Does anyone think that HE rounds/Rocketpods were nerfed too much?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Mxiter

    As some people said, Rocketpods don't needs buffs. Learn to aim: it's already an EZ mode against infantries and strong against vehicles.

    Maybe the HE turrets reload nerfs could be reverted on MBTs and could the vanny get an advantage with a slight larger splash to compensate its slower reload.
    Nerfing both reload and splash size was certainly a bit too strong.
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  2. Ghosty11

    The HE reload speed nerf should be reverted, lolpods don't need any changes as they are fine as is.
  3. Cinnamon

    A prowler with max lockdown can spam HE quite well still even with the old reload nerf still in place although the other HE are just not useful compared to HEAT now. I used to use lightening HE but now both HEAT and especially Viper are just superior for killing infantry.

    As for rocket pods I don't know in terms of being an anti vehicle weapon. With the test server weapons the mass drivers just seem superior with their ability to add fast damage in between sustained nose gun firing. I think Mass Drivers are too good for a2g even.

    Really I would just like rocket pods to be removed from the game. Maybe they could buff splash a little for reaver and scythe only then make it so you only ever get one quarter xp for rocket pod kills. Eh.
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  4. Tragachinos

    HE/lolpods are fine where they are. If anything, HEAT should be less effective against infantry.
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  5. Pikachu

    I try to make use of HE with my vanguard but HEAT is always better. The only practical advantage of HE is that you can hurt infantry on 2nd floor in the spawn building by shooting at the roof from underneath. HEAT shells don't have enough radius for the damage to reach from the roof down to the floor.

    Here's the difference in splash damage for vanguard HE and HEAT.

    I think HE shells should have their inner blast radius buffed by 80-100% and reload speed and velocity be the same as HEAT.

    I think rocket poddies should have less ammo with more damage, 50%.
  6. UberBonisseur

    Or they could just drop bombs at full speed when diving instead of hovering in a static position for 3 seconds to unload rocket pods.

    I come from BF2, and never again I want to see jetwhores.
  7. Aegie

    Just because there may be less infantry now than when the game released does not mean farming infantry is not viable- farming is by definition viable. Anything that allows you to farm anything is always viable.

    For me, it sounds like you are saying "well, the podder/HE spammer will only net 10 kills with this pass now whereas they used to be able to get more like 30". Of course, there are only 10 infantry there so yeah they can only get the 10 kills and that is fewer but you're still farming infantry and that is bad.

    Rare for splash damage to kill anyone? Do you spend much time as infantry? Rarely take direct hits and usually die to the splash after a couple of rounds. Now, if you are saying it is rare to OHK with splash then I say "good, it should be". Why? Well, for starters the person has not actually even hit the target so why should they be rewarded with a OHK. Making the podder or armor dump a few extra rounds for the kill when they are in a vehicle more powerful than the target they are shooting seems like the only fair thing to do. Most times, if that infantry is an actual threat (a HA playing RL peek-a-boo, an Engineer trying to setup a turret, or a LA trying to rush in for a hug) you will have plenty of opportunities to take them out and unless you are seriously outnumbered you will probably do so just fine.

    You specifically want splash increased and this is what is going to undermine the popularity of this post. Splash is, by definition, not skill- it is the crutch you get with high powered explosives when you cannot aim. In my experience, the weapons we are talking about are not terribly inaccurate even at fairly long distance so why would need to increase the size of the crutch these weapons have? Moreover, the only difference this would make for these weapons is the ability to farm infantry- not kill, because it is still easy to kill a target that you single out, but farm a whole group of infantry when you hold LMB and point in the area where they are congregating.

