I like the NC MAX

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Sep 15, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    There i said it

    I trialed a grinder and i loved it
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  2. Pikachu

    Will you lose your hate now? :)
  3. KenDelta

    I love the ravens , not as much as fractures but they're still good.
  4. Regpuppy

    Oh I'm ok with our NC maxes and their weapons. I'm just not a fan on the heavy reliance we have on extended magazines when it comes to fighting other maxes or killing a decent amount of infantry in one mag, like every other max, within our limited range. The grinder is very nearly the one exception to this, since it's whole point is bigger magazine size than the others.
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  5. Epic High Five

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  6. Axehilt

    Their firing mechanism has an awful design of conflicting aiming priorities: Slow enough projectiles that you want to lead shots, but wire-guided so you want to look directly at what you're shooting at.

    Are they effective in spite of that poor design? Sure, but I'd love to see them redesigned to avoid the conflict. Basically you can either have a multi-shot clip where you lead every shot (Fracture) or you can have wire-guidance (Engy AV Turret) but combining them both (Falcon) is a poor design due to the conflicting nature of where you need to aim.

    As for AI I feel like NC deserve a medium-range regular-magazine-capacity AI MAX weapon like the other empires. Basically an automatic railgun mounted on a MAX which functions fairly similar (but probably higher damage per shot) to Quasar/HeavyCycler variants.

    Similarly I feel like other empires deserve their own takes on "double DPS but half magazine capacity and limited range" MAX weapons. It's a fun playstyle and an interesting tradeoff, and there's no reason the other empires can't share the fun. Whether they're shotgun-style weapons or not doesn't matter as much, but aesthetically it probably makes more sense for them to be shotguns than anything else (Heavy Cycler accuracy at range is silly enough looking, and we're talking about a weapon which would do even worse at medium range than those.)
  7. Lucidius134

    i really hate using the scatmax i'm so bad at it

  8. GamerOS

    My only annoyance is that the MAX lacks killing power at med range and has no ability to do suppressive/covering fire at med to long range...
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  9. Bill Hicks

    I like NC maxes too

    I like how I can move 5m and completely nullify their dps
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  10. ComradeHavoc

    I like our Maxes because it requires a bit of skill, and thought. Every shell counts, and you have to know when it's safe to reload....
  11. Sagabyte

    Meanwhile at the VS and TR cert grinding facilities...
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  12. Liewec123

    i "like" our max, its just so far behind the other 2 that its ridiculous,
    if you end up in a max against max you better pray you have extended mags or its nigh impossible to kill them (i think all shots must be headshots, and if they have KA5 it IS impossible),
    if you've coughed up the 1000 certs for extended mags then you still need to land every single shot to kill your target due to our tiny magazines and hilarious reload times while the other max can just keep on spraying.

    and lets not get started on ZoE maxes...

    so yeah, i "like" our max, just not compared to TR/VS ;)
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  13. phreec

    I like them too. They're so ridiculously limited in use and so situational that it's a no-brainer for me to spend my infantry resources on C4 instead. Thank you based Higby!
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  14. ComradeHavoc

    I dumped a good 3k certs into my NC max. I have extended mags for dual scatters, and kinetic 5, and Aegis shield 4. And yet I often get killed in biolabs by a Br 15 with a VS max with dual Cosmics and Zoe. Either all 10 shots doesn't kill it, and it continues to do damage to me while Aegis does nothing. Or I find a damaged one, then it uses fairy mode to run off. The frustration, when I'm reloading and a BR 3 runs in the room... stares at me, shoots me with a rocket then runs off.....
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  15. Sagabyte

    Did you try using it at 15m ranges? 10m ranges? Any effectiveness?
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    I want a suit slot item that increases maximum health by 50%, disallows the use of primary and secondary weapons, increases the movespeed with Aegis Shield up by 100%, and allows you to wield a massive hammer with your non-shield arm for melee combat.
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  17. Ronin Oni

    You can either dash away for reload or better Aegis shield and reload...

    Usually not hard.
  18. HerpTheDerp

    I like the sound books make when you close them.
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  19. Kunavi

    ZOE > All other MAX..
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  20. Liewec123

    i'd give anything for ammo pools like the other 2 maxes, its not fair that in a max on max we're the only ones who need to land every single shot or die while the other 2 can spray away missing with half of their bullets.