Briggs NC pick up your game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigIronRanger, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. Joe_da_cro

    most people would associate bigironranger as a kill farmer than a team player. but its not a negative. as long as he has fun that's the main thing and its always good to have good players playing. the only reason i bit into this thread was because how he singled out his whole faction just because they are not there on the leaderboards.

    I left NC because it seems per capita the NC have the most farmers (people worried about kills, k/d, certs). and in your post you have agreed to that statement. If more NC outfits followed something similar to AG7 with their own tweaks to the formula there would be better fights on briggs. Im not saying the other NC outfits are bad. its just AG7 stand at a clear first place for most organisation and quality in battles. now im sure if you looked up the stats of most of the AG7 players they are above average to average players when compared to bigironranger and some other players on NC.

    lastly with enough time cant anyone reach a good spot in the leaderboards???
  2. SafetyDance


    No it doesn't. Try not to sound like the child you are, at least, and put up some sort of valid argument. If you've gained ground and established a perimeter someone mining your sunderer is a non-factor. Furthermore gaining ground means clearing an area of hostiles. Guess what: That makes some dude mining your sunderer a non-factor.

    'Wawawa, I'm infantry and I DO matter besides creating the necessary environment for everyone else to win a fight! :('
  3. UNSCSpartan051

    Oh, you're such a pro player with an intimate understanding of the game! And on top of that, you're doing the internet tough guy routine to a 14 year old kid! I've seen 10 year olds more mature than you. Are you insecure or something? Needing to assert your 'dominance' over the internet by pointing out other people's ages. I've probably achieved and did more than you ever did, knowing that you'd be sitting in a learning center for 'special' children when you were my age. GROW THE FU*K UP.
  4. SafetyDance

    I don't live with my parents anymore. And more importantly: I don't throw a fit over nothing and claim that someone tries to 'assert dominance' over me when all he does is argue.

    top lel
  5. UNSCSpartan051

    So do I.
  6. SafetyDance

    Did they die or were you adopted? No, I don't actually care. Now get back to the argument you're so desperately trying to avoid and tell everyone how exactly dedicatedly killing infantry wins nc a continent.

    Isn't it very common to complain about infiltrators sitting back and sniping? They accomplish exactly the same thing.
  7. XinniX

    To be real honest Iron ranger, most forum posts always has a slight lean of eliteisum in it no matter what you post. By gods man, if you dont think NC is pulling there god dam weight look at the VS, they have nothing these days as Troll ruined ther faction. If this is your problem which you like to brag about why stick around? Hell TR is the flavour of the month, go cry over there, So you aleast have something relevant to cry about.
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  8. UNSCSpartan051

    Nah man, BIR is in the thick of things mostly as engi. Got a few repairs and ammo from him. Infantry Killing is important as that dude you killed just now may have c4ed youre sundy or repaired the SCU. Killing is intergral part of this game. Anyways, peace out, have to wake up at 5 for school tommorrow.
  9. SafetyDance

    Do you want me to copy+paste my post in which I addressed this, or can you scroll up to it yourself?
    I'm also not interested in talking about player XY at all. I understand that this is hard to comprehend for a young mind like yours but in the optimal rational argument there are no people, only sentiments.
  10. MykeMichail

    People assume BigIronRanger is a 'kill farmer' because he's high on the killboards and frequently gets on the daily top 10. But that couldn't be further from the truth. He actually impacts battles. He's generally one of the first people I see on the point (unless he's playing infiltrator, in which case I don't see him at all cause he's a ninja).
  11. TheFullCologne

    could be worse.. we could be Briggs VS. currently 'worst' faction on all servers.. if we are to go by wds..
  12. Serval

  13. TheFullCologne

  14. EnviousCipher

    From what i've seen, being on the receiving end and on the same team, BIR does actually try to get **** done when your pubs are running around like headless chooks.

    He always shows up in key locations to help turn around a TR push. Or hes hunting Bladams specifically....
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  15. CAMIKAZE78

    Hey all

    So here is my stance on the situation. Personally, from the view of a long term NC player and a squad leader of AG7 I believe that the NC has been through its ups and downs. There are however, some factors that need to be addressed asap and when they are it will make things a hell of a lot easier.

    1) The ******** and arguing: Honestly, there is a perfect example before my post here. We as a faction need to quit the arguing over the stupidest things! Who cares about age, or SPM or KDR, we all should be working as a team to achieve something greater. The first thing to do as a faction to make any progress is to get along with as many people as we can, and if you do have a problem with a person either:
    A) Try to defuse the angst with one another
    or B) Simply save your angst for moments that wont be detrimental to the NC on a larger scale, in other words, save your arguing for PM or the forums.

    2) The command chat: The individuals whom have the power to use the command chat need to be using it in a civil and helpful manner. A few nights ago (not going to name name's here) someone leading a NC squad was narrating the moves of his individual and squad movements. This is something that is NOT required at all as it clogs up the comms and makes it harder for proper messages to come through. And for those who do have access to leadership channel and are known for using it responsibly, hop on it more! There have been times when I or an AG7 leader have tried to hail in reinforcements to a location of great importance (especially in alerts but more detail on that in a sec) and no one has been on the horn. I understand that there are times when leaders are busy with the squad/platoon but at least check and reply with "One second" or something.

    3) Alert Participation: Now this very closely relates to the command chat and it is something which has been hurting the NC morale greatly. Every time an alert pops up AG7 will often ask other NC outfits whom will be participating and we will receive a few responses from other outfits/squads. Yet we wont have any reinforcements till about 30mins-1hour into the alert. This allows for opposing pop to build (also influencing fourth factioning) and therefor simply outnumbering us, as emphasised before in this thread, AG7 cant be everywhere. Now I understand that people playing on their NC alt will want to switch to their main for an alert. I get that and I would do the same. But if you are a main NC then don't switch just because someone has a tad higher territory or population percentage on the continent. If we had all NC that would fight on Indar come to an alert then we would be able to provide a much nicer fight. So if you are a solo player and an alert comes on, take these few steps before proceeding to the easy fourth faction decision.
    A) Join up with an outfit squad/platoon, tag along and follow orders. It can be great fun as well as satisfying.
    B) Run solo but position yourself to where you are needed most

    A few nights ago, the NC on Briggs incorporated the majority if not all of these factors and we won an alert on Esamir. It was great fun for both us and I believe I can confidently say our enemies as well as from personal experience I find it a more enjoyable experience to have a fair engagement.

    To conclude, the NC is indeed improving at a gradual rate, we just need to implement these factors correctly and BAM! We can become even further dangerous to our enemies.

    • Up x 2
  16. PeanutMF

    Not sure if serious... because I'm certain Rougey wasn't when he made that post.

    Edit: I just read the PS Aus shoutbox, you are forgiven. I shall let you live this time.
  17. Brayton

    **** THIS. We kick *** when we organize!
  18. ronjahn

    Seems like there's a lot of animosity from the NC towards you BigIronRanger.

    I'd say they are ungrateful.

    Consider creating an NC alt on Waterson, we will happily take on a skilled player who get stuff done. We need all the skilled players we can get over here and I for one will not hate on a killing machine.

    Lol how can anyone argue that being the leading killer/leading scorer is not helping your faction? Common sense fail.
  19. HooWoo

    I know that, it resets at 7:00pm my time and I played 3 hours out of the 4 I could've played at the max.
  20. HooWoo

    Yeah I was quite surprised when NC won that alert, for once we didn't have a pop advantage! haha.