    TLDR: I realize that HE (high explosive) rounds are intended for AI and I do think they should do and do do this role better than AP. You may be right that HE and HEAT are too similar such that most will tend to favor HEAT over HE and perhaps they can look into this. Still, I think there should more incentives for vehicles to focus primarily on vehicles and infantry to focus primarily on infantry and less incentives for vehicles to target (and especially to farm) infantry or infantry to target (and mass spam) vehicles.
  8. Delnar_Ersike

    Is that really the only difference between HEAT and HE? HE has higher AoE, has the same (EDIT: lower) direct damage, but has less armor piercing capability? Well, that's kind of stupid IMO, this means HE is only for people who can't aim or who want to farm giant clumps of infantry that are too large for the HEAT to cover completely (an extreme rarity these days)... HE should be more of a suppression weapon, like a Lancer for tanks.
  9. Pikachu

    The graph is for indirect damage. HE has 75% damage of a HEAT.
  10. Pikachu

    Tell more.
  11. Delnar_Ersike

    That's even worse.
  12. Deschain

    Considering in reality a 105 HE round as a 30m kill radius, i'd say yes HE was nerfed far too much. :p.

    Quote taken from Vietnam artillery statistics
    Typical kill radius was 30 meters for a 105mm or 4.2inch round, 50 meters for a 155mm and 80 meters for an 8inch round.
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  13. Aegie


    I would say nerf the blast radius on HEAT just a little (a really little) and maybe buff the splash on HE a little (a really little).

    I just have a really bad opinion of splash damage though unless it is weak enough to be only a nuisance (think lasher) because otherwise it is just an easy, bad aim no problem, farming tool.

    IMO, unless you provide a lot of motivation, players will tend to favor the options that net the most kills- since infantry are more plentiful and softer than vehicles this means most players will tend to favor the options that are best at farming infantry and things can get out of hand very quickly.

    I mean, think of how close we are, values wise, to going back where we were last November-December. A little buff to splash here, a tad more damage there and KABLAMMO- the revenge of lolpods. No joke, if the game ever plays like it did back then I will not stick it out like I did and keep trying to convince my friends to play (most of them logged on and quickly lost interest back then and will not take a second look now) I will uninstall immediately and try to never look back.
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  14. Scorponok

    lolpods and tank shells are just fine...why the heck would you increase the splash more...wouldnt be anyone left to fight on the battlefield...
  15. GamerOS

    Good point tough, if you ask me they should have never combined Air Superiority Fighters and Ground Attack Craft into the same hull.
    I suggested a split before but nobody wanted to listen, luckily the Air in PS2 is not as blatently broken as the air in BF2 and BF3, at least here AA works and ESFs TTK against AA isn't lower then the AAs TTK against Air.

    Air deterrent they want, seriously, some of these ESF pilots want WW1 era AA, WW2 era dog fighting and Modern era Ground attack weapons.
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  16. Aegie

    Yeah, but cockpits were a lot more vulnerable to small arms fire, generally 1 well placed bullet from just about any range (particularly a rifle round) will take you out of the fight completely or simply end your life, oh and 1 RPG will devastate an aircraft.

    I mean, sure, we could go that route but I have a feeling that tankers would be less happy with 30m splash if it took 1-2 direct hits with a RL to permanently disable/destroy them.
  17. Klondik3

    Since I can fly ESFs and have HE unlocked I wouldn't mind those weapons buffed. But at the same time as infantry player I understand how annoying rocket pods can be. HE on the other hand feels somewhat lacking considering how rarely it is used so I guess it could get a slight buff.

    However, majority of players prefer to play as infantry so I don't think that buffing HE and rocket pods would be welcome change overall.
  18. UberBonisseur

  19. Klondik3

    Well I wouldn't mind WW1 era ground attack if the same would apply for AA. Except I'd like to throw C4 outta my cockpit instead of grenades.
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  20. Takara

    Negatory....99% of every map is accessible or able to be hit by tanks. The game already suffers from a lack of infantry vs infantry fights already. Vehicles have enough of an advantage in this game already. They don't need a larger radius or faster reload time. It will just break the whole thing. 10 square foot wide spawn buildings with 100 people locked inside because they are camped by 3 or 4 HE guns outside....does this really sound like HE weapons need any help?
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