Why we shouldn't nerf strong items

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    Because every single faction has been effected from this
    I'm thinking about the game here, not a certain faction
  2. LT_Latency

    And they always will be because people will always see different as being better. If a weapon is good people want to be able to use it.

    What is the big deal if someone uses a gun with the same stats as yours?? Someone would just pick the gun up of the ground if they liked it and used it.
  3. IamDH

    It becomes a dull game
    Imagine everyone just using a prowler 24/7 or everyone using a striker/ZOE
    It ruins the game and the whole concept of having 3 different factions
  4. Masterofm

    I'd have more fun? It doesn't have to do with them being powerful, it has to do with the fact that it's too powerful. It's really the only option you should be using. So therefore unless everything else is buffed to that level then what's the point?

    You either bring it down or bring everything else up. Guess which one is easier.
  5. LT_Latency

    Not really now you have more options. You could combine different units to be used in different ways.

    You could use a vanguard on point while people in VS TANK try to flank stuff and the powerless pwns the infantry .

    I can't see how my enjoyment of the game is going to go down because a VS has a gun with TR stats
  6. IamDH

    Guess which one is better.
    I'd rather get a Vortex buff than see the Raven nerfed (if i was VS for instance)

    In the case its too powerful then i'd prefer a nerf that doesnt bring it to uselessness
  7. Masterofm

    Guess which one you are more likely to see? Buffing 30+ faction specific guns/weapons, or nerfing 1-2.

    Depends what you define as uselessness. There are times where you nerf something to the point where it's useless (see zepher over dalton) and there are times where a nerf puts it on a more level playing field. It means it's not the "go to" thing for everything (see C4 over anything else) but it does give you options.
  8. IamDH

    If its only 1-2 guns then only 1-2 guns should be buffed idk where you got 30+ from.
    Empire Specific Weapons are nowhere near 30+

    The first one
  9. Masterofm

    Take infantry weapons. Cycler, Gauss, Orion. All very different in how they behave. There are tons of infantry weapons, but most of the shotguns are the same. However it's not just one thing. It's never just one thing. But for what you listed 5 skills/weapons. 1 skill on one empire means you would need to augment the empire specific skills and the non-empire specific skills to make it more balanced. With those 5 skills/weapons you would need to buff 30+ skills or weapons.

    Which is easier and which creates the most fun for everyone. Just you might love it doesn't mean that everyone else hates it for what it can do. Not everyone spends station cash or has a high enough BR. Should those problematic weapons chase away the new people?
  10. LivesInNameOnly

    having skill iz 2 hard guis
  11. Chipay

    Or do like SOE did on PTS.

    -Reduce Raven and Fracture damage to a point where they're decent enough versus infantry
    -buff Vortex to be at the same point as the Fracture and Raven.

    Now Fractures and Ravens aren't OP (seeing their intended role) versus infantry and Vortex no longer slacks behind.
  12. RasFW

    I just want you to know the guy in your sig is dancing to the music on my Pandora station. This is infinitely entertaining.
    • Up x 1
  13. Notih8Darian

    omg u r le super master trole hahah ur so funny XD
  14. IamDH

    Yeah that would be nice
    Im referring to the things mentioned in my post. I didnt mention infantry weapons at all
  15. teks

    I imagined the VS without saron, and realized its reality. The halberd is only 25m/s slower then it.

    Saron went from best to mediorce.

    So VS got an arguably powerful ability (that has been nerfed over and over) and we should just be happy with our nerfed everything else.

    No thanks.
  16. GhostAvatar

    God shield for the Vanguard for starters.
  17. Masterofm

    It used to snipe tanks and blow them up from 750+ meters away with instant hit accuracy. It was pretty beast back in the beta.
  18. GamerOS

    Yeah, because the ability that gives you the highest DPS weapon in the game with amazing bullet velocity that you can use at anytime is completely useless comparatively speaking.

    Seriously, just fix the damn bug that allows for 2 activations in a row and it's fine.
  19. BulletDragon

    holy cow, and I thought that dude was cheating when I engaged a TR-MBT today just like this turning everyone to shreds from 200m.... o_O'' so how many certs does one have to spend to reach this? because you can't see THAT many certed out Prowlers like this. yet.
  20. Kanil

    Barring some silly weapons like the Striker (double Annihilator damage!), I generally agree that we shouldn't nerf things. It's better to buff stuff up to good than turn good into mediocre.

    I am butt hurt about the Marauder though. NC was "graced" with having our Enforcer redesigned to be less like the Halberd (and a lot crappier in the process) but TR gets to keep their upgraded Fury.

    As much as I'd like to laugh at the TR for having to suffer with their own redesigned weapon, I'd really be happier off if they left the Marauder alone and gave me back my old Enforcer.
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