The Interesting Weapon Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Delnar_Ersike, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Posse

    I don't understand why we don't have this yet, I want to fly a Void Ray from SC2!
  2. Lucidius134

    Even just providing new fire-modes that arn't single/burst/auto.

    I've been suggesting for a long time having a fire mode for a TR specific weapon that is just full auto but fires two or more pellets per shot cycle with greatly reduced damage.

    I didn't really INVENT ORIGINAL IDEA DO NOT STEAL a fire mode but i've never really seen it implemented in other games either. When I designed and programed weapons in Second Life I made a fire mode that often trumped full auto without being too cheesy. I called it double fire.

    Basically, it replaced semi-auto on some long assault rifles or was used for pistols. It fired a shot when your mouse button went down and when you let go so one mouse click was 2 shots. It was semi-auto in terms of function but the fire rate trumped auto weapons in some cases. IT WAS FUN TO USE IDK. I'd love to have it on a burst fire variant of the standard faction weapons, maybe make it a TR unique thing.
  3. Delnar_Ersike

    A lot of you guys are forgetting the part where the weapon can only use systems that are already in the game. "Sleeping Gas" effect is not in the game EDIT: though a longer-length flashbang is a gray area. Remotely detonating rockets are EDIT: a gray area, as C4 mechanics may or may not only be applicable to things you can drop. Artificial Intelligence is definitely not in the game. Hit detection between projectiles is not in the game. Weapons that damage suit energy are not in the game. Stuff that instantly spawns multiple mines is not in the game. Projectiles that split up into multiple projectiles are not in the game.

    Stuff like AoE pistols, bullets/mines that apply existing grenade effects are perfectly fine. However, I'd like to see more people messing with things like ammo capacity, resource cost, firing arcs (mix of projectile velocity and drop).
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    Vanu Chaos Rifle: Charges for a random period of time and fires at the end of that charging period for damage proportional to the time charged.
  5. Delnar_Ersike

    Interesting, though I see absolutely no practical use for it. The only way to implement it would be to have a few charge levels and give the gun a chance to fire off at each charge level.
  6. Enchman

    Remotely detonated rockets would just be C4 shot out of a gun. Feasible.
  7. RHINO_Mk.II

    You said interesting, not practical.
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  8. Kracken

    Sure it is. Ever get hit with the white screen?!?! Make the concussion grenade black out the screen like it used to and last longer!
  9. Lucidius134

    Another idea, you remember how those photon bombs in some star treks were like, a laser with a ball passing through it in a pulse of energy.

    Make something like the Lancer/Vortex except instead of charging a projectile make it charging a beam. The beam is used as a path of pulses of energy which deal vehicle damage.

    Firing shoots a hitscan laser out. The laser does no damage or next to no damage (1 damage so they are aware of being targeted) on contact with an enemy. Each time the beam charges up a level it will make a huge pulse in energy that travels down the beam. To picture it in your head, just picture the audio cur for the lancer and the charge times all the same except at the start of each level of charge you are doing damage.
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  10. Delnar_Ersike

    I stand corrected, though I still think it's a bit of a gray zone. C4 is equipment you drop, like mines, ammo packs, MANA turrets, and squad beacons (though you can drop C4 and mines almost anywhere, unlike the other three), while rockets are projectiles you fire, and I don't know if PlanetSide 2's remote detonation mechanic could be applied to projectiles.
    Oh, that's what you meant. I thought you meant something that completely immobilizes people.
  11. Lucidius134

  12. Pikachu

    Vehicle weapon:
    Electrolaser, uses laser to somehow ionize a path in the air so it conducts electricity then shoot a strong current there which deals the damage as it connects with target. The current is strong enough to melt metal (think of welding). Semi-auto. The electric current may jump from target to nearby targets, including friendlies and the shooter. Be careful.
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  13. UberBonisseur

    Does it bounce on the ground after it touches a surface ?

    Like, a little ball of electricity...
  14. Delnar_Ersike

    So... like a semi-auto AV weapon that automatically jumps to the nearest player within x meters upon hitting a target? That would be my one-sentence version of your weapon. It's definitely doable with current game mechanics, but that might change if the optimization patches change the way players are tracked clientside.
    No problem with tooting your own horn, but TL,DR posts are precisely what I wanted to avoid. There are too many suggestion threads that delve so much into the small details that they dilute their unique idea. IMO, if you can say everything you need to about your idea in one sentence, you've distilled your idea to its core essence, which is much more interesting to read than long ramblings about stats and special cases.
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  15. Lucidius134

    I redacted it and just adjusted the ordering of the TL;DR. Sorry :p
  16. makrome

    Ammo specific nanite desintegrator, shooting similar to the sensor darts, when target gets hit his current clip vanishes and he has to reload. Most game mechanics are already there.
  17. Jellypig

    I'd like to see infiltrators being able to hack vehicles that would increase the respawn time on sunderers or disable the weapons terminal for a time. Being able to attach sensor darts to vehicles
  18. Delnar_Ersike

    The systems are there, but just like with weapons that remove suit power, I don't know if hit detection could allow for any effect that isn't available through grenade or weapon types (damage, slow movement / concussion, sensor, EMP, etc.).
    Sadly, switching vehicle ownership isn't currently doable, and neither is adjusting Sunderer spawn times. Force sharing access to a vehicle could work though, but the owner could simply despawn it and kill the infiltrator inside.
  19. Sossen

    An NC LMG with an underbarrel shotgun.
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  20. makrome

    or a shotgun with an underbarrel carbine :D
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