it does all systems on that plane shut down and it plummets to the ground. Planes that got targeted but evaded lethal levels of exposure need to disengage and wait for a bit to safely discharge the radiation they caught or something.

    Sonic blast tank weaponry that deals damage in a 'tunnel' regardless of small cover (think DUNE II Sonic Tanks). The trick is that the blast 'flies' for a certain amount of time regardless of any friendlies you might've wanted to avoid. Tanks themselves have a certain amount of resistance against this form of attack.

    -Obligatory mention of BFR being a possible vehicle platform these toys can get implemented on-
  9. Regpuppy

    Well, there is some collision. So they could do something lazy like giving a slow projectile mass and a wide hitbox. In theory, it'd act like a vehicle pushing you but without the damage
  10. Thovargh

    Twin linked carbine/ar with a completely ridiculous RoF but a spread so horrible you can only hit on accident
    Magnetic spears so heavy vehicles can pull light vehicles around (Bonus points for putting it on a Galaxy)
    Infiltrator cloak guns that cloak allies, but leave the inf visible
    Engineer melee wrenches
    Ammo box decoys
    IFF manipulators
  11. YamiNoTenshi

    A tiny turret on top of MBTs that shoots down incoming lock-on missiles, overheats very fast and can only take out 1 missile at a time.
  12. Liewec123

    healing patriot flare gun! FOR SPACE MURICA! :D
    fireworks of freedom!
  13. Vixxing

    VS allready got those, they are called "flashlights!"
  14. DeathSparx

    For the EMP grenade, I'm pretty sure the effects are all seperate and integrated into the system already.

    As for scout radar, the infiltrator subforum has gone through this extensively about one of our basic tools being given to all the other classes for essentially free and better versions of it (which has been nerfed appropriately). Anyhow here is what I have to say about it, sure, it can be kind of difficult (not really) to find/locate infiltrators but once you do they are essentially boned if you are a different class. Other case: It is not that hard to spot a liberator, tank, esf, gal, or whatever vehicle has scout/prox radar but how easy is it to destroy them (especially if you are an infitrator w/o a terminal/turret nearby)? Most people will say it takes a good amount of work to take out a vehicle especially if the driver/pilot/gunners are any good at defending themselves from attack or just staying out of plain reach.

    My friend threw an emp grenade at an esf while it was in mid-flight and we watched as it helplessly took a nose dive (I don't know if this still works). Just get a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and stuff some emps in there to extend your range. +side is that uses mechanics that are already in the game. xD
  15. hansgrosse

    PK-74 AR Rockets.
  16. Takoita

    That's the first I hear of it. I mean, it is hard to believe that no one have tried to hit a ESF with a EMP grenade before. I think this calls for some SCIENCE!!!
  17. Lucidius134

  18. Lucidius134

    (Bad) Demonstration of the weapon i programmed, which the suggestion i posted in here is based off of

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  19. dreamcast87

    I suggest a type of melee weapon for the max to use instead of the silly looking b*tch slap

    # 1 VS Plasma Blade / Light Saber (pretty obvious for them)
    # 2 TR Predator Arm Blade that's a Chainsaw (fracking awesome)
    # 3 NC Impact Hammer similar to the one in Unreal Tournament (loved that thing)

    all these will have their own unique animation.
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  20. Regpuppy

    Well, that's actually a neat idea. But you'd have to make it some form of lock-on against rockets and you'd have to make sure rockets render. Also, oodles of support xp for rockets shot down or you'd have very sad gunners.